《Saradas twin》This is my life



I was awakened from my sleep by the annoying shouts of my mother calling me for breakfast.

I was waiting a few seconds to adjust to the light, but obviously the pink headed female downstairs just couldn't be patient.

She barged into my room and looked at me annoyed, so I glared back at her.

She doesn't know about the incident that happened two years ago, the only one who does is naruto or better known as the hokage.

"Come on mizu, I made pancakes and you'll have to get used to getting up early for the academy like you used to"

I groaned and got out of bed

I used to go to the academy, I was the youngest one there but that's when it happened, that's why I'm like what I am now, I hate that academy, the incident is the reason I didn't go last year.

But this time I'm starting the ninja academy with sarada on Monday.

I got changed and grabbed my katana, no one apart from me can touch it, the katana belonged to my closest friend and I've always brought that katana everywhere I go, I never let it out of my sight.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen, I could smell the pancakes coming from the table, I sat down but sarada had already finished an hour ago.

I've never been a big fan of pancakes but I eat them anyway, I like tomatoes though.

"Morning sis" I heard sarada say entering the kitchen, I just looked at her like I always do.

"Say good morning to your sister mizuke" mom told me with her hands on her hips, we had a mini staring contest but after a minute she gave up. I sighed

"Morning sarada" I said emotionally, I do love them but I don't show it. She grabbed an apple and looked at our mother.

"I'm going out with cho cho and sumire, I'll be back before dinner" sarada told Sakura, now moms gonna tell me to go out with her, ugh how annoying.

"Alright, mizuke why don't you go with her" I knew it, but I have more important places to go.

"No, I'm going to train and then do whatever" I answered not even bothering to look at them.


"Well I'm going to train later, do you want to do it with me" sarada always asked me if I want to train with her because she just want to train with me, but I always reply with the same answer.

I sat up and walked over to her, I poked her forehead with my fingers and said "maybe next time"

"Ugh You always say that, anyway I'll be out with the girls, see you later sis, mama" I watched her leave the kitchen and listened to her leave the house.

"Mizuke please can you tell me what's wrong, what changed you" everyday as soon as sarada leaves she has this conversation with me.

"See you later ma" And so I answer the same every single day, I went to the hallway to get my shoes and left the house.

Normally I would train, walk around and then watch the stars from the hokage monument, everyday was the same routine.

I went to the training grounds and activated my 3 Tomoe sharingan, I trained for hours but recently I've been trying to master a new jutsus but the main one is what I call rasendori, it's a combination of chidori and rasengan.

I haven't perfected it but I'm getting there, deciding that I've trained for long enough I start to walk around, the sun was starting to set and I couldn't help but feel hungry.

So I went to the closest food place, lightning burger, that's when I saw a certain blonde boy eating alone at the stand.

I ordered my food and went to sit opposite him

"Hey, what are you doing here Boruto, it's late" I said, he looked quite upset, I think I know why.

"He promised he'd have dinner with me but of course he forgot" he was definitely disappointed but he didn't look surprised and neither was I.

"He's a busy man, you need to understand that, but hey at least I'm here" I gave him a small smile, I saw a blush creep on his cheeks, cute.

"I guess it's not that bad then" he said, even though I'm emotionless on the outside I still feel bad on the inside, I feel pity for him, not gonna lie I have a small what was it called, 'crush' on him.


He's always happy and cheerful around others and I admire that about him, we were childhood friends but grew distant as time passed. He tried to talk to me but I ignored him because I was afraid, afraid of loosing someone else I care about.

"Why did you ignore me, you're so much less lively as you used to be, what happened?" He was concerned but I didn't answer until a few seconds later

"It's just who I am, people change over time" we both know that's not true but didn't say anything.

She's as beautiful as I remember but what happened, I'll find out eventually but for now I'm just gonna enjoy our time together.

"Where do you wanna go now dattebasa" I asked her as we both left lightning burger, she started walking ahead and I thought she was walking away from me until she stopped.

"Are you coming, don't you want to come to the hokage monument with me"

"Of course I do!" I started running towards her and walked along side her, she giggled quietly, I'll never get tired of her laughs and giggles, they're so angelic, but I don't understand how no one can see the pain she's holding behind those onyx eyes.

I wonder what happened, what made her like this, she always used to be the troublemaker until she came back from that village one day, did something happen I'll ask dad later.

We walked in silence for a few minutes until we were in front of the hokage heads, we climbed and sat on the fourths head looking at the stars.

We spent hours talking about random stuff like what we do every day and the simple things, I got to know her a bit better today.

I wanted to spend more time with her but my stupid eyelids wouldn't stop closing and so I drifted to sleep.

It was at least 1am, I looked across to see a sleeping Boruto beside me, I wish I could spend more time with him but his parents are probably worried so I should bring him back.

Mums probably pissed at me but I couldn't care less, I put Boruto on my back, wow he weighed a lot more than he looks, probably from eating all those burgers.

I walked to the front door of the uzumaki house and knocked lightly, I heard someone running toward the door whilst saying "Boruto uzumaki you are grou-Mizuke it's been so long" it was a confused yet concerned Hinata.

"Forgive me lady Hinata I wanted Boruto to stay out with me, I didn't mean for you to worry" I covered for Boruto, he had it hard enough as it is today.

"It's okay I hope he didn't put you in to much trouble, it's really late you're welcome to stay the night and please call me auntie" she told me taking Boruto of my back.

"It's alright auntie Hinata I can walk back, see you soon have a good weekend." I turned the other way and walked to the uchiha residence.

Along the way I felt other chakras following me, I didn't show any sign of fear, that won't help. And then out of no where a shuriken came straight towards me, I catched it in between my fingers just before it hit my face.

I threw it back towards them and it seems to have hit them, I used a teleportation jutsu to get to our front door, I need to know who those people were, why are they after me.

I opened the door and immediately came face to face with my mum.

"MIZUKE UCHIHA DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS!" Damn, for a second I thought my ears were going to explode.

"Please don't shout I'm tired, there are other people who are trying to sleep" man she did not look happy

"I don't know what you were doing but this is unacceptable go to your room, you're grounded until Monday

Thank god I don't have to wake up early but I do need to find out the reason behind those people that were following me

I walked past her so I could go to bed.

"Goodnight mizuke, I love you"

"Goodnight." That's all I said before going to sleep, my mind still clouded with the horrible events that took that day. This is my life.

I think I should try get naruto to communicate with sasuke, maybe he'll know what happened to mizuke.

I just want my baby girl back.

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