《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 35


Nerves prickle at my skin on Wednesday morning as I approach the school hand in hand with Bailey. He's wearing dark jeans and a slate gray button up shirt with black tennis shoes. I am wearing charcoal leggings, black booties, and a long violet and black plaid blouse. I tossed my hair into a high pony and skipped the makeup like usual. Bailey walks to my locker and kisses me before dashing away to allow Mallory a chance to make an appearance.

Shoving my bag into the locker, I pull out what I need for homeroom and economics. I scan the hallway, but don't see Mallory, Cassie, Delia, or any of the cheerleaders. I never noticed before if Mallory was always missing at the same time as them or not. It's hard to confirm that she's still working with Cassie, but I won't put it past her.

"Did she show?" Bailey asks as soon as I dip into homeroom.

I shake my head and he frowns, put out.

The rest of the day, he meets up with me at my locker between classes. We don't see Mallory or Cassie anywhere in the school and we're starting to worry. Zane said she was here the last two days, but he evaded her to avoid any confrontation. He knows he can't keep his cool when it comes to Cassie and her minions.

I've started noticing Zane's odd behavior around me. Something niggles in the back of my brain, but I don't give it enough thought for it to form completely. I might be a little afraid what any of it means. Zane is Bailey's best friend, and I have to be wrong about what I think I see.

At lunch, I slam the locker shut after discarding school stuff. My knee is throbbing and burning. I need a hefty dose of Ibuprofen to get me through the rest of the day. Bailey keeps them on him to make sure I flip between those and the Tylenol. I am too distracted anymore to know what I take when.

"There she is," Cassie pops in front of my face, startling me, and Delia automatically pins me into the wall of lockers, "where the hell have you been this week?"

"Right here," I hiss, prepared for a fight, "can you take me on without your little bitch?"

"I don't feel like breaking a nail on your empty skull," she raps her knuckles against my temple unbearably, "yep, sure sounds hollow in there just like I thought."

"Get off me," I glare at Delia.

Her eyes widen when she registers me shoving forward, but she uses her weight to smack me back into the metal. Cassie doesn't hesitate to ram her knee into mine, incapacitating me. I wince and whimper in pain, hating how pathetic I sound.

I felt so strong and powerful these last few days, working with the Ghost Riders to perfect my fighting stance. It's hard to do when you are outnumbered, and you have a known weak spot. I am already pinned and vulnerable to Cassie, who can just use her words to make me tremble.

That is not me anymore.

She can't control me!

"What a bleeding little cunt," Cassie titters, getting close to my face and breathing her sugary breath on me, "you're so fucking disgusting that Bailey has been hounding me just for a lay. He can't stand sticking his penis anywhere near your pussy. You are pure garbage, the bottom of the barrel, and he wants fresh, untouched. I'll keep him at arm's length until I know he is out of your bloody grasp."


A shriek echoes in the hallway, escaping my throat as I charge the girls, catching them by surprise. Delia falls to her ass, staring at me horrified. Cassie glares daggers at me and storms my space again. I am prepared, shifting onto my right leg and leading with my right shoulder. I drive my left fist into her face and she plummets to the tile, howling.

"What the fuck!"

"Holy shit!" Delia tries to scramble back, but Cassie is clawing at her to right herself again, "get the fuck off me, Cassie! Bloody Mary has lost her God damn mind!"

"Enough of this shit!" I yank Cassie up by her hair and throw her into the lockers behind me, swiveling my left knee cautiously, "come at me again, Cassie! Do it!"

"You got lucky this time!" Cassie snaps, clawing into my arm, "that's all this is, Maxi Pad! No one even saw!"

She braces her leg on the lockers and thrusts me back, toppling over me. Delia clutches my wrists jerking them over my head and squeezing excruciatingly tight. Cassie heckles, slamming her ass into my bad knee over and over. I try to blink away the tears, but they trickle out despite my best efforts. It's too painful and I don't have any drive or energy left to fight back. I lie there overpowered and shattered.

