《Maybe tomorrow》Chapter 37


“How are you feeling, Miss Jacobs?”, he asked after closing the glass door and I almost choked. That was the last thing I had expected.

“Uhm… I am fine. Thank you, sir.”, I responded not very convincingly, and he sighed a little. I bit my lip.

“Well, as you probably noticed most of your colleagues aren’t very fond of the idea that you and Damien are in a relationship.”

I didn’t know what shocked me more, the fact that he did know about me and Damien, or that he called Damien by his first name. I was unable to speak, so he just continued after a few seconds.

“Maybe you didn’t know, but you have met my wife already, Mrs Anderson. We both have been working with the Black’s a long time and they are practically family too us. They asked me to tell you that they are all busy performing damage control right now, so they weren’t able to talk to you yet, but they asked me to look after you for now.

All of them are actually quite impressed how well you have handled everything so far, but especially Damien seemed really worried about you.

Ethan could barely stop him from coming down here, but I think you’ll understand that it is better for the both of you to not been seen together anymore until we figure this out. But anyways, I doubt that a lot of people would have had the courage to show up at work today. So again- How are you feeling?”

I couldn’t say which was more embarrassing: the fact that I was currently discussing my relationship status with my boss, or the fact that I was the reason Ethan Black, one of the richest men in a America -but also one of the kindest and wisest- needed to perform “damage control” because I had been so stupid.

I looked at Mr Anderson, but he didn’t seem to be judging me. He was the first person beside Emma, who didn’t have any kind of malevolence in his expression. If at all, he only looked curious and somewhat concerned which amazed me even more.

He didn’t even know me and even though it was not part of his duty a request from Ethan Black had been enough for him to come and check on me. And I could tell he meant it.


It was proof for the close relationship between the Andersons and the Blacks which reminded me of the fact that I had broken their trust and only caused them more trouble.

I couldn’t help but think that we should have known better. I should have known better.

“Yes, I mean no… I honestly don’t know.”, I said and shrugged helplessly and first time I saw Mr Anderson smile a little.

It made him seem younger, despite the wrinkles around his eyes.

“Of course, I understand that this is very confusing to you. I am sure it is a lot to cope with. But if you need anything or if anyone is giving you a hard time here, let me know. I have been given permission to fire anyone who tries to do you harm in any way.”, he winked, and my eyes widened.

“No, please don’t. I can’t blame them. I wouldn’t act any different if it were somebody else in my position. And I don’t think that people here will like me any better if I get any of them fired.”, I argued and Mr Anderson laughed a little when he saw how horrified I was at the idea.

“It wasn’t my idea anyways. Personally, I think you are probably right. It wouldn’t help the situation. Still, you are very welcome to take some time off and return when the situation has… cooled off.”, he offered and for a short moment I was very tempted to except.

But then, reluctantly, I forced myself to smile and shook my head.

“That is a very kind offer, but I hope you will understand that I would prefer to decline it. I got myself into this situation and I need to be able to live with the consequences. And I will have to return to work eventually. This would only delay it.”, I responded and Mr Anderson’s smile deepened.

“Damien expected that you would react this way, and I have to say I am very pleased to know that he was right… Very well then. Just one more thing… I am supposed to give this to you.”, he handed me a small piece of paper, folded into half, that he had pulled out of the pocket of his well-pressed suit.


Nervously I took the note from him.

On the front there was my name on it, written in elegant, cursive letters. It was definitely Damien’s writing as I had seen it before.

None of the boys I had ever met, neither in my high school nor in college, had had writing as nice and sophisticated as this. And if there had been a boy with handwriting like Damien’s, he would have probably been labelled as a nerd or some weirdo, but I couldn’t have imagined handwriting more perfect.

I smiled to myself but even though I wanted to unfold the note and read it, I forced myself to put it in my own pocket. I would wait until I got back to my office to read it.

I thanked Mr Anderson again before I rushed back to my office.

I made sure nobody was watching and then I started reading the note. Much to my disappointment though, there were barely 3 sentences on it.


I am so sorry; I never meant for you to get caught in the middle of this, I should have known better. I can’t talk right now but I will send someone to pick you up at your office at 2 p.m., if you want to leave earlier give my PA a call. I will see you at my parent’s place.


I didn’t know what I had expected. Damien wasn’t the type to write love letters. I tried to hide my disappointment and anger.

Was he not going to explain the whole engagement-thing to me?

I forced myself to get back to work but the next hour I didn’t even finish reading a single contract because I always got lost in my thoughts that I had to restart reading the first paragraph alone at least a dozen times. Also, there were many people stopping by my office, meaning, they were strolling down the hallway, seemingly accidental, peaking into my office as if they were curious whether I was already packing up my stuff because I had gotten fired.

Before I would get picked up in a few hours, I would still have lunch together with Emma and it was also time to deal with everyone else, so I decided to, not caring how unprofessional it was, check my phone.

There were a few more messages from Celia and Clary. Most of the messages from them were just about them asking me how I was, where I was, whether I had talked to Damien and why I wasn’t responding to their messages.

I sent Celia a quick text first, in which I apologized for hanging up on her and I also informed her that I probably wouldn’t be able to come to her apartment later. I also asked her whether she could come to the Black’s apartment too.

Of course, it wasn’t exactly on me to invite her over, but she was my best friend and I needed her now more than ever. And also, Mrs Black had told me that Celia and Derek were always welcome at their place and today seemed like a perfect day to make use of that.

Within a few seconds she had already replied. Of course, she promised to be there. She was my best friend after all. She promised she would bring Derek along too and knowing that two of my closest friends were there for me, made things a lot easier.

But at the same time, I wondered whether the Blacks would be mad at me. This scandal after all, could have a huge impact on Damien’s future and if it hadn’t been for me, this would have never happened.

And Charlie would be at their apartment too. Had he seen anything?

I doubted that Mrs Black had shown him the article but maybe he had seen it on TV?

But even if, he was too young to understand what impact this could have on my life, and therefore on his. He would probably be rather happy to see me and Damien together. He had dreamed of a father ever since he could talk.

But this was also the first time I was actually grateful that neither of my parents liked gossip shows or magazines. The chances that they were seeing this anywhere were slim, still I took a mental note to call them soon.

I hadn’t talked to them in way too long anyways, even though they kept sending me pictures of them.

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