《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 36


"Blood Princess?" Zane ponders the title, sitting across from me at his kitchen table. He lets out a soft laugh, smiling and nods with approval, "I suppose we'll each end up with a girl eventually and she'll want her own title, too."

"How is your trinket, Con?" Bailey teases.

"Only I call her that," he snarls rancorously.

"Is Taryn talking to you?" I am surprised she isn't hiding from him.

Connor's jaw clenches, "she hates me right now."

"It's a twisted situation with those two," Riette shakes his head.

"What about you, Ry?"

"What?" Riette pops a shoulder up in a lazy shrug.

"You had a play toy at the beginning of the year."

He chortles, "that was then."

"He doesn't stick to one girl for long," Zane smacks his shoulder, "isn't that right brother? We like to spread it around."

I roll my eyes, "pigs."

"They know we don't settle down," Riette shoots.

"But Connor does?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"For her," he muses darkly.

Bailey lowers his voice close to my ear, "do you think you can give him some advice? You know Taryn."

"Not really," I shrug, so the rest of them can hear, "she dishes on others, but never herself. She was loyal, but we weren't really best friends for life or anything. I haven't spent time with her since she got together with Asher."

"Excuse me?" Connor's eyes flash.


"She's with Asher Mason? You mean the pill pusher?" Connor gets to his feet abruptly, pacing around the table, "fucking hell. I'm going to kill him."

"We'll do him after Mallory," Riette looks just as thrilled by it, "I've always wanted to gut him."

"Only because of..." Zane cuts off when Riette slams the heel of a hand into his cheekbone, "fuck, brother."

"We don't speak of it," Riette growls, exiting the room with Connor hot on his heels.

"You had to bring it up," Bailey shakes his head.

"He's the one that figured out what Asher is," Zane informs me, "but he doesn't like remembering the girl Asher hurt that night."

I frown, flicking my eyes between them, "he hurt someone?"

"It's what he does," Bailey's jaw clenches, draping his arm around my shoulders, "I was almost certain it was him who raped you before... You figured out it was Reynold."

"Reynold was a pawn," I mutter uncertainly, "it was all Mallory."

"Maybe we should get Asher in on this instead of Reynold," Zane suggests, "two birds with one stone."

"Let Riette and Connor have Asher. They want him dead, and I just want to punish Mallory."

"Your call, Blood Princess," Zane teases ditching us to locate the other two.

"Are you sure you're ready for the party tomorrow night, baby?" Bailey frets now that we are alone.

"Yes, Bay," I slide off the chair, shifting between him and the table, straddling his lap smoothly, "would you fuck me right here?"

His eyes blaze and glances over his shoulder, "right now?"

"No, but maybe some time when we are alone," I drag a finger along his jaw, "I wouldn't beg you to fuck me in front of them anytime soon. I know you almost snapped the last time."

"It was fucking hot, baby, but I don't want them seeing you like that again," he murmurs, sealing our lips.


Our tongues battle for control, but I let him take the reins. He glides strong hands beneath the material of the shirt and reaches up to my shoulder blades. Fingers dig into my skin, and lips skim down my face and neck. I lean back, propping an elbow on the table for support, and grip his hair in the other hand. Bailey groans low and deep, latching to my earlobe.

"Are you two going to let us watch again?" Zane's voice breaks the intense passion.

A growl curdles in Bailey's throat, "you're all just jealous."

"You could let me take a stab at her," Connor teases lightly.

Bailey retracts his hands from my shirt, digging into my thighs, and stands abruptly. I land on the table and he jerks around the chair, glaring at his brothers. Connor holds up hands in surrender, placing Zane in the middle.

"Kidding," Connor wipes the amusement off.

"Your jokes are getting old, fucktard," Bailey grimaces.

"I'm sorry, Bay," Connor actually looks sincere, "I'm jealous. You called it, brother."

"I mean if you two are so private about it then quit making out where we can see," Riette shrugs, making a point.

"You can watch us make out," Bailey relaxes, "but stop making jokes about having a taste or knowing anything about how she turns me on. It's fucking disgusting."

"She's our sister," Zane agrees almost looking pissed about the statement, "his girl, but our sister."

"So, stop watching," Bailey spits.

"I'm a voyeur, Bay," Riette shrugs, "it's fun to watch the way you two never get sick of each other."

