《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 33


At the house, Bailey sits me on the couch and immediately starts kneading my knee. I wince and jerk, but have to power through it till it relaxes. Connor paces behind us, punching messages into his phone and muttering with Riette until he and Zane walk through the door.

"Finally, fucking hell," Connor grimaces, directing them to the kitchen.

"How are you baby?" Bailey murmurs, digging fingertips into my knee.

"I think.... I'm in shock," I croak.

"Zane, get us some water, would you?" Bailey calls.

"On it!"

"What are they doing in there, Bay?"

"Probably making a plan to murder Reynold..." He doesn't sound like he's kidding.


"I honestly don't know what they're discussing, baby."

"Why can't they discuss it in here?"

Bailey pauses and stands up, "give me a minute."

He disappears into the kitchen and the chattering in there rises, but I can't make out any words. Zane joins me with a glass of water and sits down, bouncing his knee angrily and glares at the TV. His scowl deepens and he crosses arms, biceps tensing and jaw clenching.

"What's going on?" I sip on the ice-cold water.

"We all want to murder Mallory and Reynold, but... Riette thinks that Mallory didn't plan this on her own. We think she's been working with Cassie on this the whole time, Sawyer."

Bailey was right from the beginning to suspect her.

I was right to question her loyalty and instead let a couple things convince me that she is trustworthy. Bailey and the Ghost Riders have done nothing but defend and protect me. Mallory does a couple things like not walk away when my dad burned me and I let that be enough. I guess it proves she has a heart, but it doesn't verify she has been a friend this whole time.

"We were just venting... But something has to be done, Sawyer. Something pretty serious. Connor and Riette have the know-how and the ability, but Bailey won't let them do anything without your approval. They think you're too soft..."

"Well, if you would all talk to me then maybe I can help make a fucking decision," I hiss.

"Hey brothers!" Zane shouts over the arguing in the kitchen, "shut the fuck up and get in here!"

Bailey is the first to walk in and shoves Zane out of his way to take the spot next to me. Zane grumbles, but shuffles over as Connor and Riette scurry in and stand in front of the TV. Riette has hands shoved in pockets and shoulders rolled up, harnessing the rage. Connor runs a hand through blond wavy locks and shakes it out, shambling from one foot to the other.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" I demand.

Bailey chuckles at my attitude and pats my knee proudly. Zane remains stoic and quiet, though I can imagine what he's thinking. He's probably thinking just what Bailey is thinking, but keeps it silent. Connor, I haven't figured out yet, and Riette looks ready to murder anyone as soon as I give the say so.

"We were venting, Sawyer," Connor says immediately, glancing between Bailey and Zane swiftly, "we know what we want to do, but Bay is right. You get to decide."

"What exactly do each of you want to do?"

No one says anything and Bailey rubs a hand up and down my thigh. His fingers dig into my inner thigh, but he remains as silent as the rest of the Ghost Riders.


"Come on... Speak up now or forever hold your peace."

Zane chuckles at that, but no one says anything. It's starting to get on my nerves that they can yell with each other, but they won't say shit around me. Riette never keeps his thoughts off the table no matter how dark they are. I thought Connor would be more like him than Zane or Bailey, and they're pissing me off. Even Bailey's silence is irritating the shit out of me.

"Wow... Fuck all of you..." Wincing, I get to my feet.

Bailey is instantly up, trying to help but I swat at him. He isn't sure what my problem is, jaw seesawing and steps back. He is afraid I will throw more fists and I don't blame him. I was distraught earlier, but now they're infuriating by leaving me out.

"This is it? You can talk to each other about whatever the fuck you want to do, but God forbid you tell me. Fine... I'll make the decision what happens and none of you will get to fucking know about it." I turn my angry gaze on Bailey, "not even you. I'm going to bed, good fucking night!"

