《Saradas twin》Doukutsugakure part 2
Cough cough cough* bloody hell I can barely breath, I got through the door tho.
The air is so thick I'm not sure how long I can stay conscious, I've been down here for hours. I've used a good portion of chakra on healing myself and by concentrating a part of my chakra onto my throat I could breathe a little easier.
I looked in front of me and realised how big the room I'm in really is. There's a bunch of secret and forbidden scrolls, unknown jutsus, poisons, antidotes and so much more. And another door which is filling me with unwanted curiosity.
Thankfully I brung 3 scrolls so I can put some stuff in there rather than carrying everything. I took a bit of everything here but of course I'm not able to bring all of it.
These are cool but there not what I'm looking for, why can't I find anything here. I've been searching everywhere, where could it be.
After a while something caught my eye, it was two scrolls but it was incased in a glass box and for some reason it was stuck into the wall.
I wiped the dust from it a bit so I could see it more clearly revealing a couple of names, I think it says KARA and the other otskuuki kagyya, who's that.
I took a closer look and that's when I realised it said otsutsuki kaguya. This was definitely worth the trouble, why does doukutsugakure even have these?
But I have a feeling it won't end well if I pull out the box so I'll have to put the glass container into my scrolls.
I did a few hand sighs and the box was transferred into the scroll and I quickly put in my bag.
Oh nothing is happening so I gue-ahh. The heck, the whole ground was shaking. I didn't think it would be that bad, the whole village is going to be buried with me in it if I don't get out but there's one more thing I want to look at, I want to know what's behind that door.
As the ground was crumbling fast, I quickly went over to the door but of course it's locked. I'll have to bust it open then.
I was about to punch it but a bunch of flies went in my face as I swatted them away but then a load of them were forming.....words?
Huh, it's a whole sentence. It says that shino and the others are going to get me out and Mitsuki has entered the cave. Oh ok WAIT WHAT! SHIT!
A very loud crash could be heard from inside the cave as you could see it all collapsing. The people outside realised this and began to get extremely worried.
Shino: Sakura she's got the message!
Sakura: good! Hinata What is she doing now!
Hinata: there's a door but I think she's contemplating whether she should turn around or not, must be something important.
Sakura: shino how about Mitsuki!
Shino: he's okay, not to injured but he's having struggle breathing.
Sakura: damn it! I hate to do this but get him to turn around!
Boruto: but y/n!
Shikadai: we can't leave her!
Sakura: yes I know but if Mitsuki doesn't get out he could die. Sigh*
Shino: okay I'm telling Mitsuki to turn around.
Sakura: wait! Hold on let him try for another 5 minutes and then he can turn around.
Shino: alright 5 minutes then
Konohamaru: Sakura....
Sakura: I know, I have another idea but it's dangerous.
Konohamaru: anything to get them out of the cave.
Sakura: Shikadai I want to send you 50 meters into the cave but you'll have 5 of Borutos shadow clones to help you as well as metal, is that okay with you two.
Metal: anything to save my comrade! By using my taijutsu I can penetrate the rocks that come towards us
Shikadai: that's a good idea, I can use my shadow possession jutsu to hold up any rocks or if one of them inside the cave were unconscious I can get them out
Sakura: exactly but don't go any further than 50 meters, Boruto can you make some clones
Boruto: I'm already on it dattebasa!
5 Clones of Boruto appeared right beside Shikadai and metal as they prepared themselves to go into the cave.
Konohamaru: the same rule as Mitsuki applies to you, now go before we change our mind.
Metal: hai! Let's go!
And soon they were no longer in our range of sight as they went into the depths of the cave
Sakura: Shino can you send a message to the leaf village and update them on our situation.
Shino: of course
Sakura: Hinata how is Mitsuki.
Hinata: he's almost gotten to y/n
'Come on mitsuki I know you can do it, we believe in you' they all thought
I guess I'll never know what's behind that door. Stupid Mitsuki is gonna get himself killed, how did they even find me.
I sprinted to the door I originally came through but then I realised I let the rocks and ground fall in front of it so I could get into this room. I can't get out, I'm stuck.
I should've thought this through. I wasn't expecting myself to be this deep underground. Damn I can't breath, I don't want to use any more chakra. No way this is the end
I'm almost there, hang in there y/n.
