《Kuno Riddle[√]》One


It was the first day back at Hogwarts and Harry was excited, he was going into his seventh year. He was finally away from his abusive relative and with his friends.

He had turned 17 over the summer, he was glad about that. He was now a legal adult in the wizarding world and could make decisions for himself. Instead of them being made for him and finding out at the last minute.

He walked past the compartments on the train, looking for his two friends. He found them in a cart with Neville, Dean, and Seamus.

He greeted them happily before sitting down in the empty space by the window. He listened as they talked about their summer vacation. Hermoine talks about all the reading she had done while in France, Ron talks about going to visit Billy, and so on.

He didn't really have anything to add. His abuse by the Dursley didn't make for a fun summer story.

A few hours later the train pulled to a stop and they changed into their robes and piled off. He didn't have to look around to know that people were staring at him. It was always the same, he was their chosen one, after all.

They made it to the castle a few minutes later and he sat between Hermoine and Ron, they watched the sorting ceremony and listened to Dumbledore's speech.

The food appeared on the table and Ron wasted no time in pulling fried chicken onto his plate and ripping into them. Harry frowned at that, finding it slightly disgusting as pieces hung out of his mouth.

"Ron, you're eating like a pig," Hermoine commented when she looked up from her book to see him eating. Ron simply rolled his eyes and continued.

The bushy-haired witch looked over Harry with a scowl on her face. "Harry, aren't you going to eat?" She asked when she saw his plate still empty.


"No, I'm not feeling very hungry," he replied, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"You need to eat, it's not good for your health if you skip meals," she told him, and Harry nodded, but still didn't put anything on his plate.

He let his eyes roam around the hall, he looked at the Hufflepuff table, then the Ravenclaw, then finally the Slytherin. Immediately his attention was caught by a blonde who was talking and laughing with the other Slytherins around him.

As if sending Harry's eyes on him, Draco looked up at him and a sneer appeared on his face. Rolling his eyes Harry looked away and looked at the teacher's table.

"Harry," A voice called him and he looked up to see Ginny sitting across from him.

"Hello, Ginny," he politely said. He knew the younger Weasley had a crush on him, and even though they had dated for a while. He didn't really feel much toward her anymore.

His feelings towards her were a bit conflicted, he didn't want to hurt her because she was his best friend's sister, but he didn't want to date her either.

The feast ended and they headed to the tower. Harry made his way up to the dorm and towards his bed next to the window. He opened his trunk and pulled out his PJs and changed quickly before anyone else came in.

He climbed into bed as his dorm mates entered, drawing his curtains and putting up a silencing charm; he didn't want to wake anyone up with his nightmares.

He was really looking forward to this year.


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Question of the Chapter: what time is it where you are?

As I am writing this it's. 12:43 am


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