《Saradas twin》Chunin exams part 2


Me and Shika entered where the first stage of the exams will be but it seems to be a different task from the one I had two years ago.

"I'll see you later I'm gonna head over to my team" he said as he walked away. I looked around for my team until they started calling my name, I walked over to where they were slowly just to annoy sarada.

"Wow you took your time" sarada said glaring at me

"I know, hello mitsuki" I simply replied with turning around to see Mitsuki behind me.

"Hello" we both did a handshake as the other two were confused, me and Mitsuki made it the first day we met.

"why were you with Shikadai earlier" Boruto said not seeming very happy.

"Yeah I was curious too" sarada also said, jeez am I not allowed to hang out with anyone.

I was about to reply but then the announcement that the chunin exams are starting as everybody gathered round.

"We will now begin the chunin selection exam. Everyone this is the time to utilize everything you have learned so far!" Shikamaru spoke over us.

I looked across to see Boruto deep in though and looked troubled or angry, I grabbed his hand whilst listening to Shikamaru. I felt him squeeze my hand also feeling his gaze on me.

"Y/n" I heard him say quietly.

Just as they were talking sai explained what we're supposed to figure out.

"In the fifth volume of "shinobi strategist detective story", TRUE OR FALSE, THE PASSWORD IN VOLUME 5 ARE "MOON IS DAY, MOUNTAIN IS RIVER, FLOWER IS NECTAR"

Everyone started walking to the true or false area as sarada was trying to figure out the answer, we ended up going for true as we stood on the true circle.

"In other words those who turn black fail. The answer is...." sai said raising his hand in the air as we all watched the board.

The answer was both.


Everyone started falling but I managed to quickly hold onto the edge as I grabbed Mitsukis hand and then he turned his arm into snake so he could grab sarada, just in time she was able to throw a sort of string that attached to Borutos clothes before he fell into the ink at the bottom. I should've seen that coming.

"Those who fail will turn black, those were his words. so long as you don't turn black your safe" I heard Shikadai say making me sigh in relief happily knowing he didn't fail. I understand what they meant, if you fell to the bottom you would be covered In black ink thus meaning you fail.

We all got out of the hole and stood up.

"Thanks y/n if it weren't for you we would have failed" team 7 told me.


"After seeing the pool of ink and realising your mistakes, if you gave up and let yourself plunge into black ink, you do not deserve to be a chunin. Those who didn't fall into the ink are correct. This marks the end of the first round of the chunin selection exams!"

Sai said.

"All right!" Sarada celebrated in which Mitsuki replied

"We did it"

We already started the third part of the exams and I have easily defeated all of my opponents but as we were doing so there was one genin that caught my eye, Katsu Agawa of the hidden sound, he managed to get a draw with Shinki.

As one of the rounds had finished two names popped up on the screen, just my luck it was me vs Katsu.


"Y/n be careful he's strong, very strong" I heard Mitsuki say from my side. I nodded and walked forward into the arena.

"Y/n uchiha vs Katsu agawa, begin!" Lee called.

Within seconds the guy disappeared, how did he do that so fast, whatever it doesn't matter.

I quickly got out of the way as a dozen kunais were sent my way suddenly he was in front of me but I kicked him and he was just gone again. What the hell is with this guy.

He came behind me as we both started doing extremely fast taijustu against each other, I was able to hear the gasps and praise from the people that were watching, how annoying.

"Fire style: fire ball jutsu" I said in my mind breathing out fire except mine wasn't like Sasukes or sarada, mine was blue fire it's more deadly.

Wind struck the place making the fire disappear, I watched the smoke clear but then Katsu was charging at me with a sword in hand.

It's time I try my own sword out since I haven't used it in forever. I pulled the sword slightly from its case as you could see black chakra emitting from it.

Our swords clashed as we both engaged in a sword battle.

Swords. This is getting risky, what is y/n doing why isn't she using her sharingan.

Everyone's eyes were on their battle, this was without a doubt the most intense battle so far.

Out of nowhere a dark light beamed from the two.

A few seconds later when everyone's sight cleared there they were standing there except y/n wasn't awake, NO SHES IN A GENJUTSU! This isn't good, this will hurt her too much, witnessing it all over again.

"Sasuke" I looked to see a worried Sakura, she was thinking the exact same as I was.

"I know"

Y/n no! I could hear everyone whispering that she was in some sort of genjutsu.

Come on you can do this y/n, I believe in you.