"Do you really think you can keep him?" Cassie crawls up my torso, and slaps my face hard.

Suddenly her hands clasp around my neck, compressing my airways. I choke and gasp, hiking up my good leg, but I can't reach her. Air weasels out of my lungs and panic floods my veins with adrenaline, draining me faster. My vision narrows, blurring with tears, and begins to tunnel with the ebbing darkness.

"He will throw you aside once he's had his fill of your wretched cunt, Maxi Pad!"

"You must smell like shit all the time," Delia adds, cackling.

"That awful period stench that burns the nostrils and no man wants to put up with. I'm sure he avoids you during that time of the month. Your long ass period that gushes like a torrent and gets over everything. How does he even put up with it? It won't be much longer before he comes running back to me!"

"He'll be glad to have you back, Cassie," Delia indulges.

My body tremors as Cassie's grip tightens and I jerk my hips, losing control of my extremities. My tongue feels like sandpaper and everything pulses with a chilly, biting sensation.

"Hey, get off her!"

Suddenly Cassie's weight disappears and I wheeze, coughing for air. Delia's hands vanish from me and I roll to my side, gasping and heaving for air. Then Bailey's hands are on me, drawing me across the tile into his lap. He cradles me into his chest, petting hair from my face and talking to me. I can't see him or hear anything he says. I know it's his hands on me from the leather scent.

"Breathe, baby, breathe," Bailey soothes, stroking my neck.

"Is she okay?" Connor kneels down next to us.

"Trying to catch her breath," he informs his brother, "who knows how long Cassie was choking her..."

"I'm sorry, Bailey, Max," that's Mallory and my body automatically convulses to hear her voice, "Cassie is gone now. Zane dragged her off with Riette. Delia escaped, but I'm sure they'll find her when they're through with Cassie."

"Will you give us some space?" Connor directs to her.


"What?" Mallory sounds caught off guard and suspicious.

"She's Max's friend," Bailey snips, fastening around me, "leave her the fuck alone, Connor."

"Let's get her home," Connor hauls Bailey up with me secured in his arms, and then turns on Mallory, "we can manage."

"Will you get her homework?" Bailey continues to try to play nice and not make Mallory apprehensive.

Mallory nods, pats my back, and dashes away to be helpful. Bailey doesn't set me down even though I am capable, but I cling to his shoulders anyway. Connor leads the way out to the Cheyenne and opens the passenger door. Bailey scoots into the seat with me, leaving Connor to drive home.


Stirring in bed sometime later, I realize I must have fallen asleep on the drive. Bailey is lying behind me, texting with the boys, but immediately drops his phone when he notices I am awake. He crawls over me, cradling my face in his hands and rests his forehead into mine.

"How do you feel?"

"I can't breathe," I tease dramatically.

Bailey chuckles, shifting his weight playfully, "I'm glad to know you're not upset."

"I'm furious," I hiss, but let him see the optimism in my eyes.

"What changed while you were sleeping?"

"I had a good dream," I murmur, brushing his lips with my thumb, "and now I have a plan."

"A plan?"

"Will you help me get back at Cassie?"

"I think Zane and Riette sort of already did that..." He won't look me in the eye now, and sits up. "They, umm, they..." He clears his throat nervously, "they took her to the art room and covered her in red paint, took pictures, and paraded her around the school as if she was covered in blood or something."

"Like Carrie?"


"The horror movie from the 1980's... Oh wow," I poke his ribs, "Cassie certainly deserved it, but no, Bailey. I need to get my own personal revenge."

"Are you sure you want to play this way?" Bailey looks concerned.

"Isn't that what we're doing to Mallory? Did she come by with my homework?"

"Yeah, and she looked, umm... Strange. I think she knows you know. She said she wants to talk to you. She looked almost regretful."

"Well, she has a heart," I shrug, scooting off the bed, "don't forget what she did to me, Bay."

"Fuck... You're right baby," Bailey crawls to the edge of the bed, remaining on his knees and draws me flush with him, "I didn't mean to forget what she did to you. I just know..."

"What? That I'm a softy?"