It takes far too long to get to the stairs. I feel the way Bailey is watching me unsure whether he should follow or not. I don't know if I want him to, but have a terrible feeling that if he doesn't, I am going to lock him out. Not just lock him out of the room, but out of my heart. Something snapped inside tonight and them not speaking to me and blocking me out only shreds at my betrayed shell.

Mallory deceived me after earning my trust. Reynold's own trust was cheated by her and committed a crime he can never undo. My friends are nowhere to be found, but I'm not sure they were ever really my friends. My own fucking father took advantage of me by switching my pain killers out for Children's Tylenol, beating me, and burning my thighs for the last three years. Bailey is about to join that list if he doesn't say or do something.

"Wait..." It's not Bailey who speaks.

I pause and glance over at Zane. He jumps to his feet, storms over, seizes my shoulders. He turns my back toward the hallway, so I have to face all the boys. Zane lets his head hang, but only so he's closer to my level.

"What?" My throat constricts.

"We're not used to having someone else here, Max..." Zane sighs, swallowing loudly, "it's weird... Fucking weird. Bay would tell you what's going on in private. He won't keep shit from you, but to have you here apart of the process... We're fucking monsters and you will not like to see this awful side of us... Bay probably doesn't want you to know the dark shit he is thinking right now."

"Leave me the fuck out of it." Bailey snarls, "she knows the shit I think."

"She hasn't seen anything yet," Zane doesn't bother to look at him, "it's bizarre. That's all. Give us a chance to adjust."

"You don't have time for that," I hiss under my breath, "if you guys keep fucking this up then I'll just be thrown under the damn bus... Again. Not just by Mallory, but by all four of you, assholes. I can't do it anymore. I'm tired of Cassie walking all over me. I don't want to be Maxi Pad anymore or the butt end of the fucking joke..."


Bailey takes a deep breath, fighting Zane out of his way, "what do you want to do, Max?"

"I am not used to this," I gesture around at all of them, "I don't know what you guys can do or what my options are. If it was just me..." I hate to admit this, "if I was all I had and my dad was still in control... I probably would have ended it."

"How?" Zane glares.

"You want details?" I snap.

Bailey's eyes widen, registering my meaning, "that's not what she means, Z..."

"You wouldn't dare?" Riette glowers over Bailey's shoulder.

"No. Not anymore, but if I didn't have you guys... Yeah, that's exactly what I would have done." I gulp hard to relieve the ache in my throat, "that's why I got involved with Mallory in the first place..." It hurts to know the friend I was beginning to count on is the snake she's always been, "That's why I want to hear what you fuckers have to say about it. I don't know how to do this part."

Bailey hauls me into his arms and whispers in my ear, "I need to talk to you about this, but we can do that later. We'll talk to you, baby."

"Fine... Okay," I wipe away the tears because I need to endure.

Bailey directs me back to the living room and lowers us to the couch.

"Well, it's not hard to figure out I want to kill Reynold and Mallory," Riette steps up.

"Reynold no," I shake my head, "He's a fucking dumbass and he's guilty, but she tricked him, too. He'll have to live with that."

"But Mallory?" Connor sounds impressed.

"I don't know... Maybe," I grumble, "but I'm just angry..."

"We can scare the shit out of her," Zane offers, sitting on Bailey's other side, "feed her some of her own medicine and then threaten to tear her down if she doesn't leave you the fuck alone."

"How exactly?" Bailey entertains him.

"Get her drunk and make her think she was raped," Zane shrugs, "I don't know the particulars, but we can tape it so we have proof that nothing actually happened. Then we send her a fixed copy of the video and approach her or something and let her know that if she ever fucks with Sawyer again it won't be just an unforgettable night. I don't know something like that."

"Sounds a bit excessive, but I like the idea of giving her a taste of her own medicine," I speak up.

"So, killing her is on the backburner?" Riette rolls his eyes.

"I'm still new to your group... I literally thought you guys were joking every time you said that," I look pointedly at Riette.