I slithered through what looks like a former hokage tower but couldn't find her until I saw these stairs that led even further underground.
I quickly went down it not expecting it to be so far down, once I arrived to the bottom I saw ground and large rocks blocking a door and i can detect y/ns chakra.
"Y/n!" I shouted no longer able to maintain my snake form.
"Mitsuki get out of here! I'll find my way out" she replied as I had already began picking up the stones.
"Y/n what's happening in there?!" I said
"This whole place is going to collapse. cough* cough*" I can't lose her, she's my best friend, my first friend.
"I have an idea but you have to stay back!" I said as She obeyed and stood back. I used a part of my chakra to explode the parts that were blocking the door.
She came running out grabbing my hand as we both sprinted up the stairs and out the building.
There's no way we can get back up to the tunnel, the village is to far down and I've almost ran out of chakra.
A Boulder fell from above as we barely got out of the way in time.
"Are you okay" she asked loud enough I could hear. I nodded and we made sure that we stick together from now on.
Without realising another 3 boulders were coming our way so I pushed her out of the way but I wasn't able to save myself.
"MITSUKI NOOO!" That's the last thing I heard before it all went black.
"Did you guys hear that? It sounded like y/n" metal said from in front of us as he kicked the broke the rocks in our path.
"We did" a boruto clone said as I agreed.
"That was definitely her but in the next 10 meters that'll be our limit" I said, I pray those two are alright, they've got to be.
Boruto: here! We can dig here!
Sarada: he's right
Sakura: it's perfect, kiba can you get akamaru to dig this spot
Kiba replied with a nod as he felt the soft spot of grass as they started to dig wasting no time in doing so.
He's bleeding out fast. Fuck, what do I do! I need to calm down.
I still have some chakra left, I'll have some of it heal him.
I concentrated a bunch of my chakra onto Mitsuki, after a while I was able to close up any fatal wounds but hes unconscious with a few scratches.
I held him close to me and felt tears drip out of my eyes.
"I thought I lost you" I whispered, I took the spare clothes I had brought out of my bag. By using my clothes I tied mitsuki to my back and attempted to walk.
I can't give up, I WONT GIVE UP! I have a dream and I will make it a reality no matter what.
"Alright here is our limit" I said making everyone come to a stop
"Can't we go a little bit further" clone Boruto asked in desperation to save them.
"No we can't it's to much of a risk" I told him
"I agree with Boruto, if you look hard enough you can see the end of the tunnel just a few meters away" metal said, I looked into the distance and saw that he was correct.
"Okay let's go" no one disagreed, we all went straight ahead crawling through some tight spaces as we go.
As metal was about to take another step I quickly stopped him.
"Careful it's a long way down" I said, all of us looked down to see the big drop it would've been to get down there.
"How did Mitsuki and y/n even get down there" one of the Boruto clones said
They must've went along the wall by concentrating their chakra into their feet. This is our stop.
"Look over there" metal exclaimed
I squinted my eyes at the direction he was pointing at and that's when I saw them, thank god they're still alive
I heard someone call my name, it was hard to see with the dust everywhere but eventually I saw them.
They all came, shikadai, metal and what looks like Borutos clones. I used the remaining energy I had to push my feet to move faster.
I ran as quick as I possibly could in my state.
"How do we get down there!" They shouted
"Concentrate your chakra into your feet! Shikadai and metal come down and help me bring Mitsuki and then Borutos don't let any boulders fall on top of us!" Without hesitation shikadai and metal were making their way down the wall slowly but steadily.
"Be careful!" I shouted. They were able to get to us safely.
"It really is hard to breath down here, must've been hard" Shikadai said as he got Mitsuki off my back.
"What happened to him"
"He pushed me out of the way before the Boulder could hit me but I've healed him as much as I can, I'd be dead if he didn't get me out of the hokage tower earlier" I said
"He really must care about you, I'll use my shadow possession jutsu to get him up while metal helps you" Shikadai said
"Alright you go first, I don't think the wall can hold so many people at a time" he paused for a second but quickly snapped out of it soon after.
But we were to late the tunnel had been hit, the Borutos had disappeared and there was no way of getting out.
"What do we do now" metal said
"I-I" Shikadai stuttered not out of fear but of not knowing what to do in a situation like this with so little time.
Before we all lost hope a voice was heard above us.