"Well, you're a good person, Max."

"I'm not saying I don't want to be a good person, but being with you has made me realize there's some darkness in me, too. I need to get in touch with it. No one can survive our damn school without getting their hands a little bloody."

"I'll do whatever you want to do," Bailey smirks, sealing our lips, "can we start with something sexy, right now? Tell me what you want, baby."

I giggle, enjoying this, "I want you to eat me out, Bay."

"Thank fuck," he whips me around onto the bed and strips the leggings off in a flurry, "I've been craving you all day."

I prop up on my elbows to watch him disappear between my thighs, "my dark prince likes the way I taste?"

"The dark prince wants to please his princess," Bailey slides his tongue up my center.

My thighs tremble, "fuck..." I collapse over the bed as he works diligently, "you do that so well, Dark Prince."

"Holy fuck, baby," Bailey spreads my folds and engulfs his tongue into my depths.

"That's Princess to you," I smirk just before the fireworks discharge, "oh my god, Bay!"

He doesn't let up, sucking at my drenched skin, and popping up with glistening lips. I lick him clean and enjoy the taste of me on his lips. Bailey wrenches out of his clothes as I struggle with my blouse and bra. He chuckles at me, releasing me of the tangle and lifting me against him, walking us to the door. I fasten around him just in time for him to thrust deep inside.

"Holy shit..." I mutter breathlessly.

"Baby, you're so much more than I could have hoped for," Bailey murmurs, pumping into me and devouring my green eyes, "I love you, princess."

"I love you, my dark prince," I bite my lower lip before he captures it and sucks on it like he's famished, "oh god..."

"I love you... I love you," he pants into my neck, locating my pulse point and nibbling at it, "I love the way your pulse races when I barely touch you. I love that you like it rough and fast." Then he pries me off the door and rests me on the edge of the bed, holding my legs over one shoulder, "I love the way you enjoy a good thrill like fucking in front of my boys."

"Never again, baby," I recite for his benefit as flickers of heat course through every nerve in my body.

"Maybe you'll talk me into it again," he leans heavily over my legs, stretching my hamstrings, "I love the way you beg me. The look you get in your emerald eyes when you're just staring at me. Like you see everything I am and you love me anyway."

"I love you for everything you are, Dark Prince," I gasp, correcting him happily.

"Fuck," Bailey straightens, spreading my legs wide and staring down where we connect, "I love the way your beautiful pussy squeezes my cock."

Oh wow!

"Bailey..." I squeal practically inaudibly as another orgasm trills through me relentlessly, making me quiver, "oh god..."

Abruptly, he withdraws and finishes on my lower abdomen, quaking and jolting, groaning softly. I stroke his forearm, devouring the beautiful scene, committing it to memory. Whenever we make love, it's passionate and fiery. This time we set the world on fire to watch it all burn down.

"Princess," he leans over me stroking my face gingerly, "I love you with everything I am."

"I know it," I grasp his hand and kiss his fingers, "I love you the only way I know how."

"With everything?"

"Recklessly," I chew on my lower lip.

"You'll never lose me," he frees my lips from my teeth and dives his tongue along my cheeks, "I'll be yours forever."

"You're mine forever," I squeak.


From my vantage point, I observe Cassie exit the gym after cheer practice. She goes into the locker rooms to change into her street clothes after the others are changed. I had to use Mallory to divert her for a while. Mallory pops out of the gym giving me a nod and heads back into distract the coach.

I scramble to my feet with Bailey right behind me. He takes my bag and I head into the locker room to corner Cassie. There are a couple sophomore cheerleaders straggling, but they see me, knowing a fight will break out and scamper to safety. Cassie either doesn't even notice or doesn't really give a shit.

"It's nice to be on this side of things for a change," I calmly lean into a locker near her, and watch her finish changing.

Cassie hesitates, but zips up tan fashion boots over some dark jeans, paired with a hot pink, fuzzy long-sleeve blouse. She flips blond hair off her shoulder and squares herself with me. She can take me if I don't remain cool and in control, but I went over this with the boys and Bailey for the last week.

