《Saradas twin》Scars


I woke up early so I could have a shower, but when I came out I saw sarada sitting on my bed.

"What do you want, sarada" I hate it when people come in my room, honestly I hate almost everything.

"I just wanted to ask if you'd train with me" I sighed, I do not understand her sometimes.

" sorry I'm grounded until Monday" I said going back into the bathroom to change into some clothing.

"You're always grounded but you never listen, you just leave the house" that's true.

I grabbed my sword but instead of going out the door I jumped out the window.

"MIZUKE!" I landed perfectly, i looked back to see sarada sigh in relief, shes always so worried about me even if I'm not really in danger, I walk off into the forest.

But of course sarada has to follow me, not trying to be rude or anything but I'm not in the mood for company.

I want to enjoy one finally day of being free before I have to go Back to that academy.

"I know you're there sarada" i said still walking.

" how'd you know, I hid my chakra" she asked surprise as she jumped out of a tree to join my walk.

"We'll never know" I smirked while she just pouted.

"Please please please can we train, this forest is the perfect place."

"Sarada go home, maybe next time ok" I told her poking her forehead, but she wasn't happy

"I've had enough of you saying that, why can't we train together, what's made you like this" I exhaled, I wish I could tell her but I don't want her to look at me differently, whether she hates me or she pity's me I don't want her to.

"Oh hey guys" I saw a girl with brown hair eating chips, what was her name oh yeah, cho cho.

"Oh look, I'm sure she would like to train with you sarada, we can hang out later, goodbye" before she could answer I was already leaping through the trees.

I kept leaping across the houses until I arrived at the hokage faces. I went to climb up the fourths face but when I got there I saw a.... note?

It said 'hey mizu I couldn't ask you this in person but I wanted to ask if you would meet me on top of the train before academy.


I guess I could, it's better than going with saradas, cho cho and sumire. Sure I don't see why not.

I had spent hours just staring at the stars thinking, what's the worst that could happen.

This was the worst thing that could happen.

I thought as we were flying through the air about to crash into the seventh head, BAM, we crashed but I felt an arm around my waist and look up to see a smiling Boruto.

"BORUTO UZUMAKI HAS ARRIVED" I sweat dropped, this is gonna be a long year. I looked at him and noticed he had small tears at the brim of his eyes.

He looked at me and blushed, he's so sweet sometimes but he has problems with his dad, that probably why he was tearing up or maybe it was just the dust.

Either way I wiped away his tears whilst he looked at me with a shocked expression, I blushed knowing he still hasn't removed his arm from my waist, I detached him from me as the smoke cleared revealing a angry hokage.

Just my luck, there was this kid with us, denki was his name, Boruto and I made an excuse so denki wouldn't get in trouble however we weren't so lucky, we have a 2 week suspension.


Not that I care, I didn't want to go to the academy anyway. If anything I'm quite happy I don't have to go, mums gonna pester me about it though.

She'll probably make me train and study 10 times than I normally would, it was kinda fun, the feeling of flying, even if it was on a train I truly felt free, it would be nice to do it again except without crashing into the seventh hokages stone head. Poor Naruto he looks so upset he lost his hokage monument.

My first day back was not what I was expecting.

"Shikamaru you go sort out Boruto, mizuke come with me" I started following naruto to the hokage tower

"Hey it wasn't her fault old man" I heard Boruto shout but naruto just ignored him and kept walking.

We arrived at his office and took a seat next to his desk as I sat opposite.

"Mizuke I just wanted to inform you will be working with Boruto at our house since Sakura is too busy and one more thing, I think it's time we tell your mother about the incident 2 years ago" he spoke

Mizuke: no

Naruto: keeping your emotions cooped up inside you isn't healthy, what you went through was horrible and it hurts me so much that this has happened, you're like a daughter to me.

Mizuke: I know but as you said before she's to busy

Naruto: don't make excuse mizuke

Mizuke: I'm not, I'm just repeating what you said.

