《Saradas twin》Haruno


I felt a burning sensation in my head as I grabbed it with my hand. My eyes fluttered open to be blinded by white lights.

Sitting up I looked around the room realising I was in a hospital. That's strange I don't remember being here, I analysed my surroundings a little more and spotted my bag and katana beside my bed.

Wasn't I in a cave just a few seconds ago, I remember there was something falling on top of us, it was massive.

And then I did a jutsu with metal a- hold on where's metal!

I remember everything now but where is he, my body's aching and I can barely move a muscle let alone stand up.

Although I can detect his chakra, he's on the other side of this wall, probably in another hospital room I expect.

I wonder what time it is in Konoha like as in our time, has anything happened to them, sigh* Boruto I'm sorry but I had to do this.

How am I gonna get to the door? As of on cue someone opened it and walked in.

I recognised them straight away, the all too familiar blonde hair, womanly figure if ya know then ya know and is very hot headed, the one and only lady Tsunade. At least I have an idea of what point of time we're in

"Hey kid I'm glad you're awake, are you feeling okay?" She spoke taking a seat next to my bed.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks" I said in a bored tone as if I wanted to be anywhere but here which was true.

"Well I hate to have to ask you things so suddenly but do you mind explaining why we found you and your friend passed out in a forest, and also it seems you had severe chakra depletion." She questioned, how annoying id only just woken up.

"That's sounds about right" I could tell she wasn't completely pleased with my answer as I hadn't given her the answer to her first question

She gave me a look of concern and patience which surprised me, after all she is known for having a bad temper.

"I might as well introduce myself I'm-"

I cut her of mid sentence to say "Tsunade the fourth hokage, my name is y/n and over here it says I'm a shinobi from the leaf village" I coldly said pointing to my leaf village headband on my thigh.

"I see, may I ask for your surname" I don't really like to lie so I might as well say the truth, well half of it anyway.

"It's haruno" I looked her in the eye while saying that, not even showing a hint of any emotion.

She waited a few seconds before replying.

"So I take it you know Sakura, she's a haruno as well" tsunade assumed while I only gave her a nod. Although I can see she's suspicious by the way she looks at me

"Do you have any parents that I could call? Or shall I just go and get Sakura"

"No im quite alright" I remarked, I don't want them to find out who I am just yet that would cause too much trouble.


"Your friend has woken up now if you'd like to see him" she suggested and once again I gave her a nod.

She warned me that it'll be hard to walk at first but I'll get used to it. We made our way to the other hospital room and before we went in I sensed another chakra, hesitating I opened the door revealing a black haired boy and a pinkette.

She looks a lot younger well of course she does, by the looks of it she's around 15-16. She really does look different I wonder if her personality is the same.

"Y/n as I'm sure you would know that this is Sakura, Sakura this is y/n haruno" tsunade spoke clearly.

"Haruno? That's weird I've never seen you before" she said confused with the unknown figure before her.

" distant cousins " I quickly replied, I'll just have to go with that " something like that anyway, it's nice to meet you"

Sakura had a look of doubt on her face despit my words she doesn't seem convinced as I don't look like the average haruno cause of the black eyes and hair.

"Yeah it's nice to meet you too" with a smile on her face she moved aside so I could go to metal.

"What's his name" they asked

"It's metal, just metal" knowing he was awake I said it anyway hoping he'd get the hint, he looked confused but didn't say anything to my relief. I know it would be too suspicious for both of us to have no surname and it would be sus if I took to long deciding a surname for him.

"He looks a lot like someone I know by the name of rock Lee, you also look a lot similar to Sakura among the facial features, must be a Haruno thing" Tsunade said the last part a little louder, what does she think I'm deaf. Either way she's onto us and we'd only just woken up.

"Well that's enough questions for today you're both free to leave, although I'd like you back at my office tomorrow" with that the both of them left but Sakura seemed to have hesitated to leave, giving one last look she left. So I guess there assuming we have a home but obviously we don't.

"Y/n why did you lie!" Metal shouted in a whisper, I put my finger on my lip as a sign to be quieter.

"Listen cause I'm not gonna say this twice, before the roof of the village could collapse on us I used a jutsu remember, and i didn't have much time to look through all of them so I picked a random one, it just so happened to be a time travel jutsu. The good news is we're alive but the bad news is that I have no clue how to get back, it didn't say on the scroll how" I explained, he seemed to have gone in a small daze but soon snapped out of it.

"EHHH! S-s-so your t-telling me we-we TIME TRAVELED" he panicked, I bonked him on the head for being to loud as he immediately shut up.