"You're stepping up your game, Maxi Pad," she actually sounds impressed, slamming her locker shut, "I am all alone. What are you going to do to me?"

"Not quite there," I glare at her and use my fingers to whistle loudly. I have to keep us moving or Mallory won't be able to distract the cheer coach, "oh, here comes my muscle."

Bailey steps in coolly, briefly brushing my neck with his hand. Cassie's eyes widen with terror before he sweeps her over his shoulder and we head out into the hallway. She doesn't bother to scream, but braces herself on his back and smacks his ass.

"You really want me this close to your Ghost Rider," Cassie sneers at me, "he'll be within my hold before you can say, bleeder."

I jerk him to a stop and slope down to her face, pinching her cheeks, "the name isn't bleeder, Cassie. Or Maxi Pad. It's Blood Princess. You'll do well to remember that or I'll have to remind you."

"What the fuck do you think you can do to me, Maxi Pad?" She hisses threateningly.

I smack her face gently with my palm, "give up the nicknames, wench. You'll call me Blood Princess or I'll tell everyone our little secret."

Cassie swallows a shriek, glaring at me. The dark little secret. Bailey may have given me the nickname by mistake, but she's the one that made it stick. I'm threatening to out the secret we've shared for years.

"Why would you out me now?" She snaps as we make it out to the Cheyenne, "you haven't said shit for years, Max!"

"That's a little better," I shrug at her as Bailey flicks her off like a flea into the back of his rig and Riette jerks her down, tying her arms behind her back with zip ties, "but it's Blood Princess."

"Why would you want blood in your title at all?"

"I'm out for blood, Cassie. Particularly yours."

"Zane and Riette already humiliated me after I choked you," she grumbles, fighting the bonds on her wrists.

Then Riette hops down, helping me into the back with her. Bailey scrambles up next to me to keep control. He's letting me be in charge over this, but he won't let the bitch get her hands on me again. The bruises on my neck are barely turning yellow after a week.

I fish in my jean pockets and hold up my weapon of choice. Cassie eyes the small object in my hand, swallowing hard. She stares at me, pleading me to let her go untouched. The plan isn't actually to harm her, but I have to admit the idea of it bathes delight down my spine.

"Did Mallory tell you about this?"

"Tell me what? She's your friend now!"

After watching Mallory help us out today and the shock in Cassie's face, I know Mallory and her aren't in cahoots. Mallory and Cassie are still enemies, but that just means they're both slightly less dangerous. I won't forgive Mallory for setting me up at that party.

"Well, you heard the way my dad talks about me," I remind her, "and you threw it in my face in front of everyone. I'm not even doing this where everyone can see you cower like the commoner you are."

"I'm the queen," she snarls.

"You're self-appointed, Cassie. That means nothing. You're nothing but a commoner. I'm the Blood Princess and out for revenge for all the shit you've pulled on anyone you deem less than you."

"With that?" She squeaks, her eyes are glued to the object hidden in my clutch.

"My dad liked to play a game," I allude, "whenever I pissed him off, did something he didn't like, enjoyed myself... Hell, he would play it when I breathed wrong. He didn't need a reason at all, honestly."

"What a prick," she's trying to find common ground.

"Then you decided to jump all over me for running into Bay... It was an honest accident, but if I would have known how it would play out... I would have bumped into him on purpose a lot sooner."

"He's yours," Cassie gives in.

"I know it," I glance at him and his eyes soften on me, "and I'm his. His Blood Princess."

"Who the fuck are you, Max?"

"Your worst nightmare," I hiss, flicking the lighter in my hands, "I think that fuzzy shirt will burn right up."

"No!" Cassie shakes her head.

I laugh, enjoying her fear, "all of this because you've always been jealous of me, Cassie. I don't get it... I didn't think I was anything special, but you always thought so, didn't you? That's why you let me take the fall for that stupid bloody mess you made sophomore year. I was already Maxi Pad, so it wasn't a hard rumor to stick."

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