《Maybe tomorrow》Chapter 29


When I woke up the other half of the bed was cold and empty, and I felt my heart aching a little. It was ridiculous and in a way also ironic because when I had first slept in this bed it had been me to leave without saying a word.

I looked around. The last time I had been too busy freaking out to pay attention to anything but the excessive amount of exposed, naked skin.

Now however, I let my gaze wander across the room, just to realize that there wasn't really anything in it besides the bed, the two nightstands and an armchair with a small table next to it.

The room was huge, and the ceilings were tall and almost intimidating. The room was modern and stylish, but it didn't feel as cozy as the apartment of his parents.

It felt like one of these staged homes, real estate agents show to their clients and if it hadn't been for the single framed picture of him and his family, one could have thought this was just a guest room.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize how one of the three doors had opened.

"Good morning.", Damien said quietly while waiting in the doorway.

He looked worse than ever, as if he hadn't slept all night and again I had a bad conscience.

I had slept surprisingly well, except for the nightmare, having completely forgotten the fact that his little brother was probably still out there, maybe even in danger.

"I am sorry I left. I just got a call from my dad. There is still no sign of Graham, so they called the police. Again."

Graham wasn't my brother, in fact, we hadn't even had a real conversation yet, but I could feel his pain as if it were my own.

I wanted to get up and hug Damien. I wanted to make him feel better and my fingers twitched already like I was ready to get up and grab his hand, but something stopped me and all I said was: "I am so sorry."

I had heard this sentence so many times before in my life and I knew myself that it didn't make anything better but still, I didn't know what else to respond.

I felt helpless, and I hated it.

"My mother is barely keeping it together anymore. Clary is on her way already, but I need to go to the office really quick.

There is something really important going on and we can't delay this meeting, it's way too important. I know you don't like being pushed around and I usually take care of Charlie on the weekends, but would you mind taking Charlie to my parents apartment?

And you are free to stay there, of course. I am sure my mother would be happy to see you. And Clary as well."

His voice sounded so soft and he looked almost fragile and nothing like the Damien I knew.


I was taken by surprise by him actually asking me to do something, but I felt myself nodding. Now it was even harder not to throw myself in his arms but instead of jumping out of bed, I slowly climbed of his bed.

"Of course. I will do whatever I can. Just... let me know if there is anything I can do to help I-"

"Just do what you always do." He smiled and the short moment of vulnerability was over. I stared back at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on, Princess. You have got all of them wrapped around your finger. Just distract them for a little while because that is what you do best."

He smirked and my heart started to flutter again while my body warmed up from the inside out. How did he do this to me?

"I am not distracting anybody.", I protested, my arms crossed.

"You do, and you don't even notice it. After you stormed into my office and screamed at me I wasn't able to get anything done the entire week.", he teased, and I flushed a little.

"But I did deserve it.", he added with a grin, but he looked weary.

Finally, I was able to move and I got up and grabbed his hand when I reached him.

"You don't have to apologize." His motives were a lot more selfless than mine.

I hesitated for a few seconds but then I tiptoed and kissed him lightly on the cheek. I could still barely reach him, and he wrapped his arms around me to lift me up a little.

"I will try my best to help.", I said, and he kissed my forehead.

"I know."

A driver arrived only 20 minutes later.

The apartment of the Blacks was only a few minutes from the company building and the driver would drop all of us off there because I insisted on walking the short way to the apartment.

Today was the first warm day in weeks and the sky was bright and blue with not a single cloud in sight. It was only a 10 minute walk and it would be good for Charlie to get some fresh air.

Damien didn't seem to happy, but he didn't have the time to argue.

Charlie and I made our way towards the apartment and Charlie spent the walk telling me over and over again how excited he was for kindergarten.

It was precious and even though in the beginning he hadn't even liked the uniform; he was now starting to wear it already. When I went into his room this morning to wake him up, he already been awake and in his uniform, admiring himself, standing on a chair in his bathroom mirror. The shirt and tie had been wrongly buttoned, but he had looked so proud and happy that I had waited till after breakfast to fix it.


The uniform was a little big, but he would grow into it soon.