"Don't be too loud, we're going to leave the hospital and whatever you do try not to draw attention, we shouldn't be here so we can't mess up time, try not to tell anyone who we are okay" I spoke a little softer and to my surprise he dealt with my answer responsibly and nodded.


I helped him off the bed and made our way out of the hospital quickly, now I need to figure out where we're going to stay for the night. A hotel should be fine.

As we were passing by a few houses seeing an average hotel in the distance something caught my eye as well as metals, all of a sudden we were grinning like idiots.

"Hot springs" we both said at the same time, I mean it's perfect, a place to stay in and a relaxing Bath what's more to have plus there's amazing food as well.

"Ya know we deserve to go to the hot springs after all we've gone through dont you think metal"

"I agree with you, after fighting our way through the ground and using so much muscle strength to climb and destroy those boulders" he over exaggerated as he put his hand to his forehead.

"I challenge you to a race! 3 2 1 GO!" He shouted getting a head start

"Hey no fair!" I ran close behind him as we raced our way to the hot springs, completely forgetting about drawing attention and that we were in a different time zone.

It's been 2 weeks and we still haven't seen or found any trace of them.

Y/n don't you dare have given up on me, why did you go into the cave with the risk of not coming out. What was so important that you had to risk your life.

So much had happened in the past 2 weeks, this kawaki boy had appeared out of no where and is now living in our house!

I activated my jougan thing, kawaki had it as well but man he pisses me off, he even broke himas vase and it didn't look like he gave a shit.

Everyone is non stop looking for y/n and metal as Sasuke said there alive but doesn't know where they are.

I just want her back in my arms, I need to know she's safe.

I wonder what she's doing now, she could be in danger for all I know!

Ahhhhhhhh nothings better than relaxing in the hot springs, I haven't been to one in forever.

"This is amazing y/n!" Metal shouted from over the fence since he's in the male side of the hot springs.

"I know right" I closed my eyes and thought for a second. How am I supposed to get us back but either way I will no matter what.

Tonight I can take the time to read the scrolls about kaguya and the KARA organisation. I'll finally have my answers and when I do I'll be able to give an answer, will I join KARA or not.

I have a feeling I will but it depends on what I find in the scroll. Who knows anything could happen.

What will they all think of me, would they hate me. I'm doing this for everyone not just myself, I'll always put them before me.

Well it's time to get out then, I wrapped my towel around me and walked out, unfortunately passing what seems to be Sakura and her friends. Her eyes widened while mine stayed as stoic as ever.

After getting changed I made my way to our hotel room and seeing that metal was already there.

"Let's order food, then we can devise a plan to get us the hell out of here" I confidently said

The food finally arrived and it was like a buffet! Lots of different variety's of food from all over the world.

"Tonight I'll look through my scrolls and see if I can find a way back but for now don't tell anyone who we are, remember to address me as y/n haruno instead of uchiha, is that ok?" She spoke in a polite tone, now that I get to know her more she's not all that bad.

"I am very sorry for what happened to you years ago, just know you're a very strong person and I'm looking forward to getting stronger with you by our side" I looked up at her to see her with mixed emotions as if she's sad but happy at the same time.

"T-thanks metal" SHE JUST STUTTERED, I never thought this day would come!

Finished up our food we were about to go to sleep that is until someone was rapidly knocking on our door.

"Leaf jounin open up!" We heard a strong voice from behind the door, I got a little scared but got into a fighting stance but I felt someone grab my wrist and run into the other room

Bang!* u heard footsteps running around that's until they were about to come into this room so I took one last look at y/n and she looked as calm as ever!

I slammed open the last door to see an empty room, it was as if no one was here, not even a chakra trace.

I definitely sensed their chakra a few seconds ago but..... wait the window is wide open, they must've escaped

"Quickly out the window! They couldn't have gotten far!" I commanded as the others rushed out the window. "They were here but they must've left last second" I spoke to the pink haired woman.

"I understand, thank you anyway" I thanked the man before he left to search with the others.

How did they escape so quickly, it's not possible they could have gotten this far.

"Are you sure you got the right people, I mean like you said before they were just a couple of young teenagers" ino questioned from behind me.

"Yeah I know it's just that girl, it's something about her.... oh I don't know" I exhaled, maybe I'm being delusional.

I dragged myself to the door but as I took another step I heard a creak from the floorboard. "Huh?"

I must be imagining things, right. I reached down but before I could touch it I heard the girls calling me.

"Hey billboard brow you coming!" Grrrrr I hate ino pig sometimes.

Anyway it was probably nothing. I know for a fact that y/n girl wasn't telling the complete truth, who are they?


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