《Maybe tomorrow》Chapter 46


I tried my hardest to stay awake, and every time I heard even the slightest noise outside my room, I ripped my eyes open, hoping to see the one person that my whole body was aching to see.

Aching being literal because the pain in my head just kept getting worse the harder, I tried to stay awake.

I hoped Malcom hadn't caused any serious damage this time. My head was messed up enough.


ut after an hour I wasn't able to fight the medications anymore, and I drifted off.

The next time I woke up the sun was already starting to rise and when I turned my head, my heart skipped a beat.

"Damien.", I croaked, not having anything else to say. "I didn't think you would still come.", I admitted, and he smirked a little.

"You won't get rid of me that easily.", he smiled, and my heart started beating faster.

His gaze shifted and he sat down next to me on the chair next to my bed. I couldn't tell whether he was avoiding looking me in the eyes or whether he was just lost in thoughts.

He was hard to read.

But while I couldn't tell how the insides of him looked, I could tell that there were dark shadows beneath his eyes, and his skin was pale too. His hair was messier than ever, and a few long strands of his thick dark hair were falling into his eyes. He still wore his suit as if he had come straight from work, which he probably had, I realized.

It had only been 11 o'clock in the morning when Malcom had shown up.

That also made me realized that no one had told me what had happened to him yet. Actually, none of them had mentioned him at all, and a cold shiver ran down my spine.


Had he gotten away again? Was he still out there?

I clenched my hands into fists because I was afraid Damien would notice the shaking of my hands. But he seemed to have noticed anyway, or maybe it had just been the look of horror and fear on my face.

And that was when our gazes finally met. His eyes were as blue and bright as ever.

"What is it?", he asked, and I hesitated before answering.

"Malcom... What happened to him?", I asked, and he clenched his jaw.

"He won't hurt you or anyone ever again. The police arrived just in time... Only a few seconds longer and-" He stopped himself. "What were you even thinking? You should have called the police right away!"

I flushed with embarrassment. "I just... I just wanted to tell you I was sorry."

"I know that. And I know that I have made mistakes too, but you have to understand that I need you to trust me. I need you to tell me the truth, not because the circumstances force you to do so, but because you want to tell me the truth.

And trust isn't a one-way-street. I need to be able to trust you too. I have to be sure that you won't lie into my face just because it seems like the easiest way out."

He grabbed my hand and I would have done anything to prove myself to him.

But there wasn't anything I could do, and my heart was aching so badly from remorse and guilt, it was almost worse than my head. I

But it seemed like I had missed my chance.

Or maybe I hadn't.

Damien stared into my eyes so intensely, that I felt goosebumps spreading over my arms, but at the same time my body felt hot.


"I just need you to answer one question. And I need you to tell the truth."

I nodded and my palms started sweating.

What could he possibly ask me?

"Did you mean it?"

The tone of his voice was hard to construe, and his face was almost blanc. Only his eyes sparkled in the reflecting light of the lamps.

"Did I mean what?", I asked confused. What was he talking about?

"You said you loved me. Did you mean it?", he asked again, and my cheeks turned fire red. For the first time I was afraid of his reply.

What if he didn't' feel the same way?

But I couldn't lie to him and after a few seconds under his stare, I nodded.

I almost expected him to let go off my hand and jump from his chair, telling me that I was being ridiculous and that he didn't love me back, but instead he held onto me even tighter, his eyes never shifting from focus.

"You can lie to me, Ally, you can break my heart but as long as you can truthfully tell me that you love me, I will always give you another chance. I will give us another chance.", he said, finally and I felt my eyes dwelling up in tears.

His smirk returned to his face.

"If I had known that me being so disgustingly cheesy, would make you cry, I wouldn't have practiced this all night. Why did you think I came here last?", he joked, and I slapped his arm which made him laugh even more.

"I really need to teach you how to punch someone properly. This is pathetic.", he said, and I had to chuckle a little but then I let go off his hand, just to grab him by his collar and pull him closer to me, before pressing my lips on to his.

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