《Upper Moon Oneshots♤☆》Kokushibo x son reader


*this is no romantic thing*

Thx for the request:


Kokushibo x son reader


Teach a kid to fish


🤣funny hehe ...

Y/n's pov:

"Father I'm bored, I need to see the great big world"

I exclaimed to my father while he was looking at a book.

"I see my son..."

He puts down his book and grabs all three of his pairs of glasses,putting them on and then pointing his finger.

"I will show you the art of catching fish!"

"Yay, you're the best!"

I yell to my dad happily, he gets up and goes outside.

"Put on some shoes, were going to the sword smith village!"

He exclaimed running to the garage.


I yell and walk to the shoe rack, grab my shoes and put them on. I look towards the front door to see father with two fishing rods and a suitcase in his hands.

"Get in the car, this is very important for a growing boy like you!"

He yells sweating while putting the stuff in the back seat of the car.

"I'm coming!"

I run to him trying to open the car.

"You fool!"

He yelled and threw the car keys to me.


" quite talking and open the dang car!"

I nod and press the button on the car keys twice & it opens. I open the door and enter the passenger seat, buckling up fast while my dad opens the car door aggressively doing the same thing .

"Give me the keys"

I give them to him and he starts the car, now heading to the sword smith village.

(After the ride)

"We're here!"

He unbuckled his seat belt and hopes out as I followed. We walk around the village for a few and I notice that my dad was being very cautious.


"Dad why are y-"

"SHHH shut up and get down!"

He grabs me harshly and we hide behind a bush.

"Just look at that fish.."

My dad says looking at a ceramic pot in the middle of the dirt street.


Before I could say anything else my dad hands my a fishing rod.

"Hear put this eye ball on the rods hook."

I whispered as I nodded, going as he said.

"Now hold the rod like this!"

He whisper yelled to me as he holded his fishing rod in a certain way.


I whispered, adjusting how I holded the rod like my dad did.

"Good ,now we wait"

I nodded and stayed focused.

*two long hours later*

I was about to lose it when I heard something move from the pot.

"Hyo hyo!"

A head was about to come out of the pot.

"Throw the hook now!"

My father whispered, I did so and the rods string end was a few inches away from the demon.

"Huh, oh an eyeball, I'll just take that!"

The demon looked down at the eyed and grasped it with one of his small fish hands

"Real it in!!!"

My dad screamed at the top of his lungs and I real the demon in.


The end...

Word count: 522

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