She's so strong I know she can get through this but I hope she can forgive me for what I've been using in the exams. Right now I've got to focus on her, she needs all the support she can get. I swear if this ninja hurts her I'll destroy him and then my stupid old man for making her do the exams again.

It's all gone dark, where am I.

"Wake up you lazy pig were on a mission!" That voice is so...familiar.

I opened my eyes slightly adjusting to the blinding light above me.

"About time, the gakure has a new job for us" i gasped as my heart stopped, no it couldn't be, please not again........ Marcel, Kira, n-neji sensei.

That stupid sound ninja put me in a genjutsu didn't he, I'll kill him.

"Woah y/n you look so angry" Marcel said as he started to laugh but Kira bonked him on the head. Damn I really missed these three but because I love them so much I can't go through this moment again, never again.

"Release!" I shouted but nothing happened, of course it doesn't work what was I thinking.

"Stop doing that you look so dumb dumbo" Marcel said again and Kira gave him another whack on the head.

"Will you be quiet Marcel" Kira said to him annoyed.

"That's enough you two, come on y/n it's time to get up" neji sensei told me with a smile. I'm not doing this again no matter how much I wish I got to see them I know that this just isn't real, I've got to wake up!


I closed my eyes to think for a second but when I opened them I felt a wet substance on my hand, I looked down to see.........no not again.

"SOMEONE WAKE ME UP!" I screamed, the lifeless body in my arms, the familiar smell of blood.

'No, she has got to snap out of it' I thought as I watched the sound ninja approach y/n with their sword. Over my dead body am I going to let her die.


I'm scared, someone help me, anyone.

"Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT, WAKE UP" that's Shikadai I can hear him, hearing his voice gave me the power to get up and fight this nightmare, everything around me started to crumble as the familiar light took over.

"Get ready to lose" Katsu said, he swung he sword down upon my head but it never hit me as I caught it in between my fingers.

"I can't move" he struggled moving at all, I looked into his gaze and that's when he realised that when he looked in my eyes it was going to be the last thing he ever sees.

"Infinite sharingan: instant kill" I whispered as the boy fell dead in front of me, everyone started cheering because they thought the genin had only passed out but little did they know he was dead, I stared at the body that laid in front of me as I turned the infinite sharingan off before anyone could see it.

The only ones who knew he was dead were one of the genin and the nurses that came to heal him, they looked at me with a horrified expression as I walked back to mitsuki and the others.

Before I could go up the steps I was knocked over by a blonde knucklehead.

"You scared the crap outta me dattebasa, don't ever do that again" I smiled a bit

"I know I'm sorry" I looked at him but he just kissed me, no one could see us it was just me and him.

"I love you and now you're gonna watch me win against shikadai!" He said with a big grin, I kissed his cheek and said

"Do your best Boruto" I walked past him up the stairs and on the way saw Shikadai

"Thank you shikadai, you got me out of my worst nightmare" I kept walking leaving a confused shikadai but either way he replied with.

"Be careful next time, what a drag".

I reached the others and yet again was tackled into a hug by none other than Mitsuki, he was always a big baby around me but I didn't care, although I never admit or show it he was adorable and he always calls me his life or purpose just like he calls Boruto his sun.

He's very attached to me, in all honesty I quite like it, I never found it annoying but it is what it is.

"Well done y/n you passed!" He said with a innocent smile still laying on top of me.

"I guess I did" I know that other than the nurses Mitsuki knows i killed that boy but he doesn't mind as long as I'm safe. He also knows about my story, I remember telling him in the first few days of knowing him but kept it a secret as well as my power. He was the first and last person that I told willingly too without any pressure.

"That was amazing y/n, how did you get him to pass out oh and can you teach me your tricks" sarada said excitedly

"I though we agreed that I wouldn't train you" after she realised that she said I'd never have to train her again when she was trying to get me on Sasukes back she started anime crying.

I watched as Boruto and Shikadais match played on, Boruto and his clones got trapped in the shadow clone possession jutsu. Looks like Shikadai had gotten stronger.

There was a puff of smoke revealing Borutos clones but that should be impossible not even Naruto would be able to break free of that jutsu.

Oh well, I trust Boruto, it seems that he's also won the match so I should probably go to greet him.

"Y/n! What did you think" he asked with a big smile whilst standing in front of me.

"You did very well, I'm proud of you and I must say I'm impressed you managed to break free of that jutsu" I said smiling but he looked a little nervous

"Yeah" I was about to ask what's wrong but he just pulled me into his chest, I returned the hug by wrapping my arms around his neck.