"OVER HERE DATTEBASA" I felt the light shimmer through the ceiling seeing the real Boruto and the others to
"Shikadai start climbing up with Mitsuki, me and y/n will follow after you've reached the others." Metal said determined
He nodded and controlled Mitsukis body so he could walk up the wall. Boruto grabbed on to shikadai pulling the both of them up.
I was not expecting what happened next.
"Y/n......" metal said as both me and him were frozen.
"Oh..my....fucking god" I said quietly to myself, the whole and I mean the whole ceiling that covered the village from the sun is about to fall on top of us.
"Boruto sarada take shikadai and Mitsuki back to the surface the whole thing is about to crash, go go go!!!!" I heard konohamaru sensei say.
I know I was able to stop the asteroid that momoshiki threw at us in the chunin exams but this I-it's......humongous and I barely have 10% of chakra left.
"Y/N!! METAL!!" My mum cried being held back by kiba as she tried to come and help us.
"Mum! Don't worry we'll get out of here alive I promise! Remember I have a dream I need to accomplish don't forget that!" I reassured her.
They were no longer visible anymore, it was just us.
That's when I remember the forbidden scrolls I took. I started to rummage through my bag trying to find one that could help us.
"Y/n hurry it's about to fall!" Metal said, aha found one. A time travel jutsu, oh well I've always wanted to time travel anyway and plus we don't have enough time to find anything else.
I placed the scroll on the floor and used my last remaining chakra to complete the jutsu.
"FORBIDDEN JUTSU: TIME TRAVEL!" I shouted as a light started to form around us. Just as I finished the jutsu the roof came down rapidly towards us.
"C-can i-I hold y-your hand" metal said trying to keep a brave face but falling miserably.
"Go a-ahead" we squeezed each others hands but ended up in a hug as the white light took over.
We all sprinted as fast as we could leaving the area as the whole land was swallowed by more earth.
"We lost them" sarada said as I looked down, shadows covered my eyes.
"It wasn't your fault Sakura, if we hadn't came y/n would've died a lot earlier and we don't know if they're dead yet" Kiba said placing a hand on my shoulder, I can't believe it, I lost her again...
No don't think like that! She's my daughter, she's strong and has been through a lot of tough situations and after all she made me a promise!
"I know, I believe in those two. I'll bet they're still alive, I know it." I said believing in metal and y/n's words.
I looked over to the large destruction that has been created. There's still hope, I refuse to believe that they're dead.
Then we heard footsteps coming quickly towards us.
"Sakura!" My eyes widen as I saw Sasuke, Lee, ino and some other jounin.
"Wow what happened! Why is there a humongous hole in the ground!" Ino shouted surprised at how bad the state of the large area.
"Wheres y/n and didn't metal accompany you" Sasuke said as I didn't meet his eyes, I didn't even turn to look at them.
"You're joking, there's no way" Lee said and continued saying " so metal....he"
I cut him off and said "he isn't dead but we don't know where they are. Y/n and metal...they had that look on their face, a look of determination, someone who will fight to live" I finished
"Alright then! I trust you Sakura chan, I know those two are not weak!" He said positively holding back his tears.
"I'm always losing her" I heard a frustrated whispered from a certain blonde boy as he walked away.
"I'll talk to him"Sasuke said going after him.
Can't I protect the girl I love for once! I promised I'd protect here, I promised I'd never let her get taken.
"DAMN IT!" I shouted punching the tree closest to me.
"It's not easy for any of us" another sharingan user said from behind me
"I know" I said quietly without looking at him.
"Do you love her?" Sasuke asked sounding a bit displeased
"So much, she's the first girl I've ever loved" i replied meaningfully.
"Although i might not approve of the relationship, I know that she's happy with you and after all she's been through that's exactly what she needs. So if you truly love her you've got to believe in her" he said and I turned around to meet his gaze.
"I will dattebasa, I'll train harder and then next time I'll have her right here next to us"
"Boruto, after we get those two back I want you to come with me, I'll train you to become strong so you can protect the village and y/n" as soon as he said that I immediately answered
"Thanks Sasuke sensei but for how long?" I asked curious of his answer.
"2 years" that's a really long time but if it means I can help the people I love then I'll do it.
"I'll do it"
"Good, now let's head back to the others.
Y/n wait for me.....
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