Riette doesn't drop my gaze, "I always mean what I say, Sawyer."

"I like the idea of getting even or revenge or whatever you want to call it, Sawyer," Connor speaks up, "but I have no role in that sort of thing. Someone fucks with me or my brothers or my family," He points to Bailey and me, "and I get rid of them. I don't do this fucking thing here. Revenge. I get rid of the goddamn problem."

"What are you saying, brother?" Bailey glares at him.

"I'm saying that it's up to you four what happens right now, but I'll be here if it comes down to it," Connor straightens.

"I am good at this part, Sawyer," Zane leans around Bailey to look at me, "I think you can handle this part more than you believe. We may need to brainstorm a little bit, but between you and me, we can figure out something."

"I'll help you make it happen," Riette volunteers protectively, "and be the guns if something goes wrong during all of it."

"Okay, okay," I let out a cleansing sigh and lean into Bailey's shoulder, "I really am tired."

"Are you guys crashing here?" Bailey stands and helps me to my feet.

"I'll take the couch," Zane flops down.

"Alright, alright," Connor relaxes into the recliner that Bailey wouldn't let me sit in before, "Ry?"

"I guess I'm stuck on the floor..." Riette rests against the couch once on the floor.

Bailey and I amble over to stairs and he helps me up to the room. I remove my shoes while he digs out pajamas.

"I'm going to get some blankets for the guys," Bailey kisses my forehead before leaving the room.

After I finish changing, I crawl under the covers. I lay there staring at the ceiling, buzzing with all sorts of frightening thoughts. I can't stop thinking about the night of the party. Though I want to play tough in front of the guys, my façade is dissolving inside.

"Hey, baby," Bailey peeks back into the room and notices me sobbing. His expression falls, "No, no, no..." He closes the door and rushes over, encompassing me in his arms, "baby, I love you so much, okay? Just think about me and how much I love you. Please, don't cry."

"I'm sorry," I feel like I've upset him as he strokes my hair, "I'm sorry, Bay."

"Baby... I'll be right here, okay? Don't apologize. You can cry it out, Max. I hate to see you cry, but let it out," his arms fasten around me and we lie back into the mattress.

"I never thought I was getting out of high school... Alive," I confess in a wet voice, "I thought either my dad would kill me or I would... I wouldn't be able to... To take it anymore."

"Shh," Bailey caresses my back and strokes my hair, "you aren't alone anymore, Max. You have me, baby. You're a fighter and always have been. You'll keep fighting, and I'll be right here to help you, baby. You aren't alone."

I must cry myself to sleep because I don't remember us saying anything else.


The next morning, I wake up sweating and trying to escape the tangling comforter. THUNK! I land painfully on the floor when I run out of bed and then suddenly Bailey is crawling to get to me. He scoops me up and gets my ass on the edge of the mattress.

"Bad dream, baby?" Bailey brushes damp hair off my forehead, "that was a hard fall. Are you hurting?"

"I'm okay," I pant, pressing his cool hand into my forehead, "I think I just need a shower."

"Last night was hard, baby... It was a bad night for you, for all of us. The boys want to protect you and I want to..." His voice wavers and he clears his throat, "I want you to feel safe and I want to make you happy, Max. I hate that you felt all alone for so long... And I was right here this whole fucking time and I just watched you. I just sat on the sideline like I was going to fuck up your life. But my boys and I... My family can help you."

"Bay, I know this," I move into his lap, "all of us will make this right together. I need you and your family. I need all of you and don't want to be left out of the decisions. Even if you guys decide to do something I don't like or terrifies me, I still want to be here... To be a part of your family."

"My family," Bailey chortles softly, tickling my neck with his breath, "we're all family now. You're my whole world, baby."

I curl around his neck and he lifts me up as he stands. I feel him moving and then the cool air of the bathroom. Bailey rests me on the counter and leans in to turn on the shower. As the water warms, Bailey locks the door and ditches his clothes. Then he's stripping me down while I giggle bashfully and we step into the shower.

