《Saradas twin》Doukutsugakure part 1


I woke up extra early today, it's currently 3am and right now I'm packing my bag with the essentials.

Today I'm going to find the answers, I'll be going to doukutsugakure. Although I'm not looking forward to going to the massacred village.

I packed a spare set of clothes, kunai, shuriken, my sword, water and some left over food that Boruto had gotten me due to their being a lot left, I didn't want to waste any.

I feel confident but nervous at the same time, what if the memories come flooding back and I can't handle it? Well either way it doesn't matter because whether or not I'm scared I'll force myself to go through with it, for the future of the village, to accomplish dream.

I silently jumped out the window and began to walk to the entrance of the village but I made sure to hide my chakra.

If I use 15% of my chakra It should take 6 hours to get here and back. Giving me at least 3 hours to search but I might have to extend that time depending on how hard it is to find the information I'm looking for.

I walked out the village but I went over the wall so the jounin at the front wouldn't see me. I guess this is it huh. I'm actually beginning to get the answers I've been waiting for.

I ran using extra chakra to make me faster so I could get there in about 3 hours hopefully.

It's been 3 hours and I can finally see the cave that leads to the village. By the looks of it, it's been completely closed of for all purposes.

There are warning signs everywhere saying that it's off limits and if you go in there it's a low possibility of surviving due to the probability of the whole underground collapsing on top of you but I'll take my chances cause I can.

I took a few steps into the cave as it was already starting to crumble beneath my feet. There are all sorts of different sized rocks meaning I'll have to crawl and squeeze through tight spaces, I used to be claustrophobic but luckily I got over it years ago with the help of neji sensei and my team or this would have been a lot harder.

I began to crawl feeling it get tighter and the air was more suffocating as I went along.

To make my day even better a massive Boulder was in the way causing me to be unable to go any further, god knows how a Boulder this size got here.

I guess the only option is to dig, hahaha fun, absolutely perfect. I've wasted to much time, the longer I stay here the lower the chances of survival. Well I guess I better start digging.

I woke up feeling the sun shimmer through the curtains. I yawned sitting up so I could get changed.

It's the weekend today so there shouldn't be any missions, well it's very rare anyway but if it means one step closer to becoming hokage then I'll do it.

I walked down the hallway but on the way I passed y/n's room with curiosity washing over me.

I'm sure a little peak won't hurt anyone but to no surprise no one was there so it'll be alright if I have a look around.

Now that I'm in her room there's nothing really special about it, it's quite plain not that mines any better but hers is just straight up plain.

The only thing that really brought my attention is one of her cupboard that's full of a bunch of different ninja tool and weapons.


On the side of the room there was a door that I had never seen before but I probably shouldn't look at her stuff to much, she hates me enough as it is.

She's always leaving so early, I wonder where she is now, most likely training or something like that.

I wish we had a more sisterly bond I mean we used to, we always used to play with each other in the good old days.

Is it something I did to make her feel such hate?

I sat at the table playing video games as a plate of food was placed in front of me.

"Oh thanks mom!" I said

"Yeah thanks mommy" hima said, she loved pancakes so I wouldn't expect any less.

"Onii chan are you going out with your friends today" she asked, now that I think about it I was thinking about taking y/n on a date, I can't seem to get last night out of my head.

Without realising I was already turning bright red. The way she moaned was a big turn on for me, I could barely control myself.

"Boruto you alright, your looking a little red there dattebayo" my dad spoke, he's been able to take more time of work so he could heal properly after the fight with the otsutsuki.

"No im not dad!" I shouted getting flustered

"Are you sure?" He said teasingly messing up my hair with his hand and then I did it back causing an argument.

Soon enough himawari joined to

"If you guys don't stop fighting there will be no breakfast for anyone" mom said darkly making us shiver and went to sit back down.

We all sat and began to eat our food

"Hinata chan did you know about Boruto having a girlfriend" dad said that and mom just gasped in excitement while I just slopped back into my chair

"I had no idea, Boruto who is it!" Hinata said drawing himas attention aswell.

I didn't reply I just disappeared under the table from embarrassment, maybe I shouldn't let y/n have dinner with them, they'll probably keep asking her questions.

"It's y/n"


Mom and hima started giggled and joking around so I left the table and went upstairs.

That was so embarrassing but they had to know sooner or later.

I lied in my bed just staring at the ceiling, I'm so bored, I'll go ask shikadai and the team if they want to come to lightning burger

The sun is starting to rise as I'm watching it from a tall branch of a tree, my father should be coming to visit soon.

It's very rare that he's allowed to come to Konoha due to him being forbidden because he had done many experiments that weren't legal.

Plus he doesn't have the best history with the leaf.

I must say, being in Konoha was fun, it's a lot different compared to fathers hideout. The only people I knew before were aunt Karin, uncle suigetsu and some others.

Team 7 had the best impact, I got to meet my sun and my life all in one place. Y/n was my first friend and with that I'm grateful.

But now that I think about it I can't detect her chakra anywhere, not even her life force.

I stood up and looked straight forward.