Naruto sighed: mizuke what happened to that village, your teammates, your sensei and you shouldn't have happened, I know it was my fault

Mizuke: please don't remind me

Naruto: your sensei was a good friend of mine, neji hyuga , he was a great man. You're teammates Marcel Fūma and Kira Hōzuki, they were bright students and they wouldn't blame you for their deaths

Mizuke: YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, I KILLED THEM I haven't even told their families yet, everyone only knows that neji sensei died, but the rest think that their own children are anbu or something

Naruto: it wasn't your fault

Mizuke: but it was, their deaths are my fault, everyone is wondering how the village hidden in the underground was massacred, it was me.

Naruto: you were being controlled to kill your teammates but the rest was by other people.

Mizuke: but I still killed them.I was the reason for their deaths.

Naruto: mizuke...

Mizuke: Naruto, the pain and hate is so strong i can't control it!!

I said as the tears flowed down my face like waterfalls, no matter how many times I wiped them away they'd just come running down

Hearing her say that and watching her cry made my heart shatter, hell even I started crying without realising.

What happened to her that day shouldn't have happened

Me and our team were waiting at the Konoha entrance, Marcel was 10 minutes late, that lazy pig.

"SORRY IM LATE" Marcel said breathing heavily as if he'd ran a 1000 miles.

I slammed the back of his head with my hand "stupid we've been waiting years for you"

"Ugh puh-lease I've waited longer for you to brush your hair" I breathed in dramatically, jeez this boy.

"Alright you two that's enough" neji sensei said.

" okayyyy sensei" we said in sync as we both glared daggers into each other.

"Will you two stop it and hurry up" Kira said angrily as her hair started to float up.

"Y-yes ma'am"

We had a mission to go to Doukutsugakure the village hidden in the underground as volunteers to help around for a month, I'm sooo exited I've always wanted to go there.


When we finally reached the cave that would lead us to the village so we started making our way through.

"Woooowww" we all said together, even neji sensei was impressed. This place is BOOTIFWL.

"Woohoo I'll race you guys there but the last one has to unpack all our stuff." I said as I quickly ran to the village

" hey no fair!" They both said as they chased me although sensei didn't look impressed.

"Ha Marcel you lost" Kira laughed at him and so did i.

"What! No sensei was!"

"Actually I was the first one here" wow neji sensei is so cool, I wanna be just like him when I'm older.

We walked through the village and got checked in to a hotel whilst sensei went to go tell the Gakure, I think that's their version of hokage.

We've been helping and getting to know the people more and more each day, this place is so different compared to Konoha but I love it.

I've learnt so many new things, I've made loads of friends too, I can't wait to tell ma and sarada, maybe even dad if I ever see him again.

I strolled through the village for a few hours but when I got back to the hotel I saw Kira on the roof.

I jumped on the roof so I could join her.

" hey Kira whatcha doin"

" oh hey mizuke, normally at the leaf village I'd always watch the stars, I'd do it every night" she replied

" but there ain't any stars here so what are you looking at" I asked confused, not tryna be offensive but what's so cool about looking at stars

"Just admiring the village,anyway let's head to bed, I'm tired"

We went to sleep as even more days had passed, along the way I think Marcel and Kira have developed feelings for each other, I've always shipped them but now I'm the third wheel, I started anime crying, oh well that's just how life works I guess.

A month had passed and tomorrow was the day we go back home, we were all about to go to sleep until we heard people screaming.

"You three wait here" sensei said before he left to go and check what all the panic was about, the screaming still hadn't stop and it's been 10 minutes since we saw neji sensei so we decided to go check it out to.

We stepped outside the hotel but immediately regretted it, everywhere was covered in blood, dead bodies and panicked people.

We started to run around looking for our sensei as these weird people wearing an all blood red stained cloak that used to be white slaughtered all the people around us.

"SENSEI WHERE ARE YOU!" But as we went around the corner we saw the most gruesome thing I've ever seen, I-it was our sensei, h-he looks d-dead.