He's always so affectionate not that I'm complaining because I do enjoy it. I'm still wondering why he was nervous but I'll just leave it be for now.

We stayed like that for a while until I pulled a bit from the hug to say "let's go to the others" he stared at me but hesitantly nodded, I wanted to stay with him longer but the others are probably waiting.

"About time you guys came, what a drag we've been waiting for you" Shikadai said with his hands behind his neck.

We talked for a while as I was congratulating Shikadai and some other stuff, mitsuki just came back from his round and now it's sarada and Boruto vs Shinki, I really don't want sarada getting in danger as Shinki is a lot stronger than her but I can not interfere.

They were about to leave but i grabbed saradas wrist "be careful" I said seriously, she smiled back at me.

"I know!"

That's the first time in quite a while that she's said something like that, she really does care about me.

Knowing this gave me strength just hearing her say that makes me so happy but I can tell she's not joking, she's very serious I can tell by the look on her face.

They went into the centre of the arena and began the battle but as I was watching Mitsuki came up to me and said what was already expected for me to do.

"Praise me" he said which made me laugh a little.

"You did amazingly mitsu, I can't believe I have such a powerful friend not even Naruto could beat" I over exaggerated in between laughs as he just stood there like he was the king of everything.

I looked back to the match only to hear saradas scream as she was knocked to the wall, she's alright so I won't disrupt the match but if she was really hurt this Shinki boys life would come to a unfortunate end not only by me but probably Sasuke too.

In the end Boruto managed to beat Shinki but that's when I saw the tool up his sleeve, he cheated.

Me and Naruto looked eyes as he nodded and went towards Boruto. I watched as Naruto reached for his hand only to show the tool on his arm.

He looked to the audience and spoke "He used a scientific ninja tool, something that's prohibited in the chunin exams. This shinobi gauntlet allows one to use ninjutsu without using your own chakra in addition to other people's jutsu! It defeats the purpose of showing your true strength in the exams. For that Boruto uzumaki is disqualified, well have to deliberate on how we'll revise the results up to now" he announced

"Boruto! Why did you do this, you didn't.....when we fought, did you?" Shikadai spoke emotionally and disappointed.

Boruto told him that it wasn't like that but it's hard to convince because even I know that's a lie, I saw him use it against him.

Sarada seems very upset while I kept a blank expression. Everyone around us stared shouting stuff like fraud, your the disgrace of the leaf and quit whilst others just boo'ed him. Why did he have to do this.

"You're disqualified as a ninja too" Naruto said pulling the leaf headband of his head. It hurt me but I didn't show it as it wouldn't help the situation.

I saw Boruto slap Naruto's hand away as Naruto said they'd talk later, Boruto said how he was never there for him and if they'd have talked sooner none of this would have happened. I can't disagree with that statement but the hokage is a busy man.

The producer of the tool came down to speak but as he was talking a man landed in the middle of the arena, that chakra he's an otsutsuki.

I quickly picked up sarada and went over to Sasuke to pass her to him.

We jumped over to where the others were as a massive crash was heard as the otsutsuki destroyed the arena but not completely, a lot of the people were hurt, now there's two of them, great.

Naruto just about got Boruto before momoshiki could hurt him.

"Ahhh the great Naruto uzumaki I've heard a lot about you as well as y/n over here, both wield very strong chakra. I'm not surprised, you are the daughter of the great Sasuke uchiha." Momoshiki spoke

Sasuke grabbed my arm pulling me back behind him.

Momoshiki swallowed this purple ball and then made a massive purple asteroid in the sky, there was so much power coming from it, he pushed his arm towards us and so the big asteroid came straight for us.

I quickly ran towards Naruto and stepped in front of them protectively.

"Together" he looked at me, at this rate he doesn't have a choice but to let me help him.

"Sasuke take care of them both" Naruto said

"Of course but what about y/n, tell me your not going to...."

"Do what he said.....father" I told him as he stared at me shocked

Me and Naruto held each other's hand and started to generate a load of chakra as Naruto was using the full strength of kurama and I was using my infinite sharingan making a black aura around me, I won't use my full power but I will use a lot of it.

A version of kurama appeared holding on to the asteroid trying to prevent it hitting the ground, I summoned my susanoo but mine was slightly different from the normal one, mine was a dragon, I don't know why and I'll save it for later.

I held onto the asteroid as a bright light started shining, me and Naruto looked back and gave Boruto a smile

"DAD, Y/N NO!!!!!" Boruto shouted as the bright light took over.

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