
The leader of Division 52 walked into the dimly lit lobby with the sole Heir to Merridian's Empire. None in the cold streets of Kuwellen knew such. None knew of the lengths the woman in the strange suit of silicone and metals did for the blonde haired beauty. None knew what the heir traded in mind and matter for the woman with golden irises.

Both similar in height but opposite in society.

The lobby was not plush or shimmering. It was dull and favoured concrete walls and faded carpets over polished wood and glass. It was exactly what the criminal leader sought. The flat was just as unimpressive. Grey was a familiar sight in the frozen outpost cut into the valley of mountains.

No prying eyes would seek out the city in the furthest reaches of the north.

The stunning blonde opened the faux wooden wardrobe to find thick and furred outfits filling it. Clothes that had been brought from the building staff for their needs against the elements. Though Scorpion also let the idea touch her mind that part of a gruelling training would include braving the sub zero temperatures. Part of pushing Makayla's mind and body to the edge one did not return from.

Carving one into a warrior. One that left behind plush furnishings and flowing gowns. One that took lives and honed their body into a blade. One like Scorpion.

Scorpion moved behind her then. Wrapping her arms tightly across Makayla Xavier's stomach. She leant into her warmth.

"A large part of me wants to keep you here. Away from death and survival and hard choices. That part wants to live a life with you. To show you any part of the world you wanted. To have time we don't have in a city like Merridian." Scorpion told her in a whisper. A brush of her mouth against her skin just for her.


"That city is all either of us has ever known." Makayla murmured, leaning against the stunning and deadly woman. "How long before home is what we crave again?"

"I've never been away long enough to know the feeling." Scorpion admitted as she held her close.

Makayla turned to her, avoiding the question. "Let's get out of the space suits before we have a serious discussion."

Scorpion smirked at the woman and began helping her discard layers of the carbon plating and then the thermal skin. Makayla did the same for her, watching as the dark material fell away from her skin. The colder room temperature raised goosebumps on their skin.

They stole into the thickly covered bed. More than content to share their own body heat below the large covers. Their legs tangled together and strands of blonde on dark brown hair lay loose and pooled in waves on pillows.

"You were saying?" The Underworld ruler asked her.

"Now we're outfitted to discuss running away to a barren wasteland." The daughter of a dead Emperor responded, as if discussing the dining choices for the evening.

Scorpion returned a grin and brushed her fingertips along the edge of her jawline. Makayla remained steadily watching her despite the erratic rhythm her heart picked up.

"So you're in agreement?" Scorpion asked.

"I'm considering the temporary benefits."

"They would be?" She pushed.

"Time. Training. And more time." Makayla returned simply.

"Isn't it of the essence?" Scorpion probed as she let her fingers glide along the blonde's neck and continue along her collarbone. "You were so concerned about the state of the Division if left unchecked..."

"I'm only concerned about what you'll have to do as a result when you return." She murmured, raising her hand to capture the side of the beautiful woman's face. "It makes me wonder how much longer you'll keep it up." As Makayla spoke she traced scars. Fusion round marks that nano seals could not repair. A shiver travelled through Scorpion involuntarily at her touch.


"How much more your body has to take for them. Just to keep your hold on it all." Makayla finished as she lost herself in the marks on Alex's skin. The history on her body that was open to be read.

Alex lifted her chin and their eyes met. "It came with the job. I just didn't see you coming with the job too."

Makayla chuckled.

"I'd be anything. Become anyone to stand by your side you know." Makayla told her softly.

"That's what scares me the most. I can't tear myself from your life. But I can't keep you in it without making you more like me... I never wanted that for you I–"

Makayla's hand moved from her cheek to her lips. Shutting off her words. Alex frowned.

"Running away is not an option to this. I've made what I want clear. Now I only wait for you to do the same, Alex." Makayla finished for them both.

But the answer was not hard for the Underworld's queen. It had never been. Her love for Makayla was complete and unchangeable now as Makayla's was for her. An ignited flame that will continue to burn brightly until it has no more left to scorch. Though the pair knew that only death would stop them. Maybe not even then.

"In this world, I only want you. Your laugh, your lips, your lightness and your dark. Whatever I need to do, whatever you need from me, whatever this damn world demands I will give it to be with you. I know my home, it is with you Makayla. I do not care whether it is in a frozen wasteland or a marble ballroom. I will always stand with you." Alex told her openly, without any other thought running through her mind than of the woman laying before her.

Makayla's answering smile could have stopped the hearts of half the city.

"And in this world." She answered her with loving sapphire eyes. "I want your laugh." She kissed her softly. "Your lips." She kissed her again. "Your lightness and your dark." Makayla watched those golden irises burn back with the same intensity. The same answer.

"And I couldn't care less if that's at the other side of the world or in this bed. Because I love you, Alex and I will always stand with you." Then she kissed her like she was the last sip of air to her lungs. Neither seemed to mind being without it.

The winds howled on in subzero coldness beyond the confines of their grey flat in the apartment block. The enemies continents away gathered in number. The Silver Sun craved blood and the rebels sought to fuel that ally. But for this moment in time, the woman from Sector 52 kissed the woman from Sector 1 back. They raged on as a flame in the snow storm. Utterly unafraid to face the biting world beyond.

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