《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 30


Waking up in the mornings is more difficult now that I am sleeping like a rock and getting more of it than I am used to. My body is heavy and exhausted from all the amazing sex with Bailey. My knee definitely feels a hundred percent better. Bailey helps with stretches and the little exercises I haven't been able to do recently because of the pain.

"Baby, good morning," Bailey kisses my forehead and brushes hair off my face, "if you want to shower, you need to get up, baby."

"Nah," I smack my hand over his mouth, "shh... I'm tired."

"It's Friday, love," Bailey coos softly, skimming lips from my temple, along my jawline, and suctioning below my chin, "we have all weekend to rest. Get up, baby. One more day this week, love."

"Shh," I giggle, placing a finger over his lips, "stop talking."

"What do you want me to do then?" He teases, nibbling at my finger, "we can shower together, Max. Will that get you out of bed, baby?"

"I think that will make me want to stay in bed all day, baby..."

"You're right," Bailey strips the comforter away, "get your stubborn ass out of bed!"


Bailey chuckles, lifting me off the mattress and carts me through the hallway. He sets me on my feet in the bathroom where I can smell the cup of coffee that he prepared. I don't drink coffee that much, but he took the time to make one for me and carry me to the shower.

"Why are you being so sweet?" I lock my hands around his neck before he can leave.

"Because you deserve it," he pecks my nose, "now shower and get ready for school. I'll make you some breakfast."

"Wait..." I whine, pulling him into me, "give me a real kiss."

"I will kiss you when you are dressed, baby," Bailey pecks my lips briefly, "so we aren't late for school."

"You're mean," I make a puppy face as he leaves the bathroom laughing.

After hastening through a shower, I apply some lotion and fix a tad of makeup on my eyes. Then blow dry my hair and tame it down my back with some shine spray. The Ghost Riders discussed a party this weekend, and this way I won't have to get all dolled up later. I'll be ready for that, and can distract Bailey all afternoon.

"I like that shirt," Bailey closes the bedroom door as I fix a blue fitted shirt around my torso, "I love blue and gray on you."

"I want to wear my leggings because they don't hurt my thighs," I whine as I settle on the bed to fix the brace, "but I don't have any of my long shirts to cover my ass."

"You can wear one of my sweatshirts," He takes the brace before I can cinch it.

"Bay... It's fine," I giggle as he unbuttons my pants, and draws them down my legs, "Bay, you're just turning me on by getting me naked."

Bailey chuckles, folding my jeans and digs out leggings. He removed all of his clothes from the dresser, and set up the closet for himself. I don't have a lot of clothes with me to need more than the four drawers.

"Black or charcoal?"


Bailey trades my jeans for black leggings and slides them up my legs. I pull them around my ass and he passes over the brace then heads to the closet to find a sweatshirt. Just as I secure the last piece, he hands over a plain navy-blue sweatshirt. I smirk at the color and tug it over my body, now regretting taking time on my hair and makeup.


"Should I put my hair up?"

"I like it in a pony," he grabs a scrunchie from the top of the dresser, "it gives me better access to your neck." He shifts hair off my shoulder and presses his warm lips to my soft skin, "baby, you smell so fucking good."

"Bay, you're killing me," I latch around his waist and haul him over me, "now, we're not going anywhere."

"We can sneak away during lunch," he murmurs in my neck, holding his weight off me, "we can make love in my Chevy, baby."

"Screw homeroom...." I retort.

"We have to turn in our second rough draft today, baby... We have to go to class."

"Give me a real kiss. I am dressed."

Bailey clenches his jaw, knowing it's a bad idea. His lips brush mine ever so lightly and I lift my head to find the pressure and passion I am craving. I flick my tongue past his lips and explore his Skittles flavor, eating up his desirous saliva. My hands dance in his tamed hair, ruffling it and giving him that sex look that I love so much. A growl dins in the back of his throat, and his hands tighten on my waist, trying to control the urge to strip us both down.

Abruptly, he breaks the kiss and scrambles away from me, blushing, "you are addictive, Max."

He is too determined to wait for sex till lunch, but I am not giving up. I slide off the bed and push him into the door. His jowl feathers as I flip the lock and not so stealthily kneel in front of him, working past his belt and pants button. Bailey doesn't fend me off as I strip down his pants and boxers at the same time, shoving them to his feet.

"W-what are you doing?" He stammers.

I take his length in my hand that's already solid and at attention. I glide my palm down to the hilt and squeeze him more firmly before pumping my hand up to his tip. Rubbing my thumb over the head, I smile up at him, letting him stare into my eyes. I promised to go down on him and I haven't. If he won't give into my mouth on his, he will give into my lips sheathing his dick.

"Max..." Bailey strokes a loose strand behind my ear, "please... We are going to be late."

"Now, you're getting it," I murmur, teasing his tip with my tongue.

"Fuck..." His head falls back against the door and his thighs quiver, "Max, baby..."