I was shaking rapidly as Marcel was crying and Kira was curled in a ball crying her eyes out, I don't understand it was all fine an hour ago

"R-run" we heard our sensei say taking his last breath, no no no, this must be a nightmare, wake up wake up WAKE UP.

I kept hitting my head trying to wake up but it was no use then I remember the last thing our sensei told us to do was run so the least I can do is save Kira and Marcel

"KIRA, MARCEL! Come on we've got to get out of here, everyone is dead now come on" I grabbed there arms and started running, I tried my best to ignore the bodies but it was so hard.

20 of those white cloaked people landed around us, I tried to fight them but they were to strong.

" there you are uchiha we've been looking everywhere for you" one of them said, I'm so scared I don't know what to do, Kira is frozen in fear and same with Marcel.

"W-W-what do y-you w-ant" someone help, I started to do a hand sign behind my back, I've only just learnt it but I hope it'll work, I've sent a SOS to the nearest few villages, I just hope they receive them.

"Mizuke uchiha, your father has caused a lot of trouble for us, by getting our revenge we thought of his little mizuke, you'll be so blinded by rage you'll fall down a dark path, but first you must kill those two in order to survive" one of them said, I've never heard such a scary voice in my life.

What did my father do to make these people hate him so much.

I looked at Marcel and Kira but they just smiled warmly at me.

"No, don't you two even think about it, I'm not gonna do it" I can't do it, I won't kill them!

"Mizuke do it, it's better you survive than all three of us die" Kira said as Marcel just nodded

"Your smart ninja, I'd go with the offer, time is running out, soon enough this place will crumble apart with you in it" I'm scared, I can't breath, someone please help I don't want to kill them! Please.

"I'm sorry mizuke but this is the only way" Marcel raised his hands, this couldn't be, his controlling jutsu, he can only control one person.

He controlled my body to grap two kunais from my weapon pouch

"Don't do this, STOP IT MARCEL DONT BE STUPID!" I held the kunai straight to their chests, one kunai in each hand.

" we're sorry mizuke, please live and make this world at peace on day" as I was about to plunge it into their hearts I screamed.

"FORGIVE ME!" Splat..... I had plunged the kunais into their chests as their blood sprayed all over me.

"No no no no no, I'm so sorry, IM SORRY!"

I fell to the floor as their body's collapsed to the ground with me

" mizuke, please grow up to be a strong warrior that I always dreamed I would be myself, remember to take care of yourself, I love you, you were always a sister to me........" Kira became limp as her body was lifeless. I stared, there's no way this is real, this can't be real.

" mizuke, do everything that Kira basically said, make this world peaceful again, the sword on my back, I want you to have it, I'll pass my power to you so you can wield it ,I love you, me sensei and Kira will always be with you, never forget that" both their body's were limp in my arms, I looked around to see that those men had disappeared.

I felt my eyes burn, I looked into the pool of blood to see I had activated manyakegon sharingan but straight after I saw a type of sharingan I had never seen before.

I looked around but all I could see were the bodies of those who had fallen, I carefully took the sword of Marcels back and held it close to me.

I looked at them with wide eyes but yet they had no emotion, it's so overwhelming I don't know how to react.

"MIZUKE!! WHERE ARE YOU" that voice it seems so familiar, it's Naruto but I can't answer I can only look at the two bodies that lay before me.

I felt naruto approach me as I felt the stares of the other jonin and anbu stare with pity and guilt of their late arrival, Naruto spoke" mizuke, I-I" I cut him off by saying

" you were to late" and after that it all went black

I still remember those exact words she told me. 'You were to late', if only I had gotten there seconds earlier Marcel and Kira would be alive, if I had never sent them on that mission I would have never lost one of my closest friends, neji, I remember seeing her their next to the thousands of fallen body's that had been killed so ruthlessly that night, when I looked at her she had no emotion, she looked lifeless.

I remember shouting at the medical ninja to help her when she passed out, I thought she was going to die.

She has the same look of hate in her eyes as Sasuke did at her age but she had much more in her empty eyes

That night was the night I will never forget and that's the large scar she had received that will never heal and will barely fade.....

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