《Saradas twin》My dream will become a reality


The conversation I had with Naruto 2 weeks ago is still stuck in my mind, he's probably gonna tell mum and maybe sasuke if we ever see him

For a couple of weeks I had been studying at the uzumaki house because Sakura couldn't, it's not been that bad but today is our official day back at the academy.

Me and Boruto are actually just outside the classroom waiting to be called in.

They opened the door so that we could walk in.

"Alright would you two please introduce yourself's" the teacher shino said

"I'm Boruto uzumaki dattebasa"

"My name is mizuke uchiha"

We heard gasps and whispering around the room like 'an uchiha and uzumaki' ' isn't that the hokages son' ' they didn't get punished for what they did cause it's the hokages son'

They mostly whispered about how Boruto got it off easy compared to how they would, but the other boys just stared at me with ugly hearts in their eyes.

"Please go out with me mizuke" I heard one say, please I don't even know you, what losers.

I took a seat at the back next to the window, thankfully now one else was in my row.

I heard people say more thing about the train accident but I couldn't care less neither could Boruto.

We started the lesson but I didn't pay attention cause I had already learnt everything. This is so boring.

It was finally lunch time and I decided not to go back after lunch. I was walking down the street so I could go to ichiraku, but along the way I saw shikadai, inojin, Boruto and I think iwabe.

I walked past them hoping they won't invite me cause I just wanna get food and go home.

"Oh hey mizuke!" Damn Boruto saw me, great, it's not that I don't like them I just don't want to get to know them.

I kept walking until this iwabe guy jumped in front of me.

"Get out of my way"I said in the same emotionless voice I always have.

"Boruto called for you so why are you walking away" ugh this kid is a pain, I dislike him already.


"I don't know, why did I" I confused him by saying that, he's an idiot.

I walked past him but shikadai grabbed my hand, he was my best friend when we were younger but I always ignore him like I do to everyone else. "Come eat with us, we haven't talked in forever" in all honesty I missed shikadai the most, he's like a brother to me.

I sighed and gave in "fine, but when I've finished eating I'm leaving" I followed him back to the group as all of us went into lightning burger, what's a girl got to do to get some ramen.

We sat down and began talking about random things until they asked me the same question they all do " what happened to you" I've had enough of this question

"What happened is none of your business, I appreciate your concern but I don't need it" they were surprised by what I had said to them.

"You don't need to be so rude, whatever it is you're being over dramatic" he has no idea how I feel, I think we've talked enough for today.

They arrived with the food but I was getting up to leave.

"Mizuke don't go he didn't mean that" Boruto tried to convince me to stay but I refused and left.

How annoying.

"Iwabe look what you did" I told him, this was the one time I could finally talk to her, my best friend, my sister but iwabe just had to mess it up.

"Whaatttt she's being all rude for something that happened years ago." He answered back

"How would you know, she could have watched someone be killed for all we know" me and Boruto said at the same time

"There right iwabe, what you said was unacceptable, we don't know anything about what she's been through" inojin told iwabe

"Well let's find out what happened then we'll see if she's over dramatic." Iwabe suggested

" well how are we supposed to do that" inojin replied

"No, if she wanted us to know she would have told us, it's none of our business" just as I said that it was time to head back to the academy.


Today was the final exams to see whether you pass as genin, of course I passed.

When I got my headband I asked if there was a black one but there was only one left so I took it, cause why not

It was a black fabric but the actual symbol part was made of a metallic black metal.

I much preferred the black one to the blue ones. I tied it around my thigh and made sure it wouldn't fall

"How did you get a black one, I only saw blue ones" I heard sarada say from behind me but just to piss her if I said

"We'll never know" she walked of with an annoyed face but I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Attention everyone, I will be assigning you to your teams now, so quiet down"

We all sat down waiting for our names to be called.

Most of the boys who heard they weren't in my team started to deflate one by one.

"Because there's an uneven amount this year team 7 will consist of four genin, uzumaki Boruto, uchiha sarada, mitsuki and uchiha mizuke, your sensei will be here soon enough so just be patient, that is all" why couldn't I just go on a team by myself, now I'll have to worry about them every time we go on a mission.

After what seemed like years of waiting our sensei finally came.

"Look who finally decided to show up" I commented and everyone laughed at our sensei.

"Yeah yeah, anyway meet me at the roof and we'll start our introductions" when our team heard that they raced each other to the roof while I just went out the window and got there first.

"How did you get here so fast mizuke" Boruto asked

"Alright we'll start by saying our name, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams I'll start, my name is konohamaru Sarutobi, I have many likes and dislikes, my hobbies are training and reading and my dream is to become hokage" well that's a hard dream to achieve but what can I say, Naruto had the same dream and look at him now.

Everyone did their introductions and now it's my turn.

"My name is mizuke uchiha, I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything what I have is not a dream but will become a reality, I will achieve world peace" I looked to see konohamaru wide eyed as he gave me this look

I was watching team seven through a camera and was amazed by mizukes introduction, she's just like Sasuke

I hope by world peace she didn't mean what the akatsuki tried to achieve many years ago.

I don't want her to fall into a dark path but it doesn't look like she's giving up that dream any time soon.

It was her teammates death wishes after all.

We had finally finished that as konohamaru told us about a bell test tomorrow, I already know what it is because I've done it before.

We were all going back home but I stayed and told sarada to walk ahead.

"Konohamaru" I spoke before he could take another step

"It's sensei now mizuke" he replied

"Why did you look at me that way when I said what my dream was, are you scared"

"No, I just hope you don't go down the wrong path" why would he think that, why wouldn't he want world peace

"Goodnight konohamaru" I couldn't call him sensei, no one can ever replace neji sensei.

He also knew about that night, because he was one of the reinforcements that went with Naruto, I can tell by the look in his eyes that he still regrets not getting there in time.

If only I was faster I could have saved them, I could have saved mizuke from herself.

I walked to Naruto's office and opened the door, I didn't even bother knocking.

Konohamaru: you saw didn't you

Naruto: yes, you don't think she meant peace by destroying all shinobi

Konohamaru: only time will tell, we'll just have to hope that's not what she meant

Naruto: she's following her father's footsteps although I don't know if she'll come back to the light like Sasuke did

Konohamaru: he's the only one who can help her now, he's got to return, Sasuke must return to the hidden leaf village.

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