"Give into me, Bay," I swirl my tongue around the head and wrap my lips around him, sucking delicately.

"Oh, Christ... Baby," his hand at my neck clutches my pony and grips me hard, "fuck, that feels incredible."

I widen my mouth and take more of him in, exploring my ability. Wrapping my teeth with my lips, I run my tongue along his shaft, bobbing a couple times. He shudders and quakes with every miniscule movement. This won't take long. I pop my mouth off him and place soft kisses on his tip, pumping my hand along his throbbing dick.

"Baby, I won't last... Do you want me inside you?"

"I want to taste you," I bat my eyelashes at him.

His hand tightens on my ponytail. I lick at his dick and plunge him into my mouth again, working him to the back of my throat. My stomach clenches momentarily, but only a few tears slip free. I can still breathe through my nose and am actually enjoying the feel of his hot, smooth skin in my mouth. I dive him back a couple more times before pulling back to torture his tip again. I suck on him like a fricking lollipop, tasting sweet and salty. My spit is everywhere and his precum coats my mouth, but his tense muscles and bated breath is euphoric.


"Baby, I-I love you so-so fucking much..." Bailey can barely speak.

He usually dazzles me with words when we make love, but he's failing to come up with a coherent thought. I love that the only thing he can think of is how much he loves me. It encourages me and I surge down his length again, hollowing my cheeks. He pins me to his hip, pumping down my throat several times, my stomach spasms, but then he releases me. I bob up, keeping half of his long dick in my mouth and suction around him.

"Fuck... I'm going to cum," he lets go of my pony to tap my shoulder, "baby... I-I c-can't..."

I hold out my tongue and press his dick into the heat of my mouth, working my hand up his shaft. His eyes widen as he realizes I am going to swallow his orgasm. Suddenly he shudders, and his entire body feathers like a leaf in a breeze. His salty cream slides down my throat and I wipe around my lips, sucking my fingers clean, keeping my eyes locked with his.

"Fucking hell, baby," He fits himself back in his jeans after I pull them up to him and zips them, "that was unbelievable."

His hands dig under my armpits and he hauls me to my feet. He embraces me resolutely, grateful and breathless. He kisses my neck, clearly regretting not having his way with me when he had the chance.

"I'm hungry now," I smirk.

"Didn't you just eat?" He teases, pecking my nose, "I made you a breakfast burrito. It's pretty small after the meal you just had."

"That was my treat."

"I thought it was my treat," he curves an arm around my waist as we move down the stairs, "how did I get so lucky?"

"You were pretty determined to win me over."

"I never stood a chance..." He pulls a burrito from the oven and passes it to me, grabbing our bags and the keys to the Cheyenne, "let me get it started, so it has a chance to warm up."

I bite into the burrito, happy to discover potatoes, melted cheddar, maple sausage, and some scrambled eggs. There is a little taco sauce and some sour cream inside. The best breakfast burrito I've ever had. It's homemade and not a frozen piece of shit that he warmed up in the microwave. I finish it, satisfied, before he returns.

"Wow, baby. You mesmerize me," he returns and smiles at me as I chug a glass of water and take some ibuprofen, "is your knee okay?"

"Barely any discomfort," I shrug, rinsing out the glass and setting it in the dry rack, "let's go."


By lunch time, Bailey is too impatient to get me home, but I need to eat and finish my geometry homework for today. We made it to homeroom with ten minutes left in class and claimed we had car trouble. I'm pretty sure the office saw through our charade, but they gave us passes anyway. Everyone adores the lacrosse star and he argued on my behalf, so they conceded.

"You could probably tutor Ry at this point," Zane gives up trying to help me since I am doing just fine on my own

"Where is he and Connor?"

"Working... A different kind of job," Zane clarifies when I give him a questioning glare.

"They have two jobs?" Mallory asks from my other side.

"Oh hey," I tug her into the seat next to me, "come up with anything?"

Mallory shrugs, "I think I give up. I can make life rough and maybe a little hellish, but I can't take her down."

"I don't think she's really all that powerful to begin with," Zane butts in on our conversation, sharing a lingering gaze with me.

"Then make her stop harassing Max," Bailey finishes off his chicken wrap, "without killing her."

"Damn it," Zane smacks the table sarcastically, "how did you know that's what I would say?"

"I know you, brother."

"Where were you this morning?" Mallory steals my attention.

My cheeks burn with the heat, "we had car trouble."

"Oh, sure you did," Mallory plays it casual, but even Zane hears the humor in her tone.

"Bay said she gives great head," Zane laughs, but it sounds forced.

"Fuck off," Bailey chucks a fork at him, "I didn't say shit to him."

"I was fucking joking," Zane doesn't look amused.

"Wasn't it your first time?" Mallory mutters to me, "did you enjoy yourself then?"