"My God, you are so fucking enchanting, baby," Bailey's lips crash into mine hungrily.

Water splashes down my back, soaking me thoroughly. Bailey stumbles back reluctantly and grabs the shampoo. He dumps a small amount in his hands and kneads his fingers into my scalp. Oh wow... I get why he likes it when I tug on his hair. This is sensual and relaxing. My legs tremble as he rinses out the suds and then starts lathering conditioner into the ends of my hair.

"Are you okay, baby?" Bailey knows what he's doing to me.

"I need you right now," I whimper, grasping his waist and squeeze eagerly.

Bailey smirks, grabbing the bar of soap, "are you relaxed, love?"

"Yes, baby, beyond relaxed. I want to make love to you... Now," I groan leaning into his wandering hands, "stop that... I can barely stand up right now."

Bailey sets the bar of soap aside and rinses out the ends of my hair. Then he pulls me firmly into his chest, kissing my shoulder. Tingles sear down my veins and pool in my belly, burning bright. Bailey cups my jaw with one hand, pinning me into him with the other pressed into my lower back. His tongue darts into my mouth when his lips seize mine and swishes along my cheeks.

"Christ, you taste amazing," Bailey breaks the kiss, dragging fingers from my face to my neck, "I love you so much."

Bailey knows exactly what he's doing. He knows how to warm me up like honey, make my body quiver, and ease my aching heart. His hand ventures down my neck along my sternum between my breasts, and descends past my navel. I pant against him when his mouth latches beneath my chin and his fingers start dancing along my drenched center.

"Does that feel good, baby?"


"I want you so bad, but I'm here to make you feel good first," Bailey brushes lips over the shell of my ear.

Insistent fingers twirl along my folds and then press into my clit. He pinches it and rubs more fervently, grinding his hard dick into my hip. I let a moan slip past my lips, aching for more.

"Bay..." I whine, "Please."

"Fuck, don't beg me," Bailey sucks my earlobe into his mouth and inserts one tentative finger past my slit, "Christ... Don't do that to me right now... I'm going to make you cum with just my hand, baby."

His finger drives in and out swiftly, bruising my sensitive skin with his knuckles. I don't care. It feels so good when he inserts two fingers and hooks them up, pumping into the spot that not every guy can locate. My orgasm dribbles down my legs and I practically scream into his shoulder, biting down on him to muffle the sound.

"Oh shit, baby," Bailey removes his fingers slowly, "now you can beg for me, love."

"Please," I whimper easily, "make love to me, Bay. Please."

Abruptly, he turns me around, propping my hands on the tiled wall. He helps adjust my left leg, and wraps an arm around my waist. I lean heavily into my right leg to support myself, but Bailey somewhat holds me up. He takes a lot of my own weight, so I can relax as he fluidly slips into my slit from behind.

"Holy shit, you're so wet, baby," he rocks in, pressing his chest into my back and holding motionless, "fucking hell, Max. You are everything to me, baby. I love you so much."

He brushes my hair over one shoulder and sucks on my neck as he retracts slowly and grinds back in tenderly. His sensual, gentle pounding creates a tremor in my thighs and Bailey doesn't rush the moment. I let out a high-pitched whimper as Bailey growls into my ear.

"Bay..." I whine as the white heat sparks.

"Cum for me, baby," Bailey thrusts into me fast and hard, "Your pussy feels too damn good. I can't wait... Cum for me, baby."

His words are my undoing as I turn to mush and tremble in his hold. He has to hold me up as my entire body quakes and burns in the rapture. Bailey doesn't slow down, ramming into me as I soak his dick with my orgasm.

"Thank fuck," Bailey slides out and releases on my ass, "I love you, baby." He wipes the cum off my ass with the water and kisses my shoulder, "I love you so much, Max."

My throat aches with how much I adore him.

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