Zane shoves the other two out of the kitchen, "did you get the video from Cassie?"


"No," I huff, shifting off the table to my feet.

"We'll figure it out at the party."

"That's a busy party," Bailey points out.

"Cassie will be the easy part," Zane waves it off, "I can stick Connor with that job. He needs a good distraction since his little trinket is busy with another guy."

Now that I know the guys, I wouldn't mind if Taryn gets involved with Connor. I would prefer it, especially considering how they all agree that Asher is dangerous. I might actually have a female friend to get all gaga about Bailey with, and she won't spill to anyone else in the school. Even though she likes to talk, Taryn respects there are just some things you don't repeat.

I don't know for certain that what I've told Mallory will remain between us.


"How are you, baby?" Bailey bats his long eyelashes, devouring me in the indigo, lacey blouse we bought together last weekend, "you are stunning."

"Nervous," I chug some water, wishing it was alcohol, but we all agreed to remain absolutely sober tonight. Then take in the dark jeans paired with a crisp celeste blue button up shirt and black tennis shoes, "you are so sexy, Bay."

He grins, running hands from my shoulders down to my hands, "this party hasn't quite hit its peak. Do you want to find Mallory now?"

"I should," I finish off the water bottle, "hell, I'm freaking, though."

"I can help with that," Bailey grasps my ass, shoving me up on the counter and bottles slide or topple over. He doesn't care, gliding hands up my sides and around my back, pressing me into his chest, "we can put on a show for all of these damn, nosy bastards."


"I think it's your goddamn fault I enjoy being watched," I giggle, "kissing me the way you do at school. I enjoy making them all envious."

"Did I corrupt the nice girl?" Bailey teases, brushing lips lightly over mine, "I made you crave danger and darkness?"

"I always craved danger, but only ever wanted the dark prince," I bite my bottom lip as he grasps a tuft of hair, jerking my head back and sucks at my neck, "oh wow... Fuck, Bay."

The air sizzles with the electric heat. Bailey didn't immediately approve of showing me off in the throes of passion, but the thrill is rapidly growing on him. His dick hardens against the inside of my thigh as I flirt with the top buttons of the shirt. A growl resonates in his chest, rolling up his throat and I swallow it when he returns his tongue to my mouth.

"Jesus Christ," Bailey breaks the kiss, and slips me off the counter, "I thought I was the monster here, but you're only darkening my soul, princess."

"That's the idea," I peck his cheek when he leans down to snuggle my neck.

"Aren't you supposed to be the angel to my devil?"

"What fun is that? I never wanted to be an angel anyway."

"I can't believe I thought you were too good for me and watched you from afar," he purrs in my ear.

"If you hadn't interrupted my life," I giggle, tugging on his hair and yank his head back, "I wouldn't know how much I revel in the shadows."

"Is your past officially behind you, baby?" He murmurs so only I can hear when I release his head, "did I replace all the bad memories?"

"A few more hot nights with you and it's all behind me," I don't want him to think he's not helping, but it's not all quite as in the past as I would prefer.

"You have all the nights with me, baby," he embraces so hard that I know the fun, sinister talk is over. Bailey is a sensitive man, and needs to know that I am not only safe, but feel safe, "I am never going to lose you."

"Bailey!" Zane's voice carries from the front of the house.

"Must be Reynold," Bailey murmurs.

"No," I fasten to him suddenly, quivering.

"I thought you said you believe that he wasn't in on it?"

"Yeah, but..."

"I know," he rubs my back and strokes hair down my back, "I know, baby. I'll be at your side all night or else you'll be with... Mallory, fuck. This is an awful plan."

"Where is Riette?"

"He's in the back, I think, why?"

"He's always been an ass to her, so she won't think it's odd. He can hang with us and be my back up, right?"

Bailey loosens his hold to look me in the eye, "let's find him first."

Our fingers thread and we head out the back door, listening to Zane shout again. Bailey ignores it and we locate Riette leaning over some girl with seriously long black hair and remarkable sun-kissed skin. She looks familiar, but my mind is too frazzled to put a name to her.

"Riette," Bailey wrenches him around before he can kiss her again.

"Jesus, fuck! What!" His rage diminishes when he sees us, "damn, already?"

"Excuse you?" The girl glares at Riette, "are you ditching me for your friends right now?"