I've divulged more personal things to her recently since she helped with my dad. I'm learning to trust her, too and trying to believe in it. It's been so long counting on no one but myself that it's new to me to really hand over my trust to a friend. Bailey makes it so easy, basically demanding it from me.

"Mmhmm," I hum a quiet yes.

Bailey's hand lands on my thigh and I turn to face him. The question in his eyes is concern. I told him I haven't gone down on anyone before and that was the first time I ever did it for him.

Maybe he forgot...?

"What?" I push away the last half of my sandwich.

"Nothing," he shakes his head, squeezing my leg.

Some blond cheerleader drapes around Zane's shoulders, "are you busy, Zane?"

"Right now?" He queries and green eyes dart to me.


I cock an eyebrow at him as if he needs my permission.

The cheerleader doesn't wait for a response, flouncing out of the cafeteria alone. Zane stares after her only for a second before getting up sluggishly, avoiding anyone's gaze. He trails after her silently and hastens his pace.

I've never seen him around a girl except at a party. It's not like I thought he is a gentleman, but watching him chase after a girl at school is so obvious and unlike him. Mallory seems put off by this as well and goes after him curiously.

"Did I miss something?"

"Baby," Bailey's voice drops in volume, so I can barely hear him, "I completely forgot about that this morning..."

"What?" I am not sure if I should keep looking at him or run after Mallory and Zane, "what's going on?"

"You..." Bailey dips his forehead into mine, "I forgot that was your first time. I didn't hurt you, did I? I was a little rough with you when I held your head..."

"Are you kidding me?" I titter breathlessly, "that was completely hot, Bay. You didn't hurt me."

"Are you sure? I would have been gentler with you for your first time if I was thinking... You took me by surprise and, fuck you were so good," Bailey kisses me briefly, but there's a lot of emotion in it, "I completely forgot."

"Bay... I wanted to do it. It's not like you forced me into anything," I stroke his face with my knuckles, "you're worrying for nothing."

"I do that when it comes to you," he pecks my chin and leans away.

I peek at the cafeteria doors, "do I need to be concerned about what the hell is going on with Zane and Mallory and that cheerleader?"

Bailey frowns and shrugs, "did I miss something?"

"That's what I would like to know."

"I didn't even notice him leave," Bailey keeps his eyes locked on mine, and I realize he hasn't had a straight thought since he heard me talking to Mallory.

"Zane went after some cheerleader and then Mallory took off after them, Bay."

Bailey shrugs, "no idea. Zane may be getting some with the cheer girl, but Mal is not of my concern. He wouldn't touch her. He doesn't mess with anyone who is in Cassie's clique."

"It seems out of character for him," I purse my lips, staring at the doors, "he only hooks up at parties. Not at school."

Bailey snorts, "that you see."

"Excuse me?"

"He is suave how smoothly he can get a girl in a closet and out again, baby. Are you really thinking about the moves he makes?"

I roll my eyes, "I pay attention to the people that matter to you."

"That's not what I meant," he grumbles, cupping my chin, "it's like you're looking for something to be suspicious about."

I swallow, "it's second nature..." I look away, "I can't help it."

"You said you trust me more than yourself?" He remains gentle, gliding an arm around my waist and tugging me in close, "you can trust me, baby. Z, Ry, and Con are all trustworthy people. They may not always do things legally, but neither do I. You can count on them. They will always help. Always. They're my brothers. My family."

"Because Zane's parents are absent, Ry is essentially on his own, and I don't know Connor's situation. He's not around enough, but I get the feeling he's the reason you guys are doing illegal things so much. But you guys are family because of your lifestyles."

Bailey chuckles, nuzzling my nose, "you are smarter than anyone in this school gives you credit. I know you aren't stupid and always knew it, but the way everyone talks... I wouldn't have figured you were this observant or insightful... That's on me."

"I thought you don't listen to what they say."

"If I did, would I be right here now...? Completely bewitched by you?" He dips his forehead into mine.

"Bewitched?" I judge harshly.

He chuckles, "I love you, Max. Only you. Only ever you."

"This conversation has taken a very different path than I expected," I narrow my eyes on him, "are you distracting me?"

"You're distracting me," he smirks.

"Bailey," I press away from him, making my voice cold and stern, "answer me... Do you know what's going on?"

His face falls like he is hurt, "I don't have a clue."


"Baby...? Really?"

"Promise me..." My throat tightens with distrust.

I can't handle it if he is keeping secrets from me whether because it's none of my business or not. I can't have secrets with him. I trust him full-heartedly, and that scares me to death. My guard is still up that the left shoe is about to drop any minute. All of this is too good to be true.

"I'm scared..." I go on quietly, "I have no one else."

"I promise, baby," Bailey gives in and closes the space between us, "and you can trust me. I know you do." He bows his head into mine, "I wouldn't do anything to make you question that."

I've worked myself up over nothing. I am off kilter and confused and don't know how I got here. I lean into him and let his body heat soothe my frazzled mind. He senses the unease taking over and just holds me.

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