Today is another day of being closer to hokage, I had a lot of papers to sign which was hard work but it's good training for the future 8th hokage. I should gather team 7 for some team bonding time, i think its important to know your students well.


even though we've been a team for a while its still nice to spent time with each other. i can detect all their chakra except y/n, thats weird. its as if shes not here but no way she couldnt have....

shes left the hidden leaf village.....

i just finished breakfast after teasing boruto about his girlfriend and now hes angry with me. i mean whats wrong with a little joke dattebayo.

I haven't had this much of a break of work in ages, I miss it ya know.

Hopefully today is a peaceful day, some relaxing time would be nice.

I pulled myself out of the small tunnel I had to squirm my way through and started coughing.

"fuck me" I said quietly, I didn't think it would be so hard, worst part is that I think I swallowed some dirt.

I stood up and began to move forward approaching the main part of the village.

After 30 minutes I could finally see the village and let's just say it's not very pleasant.

I could still see the blood stains and the smell of dead bodies. Even if most of the body's were buried above higher ground they haven't cleaned it, that would be to risky.

There used to be stairs that led down but they have already crumbled away, I guess I'll have to use my chakra to walk along the wall.

Slowly I began to walk on the side making sure not to make any sudden moves. This is very dangerous but I'll manage.

I finally got to the bottom and I felt my heart stop at the sight of the village, I walked forward trying to ignore the familiar buildings.

It hurt but I have to move on. I have no idea where to start, kaguya didn't give me much to go on.

I'll use a jutsu to see if there is anything here and where it would be, it'll take a while though. I sat down and sat in a crossed leg position, I'll begin by concentrating my chakra into the ground and then using a part of the power kaguya gave me to locate whatever I'm looking for...........this is gonna take a while, again.

I gathered shikadai and sarada but are on our way to find Mitsuki and y/n.

We kept walking until I saw Mitsuki and big Bro konohamaru talking which is a bit strange.

"Mitsuki!" I shouted going towards the two.

"Come join us, we're going to thunder burger" I told them but big bro shook his head in disagreement.

"Not now Boruto, y/n is missing we can't find her anywhere" he spoke, what does he mean they can't find her.

"She's probably training or something besides she likes to hide her chakra sometimes" sarada said pushing up her glasses

"No, mitsuki can't detect her life force or chakra anywhere near the village" we all gasped, no way I've lost her again. Damn it.

"Then where could she be dattebasa, I literally saw her yesterday!" I said in frustration.

"I'm not sure where she is but we'll have to inform Sasuke and Naruto first" konohamaru said with a serious look.

I can't believe this, we don't have time she could be in danger.

"But what if-" I was cut short by shikadai

"Boruto if we don't tell the hokage then we'll never find her, we don't know if we would need jounin or more people to help" he said. He has a point but still.

We quickly made our way back to our house and went to find dad.

"What are you guys doing here" dad asked confused.

"I think y/n might have left the village"


It's been two hours and I haven't found anything, I'm wasting to much time. If I don't go faster they'll know I'm missing.

Either way it'll take a while to find me, I'm to far underground for anyone to detect my presence so it would take someone with real talent in the tracking department to find me.

But the main problem is that they'd struggle getting down here easily.

Think y/n, where is a good place to keep secrets in an underground village. Where would other villages keep those kind of things.

Of course! The hokage tower. Even though the tower here is broken down there's still a chance.

But before I go I should eat something or I'll pass out and I need a drink, I can't take another second with the taste of mud in my mouth.

After I finished my snack I ran over to the hokage tower completely forgetting how unstable doukutsugakure is right now.

After a minute I got to the tower, well it's definitely broken. I don't remember much of the explosion cause I was unconscious when the village started to fall apart.

I ripped a part of my skirt revealing my thigh and put it over my mouth to insure I don't breath any bad stuff this place has really been completely battered.

I walked around the place mesmerising as I go. There seems to be stairs that go even deeper into the ground. It's definitely risky, the deeper i go the more the air lacks oxygen and it's bad enough already.

Oh well I'm sure I'll be fine, hopefully anyway, I still haven't properly healed from the otsutsuki situation as well as my chakra hasn't completely came back.

This just couldn't be a little easier could it.


"Where do you think she is now then" Sasuke said coming out of the living room, they all looked nervous because they didn't know he was there except sarada

"We're not sure, I've looked all over the village and I couldn't detect any signs of her aswell I can't feel her chakra" konohamaru spoke, it's weird when he's serious, he was such a goofball as a kid.

They all seemed to look at me for an order, I guess I can relax another day.

I can't remember the last time I'd been in a situation where I have not one lead on where the mission/person is located.

"I'll need someone who's good at tracking, let me think. I know the perfect people for the job.

Former members of team 8, Hinata, Kiba and Shino, after we find her well devise a team that's suitable for whatever the next situation would be. Sasuke and konohamaru I need you to go and get Kiba and Shino then come back to the hokage tower" I said, Sasuke and konohamaru nodded and went to find Shino and Kiba while sarada, Boruto, mitsuki and shikadai come with me.