"Sorry... Uh, what's your name again?" Riette tilts his head.

Her hazel eyes darken.

"Damn Ry," I shake my head.

"I called you my treasure," he smirks, releasing his hold, "what school do you go to? Maybe we can hook up at another party."

"You are such an asshole!" She plummets a fist into his jaw and he stumbles back, barely catching his footing.

She's gone before I can get a proper look at her. All I remember is that her skin is breathtaking, and her inky black hair is longer than mine. Riette straightens himself, chuckling, but looks annoyed that he didn't get some action before the big plan.

"Fuck, this is going to be a long night," he adjusts himself in his jeans, not bothering to be a gentleman about it, "did you see the ass on that girl?"

"You forgot her name?" I condemn him like a mother, "after how long, Ry?"

He shrugs, following into the house, "about twenty minutes of kissing her and anyone will forget their own name."

"That good?" Bailey chuckles, squeezing my hand.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Zane growls when we find him at the bottom of the stairs, "I've been calling for all of you. Where the hell is Connor?"

"I'll find him," Riette offers.

"No," Bailey fits me into Riette's side, "you're tagging along with Max to get Mallory. She doesn't want to be around Reynold just yet, and I don't want her by herself."

"I'll find Connor," Zane grimaces at everyone, "Bay you get up to the room with Reynold."

Bailey pecks my mouth before dashing up the stairs to get Reynold in his eyesight. Zane is gone before I can point out that Connor never wanted to be here for this anyway. He's supposed to stay down here and be in control of the party, and get the USB from Cassie. I suppose he doesn't know that Reynold is here and the plan is well underway.

Riette wraps an arm around my shoulders loosely, "where is Mallory then?"

"I don't fucking know. I barely asked if she was going to make it," I confess, "I get too nervous around her."

"You should get mad, Sawyer," Riette squeezes my bicep for support and we move around the living room, scanning for Mallory's black hair with thick bangs and buttery skin, "where the hell does she usually hang out at a party?"

"Fuck if I know. I barely spent any time with her the one time we went to a party together. I think she's always looking for a hookup."

"Too bad I don't like taking advantage of girls, or I could take care of this for all of us in one fell swoop," he shifts uncomfortably like he's still turned on.

"Knock it off, Ry," I hiss, keeping eyes off his package.

"Don't pretend like you've never fucking peeked at me," Riette teases smoothly, keeping his voice light, "you and Taryn loved watching Bay all the time."

"Yeah, I watched Bay, not you or any of the other Ghost Riders."

"Where the fuck is this bitch?"

"Hey!" Mallory pops in front of us, scaring the holy shit out of me.

Riette fastens the arm on me to steady my trembling, "she's been looking for you, Mallory. Fuck if I know why, but now we've found you."

"What's up?" Mallory smiles so wide like she doesn't have a clue what's about to happen.

I didn't know either...

I have to hold onto that or I'll lose the conviction to follow through.

"Can we talk?" I let out a soft whine like I just need a girlfriend.

"Is he going with us?" Mallory flicks dagger eyes to Riette briefly.

"Bailey is busy and he won't let me wander around on my own."

Mallory groans, "fine. Where do you want to talk?"

"Upstairs," I hook my arm with her and feel Riette press in close behind.

It is not easy working up the stairs as my legs shake and my left knee threatens to give out. I need an ibuprofen, but Bailey has them. I'll have to wait till we get to the room. Riette supports my back and Mallory patiently keeps her arm in mine till we get to the top.

"Sorry," I huff, "it's been a long day."

"Did these idiots make you help set up for the party?" Mallory hisses, glaring behind me at Riette.

"Yeah, Bailey and I got into a fight over it," I roll with the opening.

"And you want to talk about it with Ry here?"

"What's he going to do? He knows what's going down. He was there when we fought."

"He's obsessed," Mallory rolls her eyes, "that means he is possessive and controlling, am I right?"

"Exactly," I steer her to the room where I was assaulted.

"In here?" She is suddenly suspicious.

"Where else? Zane's room is locked," I shove the door open.

Mallory falters, seeing the others inside. Riette won't let her escape and a sob wrangles in her throat. She glances at me and I raise my eyebrows, letting the friend act fall flat.

No more lies.

That's over.

This is the part where I get my revenge and she learns she can't fuck with the Blood Princess.

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