Clary was already waiting downstairs in front of the entry for us. She waved and then came our direction, giving first Charlie, then me, a long hug. She seemed a little paler than usual and her hair was up in a messy bun, something very unusual for her.

"I am so glad you too are here. Mom is barely keeping it together. I am going to kill Graham once he is back. This time for sure.", she tried to make it sound like a joke, but I saw the tears sparkling in her eyes.

I opened my mouth to comfort her when my phone started ringing all of the sudden. I pulled my phone out and read Emma's name on the display.

"Shit.", I cursed when I realized that Emma and I had wanted to meet up today. Clary looked worried. "What is it?", she asked, and I sighed.

"A friend from work. We were planning on going out for lunch today.

I totally forgot. Why don't you and Charlie go upstairs already? Give me a few minutes then I'll meet you there."

Clary seemed uncertain for a moment but then she nodded and took Charlie's hand.

"See you upstairs then." She attempted a smile and for her sake I ignored her trembling lips and gave her a weak grin. As soon as Clary and Charlie turned around I picked up the phone and pressed it against my ear.

"I thought you were never going to answer!", she laughed in her usual cheerful voice and I bit my lip in guilt.

"I am so sorry. Something happened and- I am so sorry, I don't think I will make it today."

Emma didn't respond for a few seconds.

"Emma?", I asked carefully and turned towards the road with the Central Park directly across from it. The entrance was only a few yards to my left.

"What happened? Are you okay?", she finally asked.

"Yes, I am okay. It is some family business. I can't really talk about it on the phone, but I promise I will explain it to you later. Maybe we can make up for it tomorrow during our break?"

I didn't know why I promised her to explain everything when I knew I wasn't going to be able to keep that promise. But maybe I would find a logical explanation that would keep her from asking more questions. Still, I felt horrible for lying to her again.

"Oh, okay. No, it's fine. Uhm... We will just go out next weekend then. Just tell me, is everything alright with your family? Is anybody hurt?"

She sounded so sincere, it made me want to cry but instead I told myself to focus.

"No. Nobody got hurt." I hoped.

Emma sighed in relieve on the other side of the line.

"Oh, you gave me such a fright. But if you need someone to talk to, just give me a call and I'll be there, okay?"

"Thank you, Emma. That means a lot to me."

After she hang up, I wanted to turn back around but then I noticed a person on the other side of the road, walking towards the entrance of the park. It was a man in a dark hoodie and jeans.

He had pulled his hood over his head and I could only see a few strands of black hair falling out. It took me a few moments to realize what about this man had caught my attention but then I realized the tattoo on his right arm.

This time I could fully see it as his sleeves were rolled up.

What had it said again? -iam invenire at factus, maybe?

No, that wasn't it.

It looked exactly like the one Graham had. I bit my lip and shook my head.

This couldn't be Graham, could it?

He wouldn't come to his parent's place just to go into the park. He wouldn't come here, alive, and well, knowing that his family was scared to death because of him? He wasn't that cruel.

But in that moment he paused for a moment, turned around and looked up. He wasn't looking at me but lifted his gaze up to the top of the building where his family stood waiting for him. For a second I thought he was waiting for the cars to pass so he could cross the street to finally release his family from their worries, but then he turned again and trudged on.

Suddenly I felt a wave of resentment towards Graham. His family didn't deserve to suffer like this.

Without even thinking twice I started following him over the street but tourists and trees kept getting in the way and it didn't help much that Graham was now taking larger steps so that I had to almost run to keep up with him.

I had almost reached him when I suddenly changed my mind. I wanted to know what he was up to and I could still confront him afterwards.

My curiosity too big for whatever he had planned, he didn't see to want anyone listening because the place he was leading me, if involuntarily, was completely empty beside us.

I made sure to keep my distance and I couldn't deny that there was a certain thrill about playing Sherlock Holmes, and about hiding behind trees and big rocks.

However I hadn't needed to bother so much about getting caught for he didn't turn around once and he probably wouldn't have noticed me stepping on a branch and breaking it because he himself kept kicking rocks as if he were furious about something.

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