But first I need to get Hinata and explain what's going on.

These stairs last forever I'm beginning to feel light headed.

After some time I reached the bottom and found a door but unfortunately it was blocked by a bunch of rocks.

"Seriously, I mean come on this is just getting ridiculous" I groaned as I began to move the rocks away from the door one by one.

Each time I removed a rock, bugs appeared behind it. I'm trying to get answers not a bug paradise.

I rolled my eyes at the thought, this isn't working, it's taking to long and I'm growing impatient.

I don't want to use my sharingan or to much chakra for something like this but I can throw a good punch.

This place is gonna fall apart unless I run fast enough I could get through the door before it collapses on top of me. I guess I'll figure out how to get out of whatever is behind that door later.

I took a deep breath and exhaled with a rough cough due to the dust. Okay 3...2...1....go!

I stood in my office waiting for the others to return while the four that were in the room looked upset and concerned.

Even though y/n became quite anti-social she's got a very strong bond with all of them.

With Boruto it's lovers, with sarada it's sisters, with shikadai it's a sibling bond and with Mitsuki it's best best of friends.

Without another second going by a pinkette burst her way into the room, I guess there's no point on asking her to knock but what can I say it's Sakura after all.

"NARUTOOO" she said with the others following close behind.

"What did I do dattebayo" I asked shivering at the dark look she gave me.

"Give is an order, we've got to find her!" When she said that I didn't see anger in her eyes but sadness and worry. I promise I'll get her back Sakura chan, Sasuke, I swear it.

"Alright first we'll track y/n and then we'll come back and form a team depending on the situation she's in" I told them

"Naruto there's a chance that we won't have any time to form a team, you need to make a team now or we might be to late" Sasuke spoke calmly although I could see right through him, he was terrified and he'd only just gotten her back.

Y/n where are you. I feel so under pressure, I haven't been in a situation like this in years.

I need to think of the different out comes of this mission.

"Alright I've decided, I'll be sending team 7 along with shikadai, Sakura chan, former team 8, konohamaru and metal" I said

"Why metal?" Konohamaru asked

"Because he specialises in the art of taijustsu and there's a chance we might need that." I answered

"Okay let's go" Sasuke said not expecting what I was about to say.

"Sakura will be leading the mission, Sasuke you'll be staying in Konoha, we don't know if the otsutsuki will attack again and I can't send to many people not knowing the official rank of this mission. I'm sure whatever happens they can handle it, if anyone is hurt Sakura will be right there, I'm sorry Sasuke." I said looking down

"What. Naruto how would you feel if himawari or Boruto had gone missing"

"Normally I would've let you go but having so many skilled jounin leave the village and a higher risk of an attack on the leaf I need all the help I can get. Trust me, trust them, may I remind you that I'm sending Boruto and Hinata on this mission as well, meaning there's a chance that they'll be in danger too"

"Yes but your sending my whole family on that mission and I only have 3 people left, y/n, Sakura and Sarada" I could tell he was getting more frustrated by the tone of his voice.

"I understand that but being in the village isn't any safer, have faith in them" I said as he was about to reply but someone prevented him.

"Trust us Sasuke, I promise I'll bring us all home alive including y/n" Sakura said meaningfully towards Sasuke.

"Fine but if anything goes wrong you send a message immediately" he said and Sakura nodded in return.

"Alright make sure you all come back safely, Boruto Hinata be carefull and that goes for all of you, please go and get metal and then begin the mission, good luck" with that they left, and as each second past there was never a moment I wanted to tell Hinata and Boruto not to go on that mission.

"Naruto if anything happened to them-"

"I know Sasuke, I know"

We all gathered at the front of the gates and have prepared everything we needed to bring, I gave metal a quick recap of what's going on as he gave me a thumbs up.

We were about to leave but shikadai suggested something.

"Is it alright if I tell you a suggestion I think will be good for the mission" he said

"Go ahead" I replied

"I think it would be a lot better if we did a formation" he suggested

"That would be a great idea, alright tell us want formation you want us to do"

He did a short explanation on why each person should be in what position.

From front to back formation:

Kiba Hinata

Shino Sakura

Sarada Metal

Shikadai Boruto



I not surprised that he was able to devise such a good formation in a short amount time, he is Shikamarus son after all.

"Well let's go then dattebasa!" Boruto exclaimed, he reminds me of how Naruto used to dive straight into the mission when he was younger.

We wasted no more time and left the village in our new positions.

Wait for me y/n

We'd been running for around 31/2 hours taking breaks as we go, we managed to track down y/n's scent hopefully giving us her location.

"Her scent ends here" Kiba said, we looked around but couldn't see anything but a cave.

"Y/n tell me you didn't..." konohamaru spoke sadly

"What's wrong sensei, what do you mean" sarada asked.

"Sakura do you know about y/n's past?" He asked her while she looked down shamefully

"Yes" she said quietly

"Well this is it, this is the village that changed her life" konohamaru said and both Sakura and Boruto gasped, I could see tears in the brim of her eyes.

"Your kidding"

I used my byakugan and looked carefully into the cave.

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