《Saradas twin》Chunin exams part 1


I'd woken up early because today is the chunin exams but honestly I have no idea how to feel about it, ever since yesterday I just feel numb.

Oh well let's just get this over with.

I walked in to the kitchen and saw my mother sitting at the table drinking some tea, I went to make myself a tomato sandwich and sat down .

We sat in silence meaning there was obviously something bothering my mum.

"Is there something your not telling me y/n" she asked looking me in the eye, she's starting to get more worried as each day passes, out of everyone I wanted her to know the most but now I just don't care.

"I have no idea what your talking about" I said with no colour in my eyes I looked back into her emerald eyes that were the opposite of mine, hers were so confident and passionate whilst I haven't the slightest bit of light in my own.

"Did I do something wrong, has someone hurt or said anything to you that's made you like this because I have to know, I'm your mother and I care about you so much it's infinite compared to everyone else, every time I see you I see a broken girl who just needs comfort and love but how can I give it to you if I don't even know the cause! I know you y/n and this isn't you!" She said with tears flowing down her face, you could hear the pain in her voice as she spoke. When I look at her I see myself when I was younger, a girl who showed care towards others and was always worried about everyone's safety.

I passed my hardest time alone while everyone believed I was fine but Marcel and Kira were good friends that were hard to find, harder to leave and are impossible to forget.

"You may know me but you have no idea who I am, of course you know my name, not my story. You know parts of what I've done, not what I've been through" I said emotionless but slightly more aggressive at the last part, she stared at me with a pitiful wide eyed expression finding it hard to process what I just said without even realising I had already left the house.


It hurts, I know I'm strong but I'm just so tired. I walked through the streets of Konoha just wondering around until I heard someone call my name, I turned around to see that my mum was running towards me.

"Y/n wait! I need to know, I can't let you live like this anymore without having the right support and love!" She shouted causing people to look at us.

"Stop, you're drawing attention" I spoke looking around at the many eyes that were watching us.

"No not until you tell me" I just looked at her, she had her hands on her hips but I wasn't convinced so I just walked away from the large crowd with her following close behind. We moved to a more private area so that we could 'talk'

"Are you going to tell me now" she said but just cause I'm annoying I said

"Tell you what?" I said as if I was clueless

"Stop playing around im serious"

"Well stop being serious then, the chunin exams are today so let me enjoy my time before doing so" something about what I said just seemed to have clicked for Sakura

"Wait I always knew that you used to be a chunin but why are you doing it again, what about Marcel and Kira"

"You already know about nejis death so after that our team disbanded" I lied

"I know for a fact this time that Marcel and Kira would never agree to disband your team" she's finally getting there after two years of asking me these questions.

"Not now mum, we can talk later"

"You've been staying silent for years so tell me now!"

"No Sakura not now" I spoke a little louder


"FINE YOU WANNA KNOW THEN ILL JUST HAVE TO SHOW YOU" after I said that a familiar noise went of activating my sharingan but not just and sharingan, the manyakegon sharingan. I put here in a genjutsu of my past so now she can play it over and over until she's had enough.

With that I picked her up as she was whimper in my arms, I left her at the front doorstep of our house and then left to go do my own thing.


Do I feel guilty? No because she's been wanting the answer for years so now she's getting it.

I was making breakfast for myself thinking where mama and y/n is, I haven't seen them at all this morning.

Out of no where I hear screaming coming from outside, something like 'y/n run!' Or 'I'm sorry' I ran out the door to see my mother there whimpering, turning around and round in discomfort.

"PAPA!" I shouted, immediately papa rushed over to us seeing the state mama was in.

A genjutsu? The only person I know that posses the manyakegon sharingan is......y/n.

I see now, Sakura pushed y/n over the edge, causing her to have enough by putting her in a genjutsu of her past.

I quickly pulled her out of it as she just stared at me heartbroken and traumafied, I don't blame her, when I knew about this I was terrified but she had to watch it which must be horrible to witness.

"I-I-I had n-no idea" she stuttered

"What's wrong mama" sarada asked helping Sakura up. I shook my head placing a hand on saradas shoulder.

"Your mums fine she just needs a little rest before the chunin exams, help her to bed and I'll be back later, there's something I need to sort out."

Sarada nodded helping my wife inside.

I went to search for y/n but couldn't detect her chakra, I know that she's very good at hiding it and barely ever reveals it.

At last I found her sitting on the fourth hokages monument.

"Y/n" she didn't look at me so I just sat down next to her and said "you shouldn't use the manyakegon sharingan on your mother"

"She wanted to know" she said with an expressionless face.


"Are you looking forward to the chunin exams" I asked

"Why should I if I'm already a chunin"

"Then why are you doing it again, is it because you want to start over" it made no sense why she wanted to re do the chunin exams even though she hates it so much.


"Whatever it is don't give up" I told her as she turned to me slightly and said to me something I wasn't expecting to hear.

"There's a difference between giving up, and knowing when you've had enough" she turned back to looking at the view of Konoha.

We sat there for a while enjoying the peace until it was time for the beginning of the chunin exams.

"Im going to get some food alone but I'll be back before the chunin exams begin bye" with that she jumped off the monument which almost gave me a heart attack.

I'm kinda in the mood for a burger so I guess that's where I'm headed.

I arrived at lightning burger and quickly ordered so I could sit down. As I was waiting someone sat opposite me, I looked up to see Shikadai.

"We haven't talked in ages, what a drag I missed you sis" we always used to call each other like siblings.

"I know brother, things just weren't going so well" our orders arrived as we started to eat.

"Well I won't force you to tell me" I always admired how he would be so respectful at times. He knew not to push someone.

"That's the first time anyone has ever said something like that to me because normally they would just keep asking and asking so thank you" I truthfully said

"No problem that's what true friends would do, I'm always here if you need me so for now let's enjoy this time before those troublesome exams, you know I'm really happy I get to talk to you even if it's not for long" he told me passing a game console to me.

"Just like we used to" I whispered quietly although he could hear me, I smiled "game on Shika" even at the darkest times shikadai always understands me.

We played a few games but it ended up in a draw because we realised that we would be late if we didn't leave now.

"We'll have the tie breaker of a life time later" I chuckled and nodded as my response.

We got to the front of the destination , it looks just like last time.

Let the chunin exams begin.

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