
was quiet. it wasn't because he was deep in thought, but rather because he didn't have a reply. his lips don't form any words to reply to jin. he didn't know what to say. he didn't know what to do.

namjoon's heart pummeled against his chest at the sight of haru. his lungs gasp for air at the pace of his beating heart. his heart cracked.

"hyung." namjoon glanced at haru, "how much time are we looking at?"

jin scanned haru. he looked her up and down like a doctor. she was already frail. she seemed sick, unable to move. her face was getting paler by the hour. it was clear that they were running out of time.

jin tapped the concrete ground with his fingers. he took different things into consideration before arriving at an answer.

"a couple hours, it's working fast." he sighed, "no more than that."


namjoon ran his hand through his hair. that wasn't enough time. at least not enough to formulate a plan and attack. it wasn't enough time to go by the books and ensure there would be no complications.

namjoon sighed. for the first time, he had no clue what to do.

"i can't give it to him anyway." namjoon mumbled.

the room was quiet enough for all of them to hear namjoon's whisper.

all of their heads jolt to his direction, "why!"

"what if we have no other choice." taehyung added.

taehyung looked at namjoon, waiting for a smart answer.

namjoon rubbed the nape of his neck. he pursed his lips, looking straight at the boys. he averted his eyes.

"it's kinda in seoul."

the seven threw their heads back, expelling loud sighs. of course.

"you fucking dumbass." jin hollered, "how'd you forget that shit in seoul."


jungkook couldn't let this opportunity fly away. a wide grin painted his face.

"it takes pure talent, hyung." jungkook answered for namjoon, "only 148 iq can do so."

namjoon smiled sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders. he pouted. he had never planned for all of this to happen. it was supposed to be short and sweet. they were supposed to be back in seoul now.

"then." yoongi started, "what are we going to do?"

he pursed his lips into a fine line, "do you have a plan namjoon?"

namjoon felt powered. adrenaline rushed through his veins.

"we fight." namjoon stood up, "we'll fight till it's over."

within minutes, namjoon had come up with a plan. it wasn't foolproof but it would do.

"both jungkook and i know the ins and outs of this place." he stopped, "well at least most of it."

hoseok rested his head against the wall, "so are we going to split into two groups?"

namjoon nodded. hoseok didn't need any other confirmation. his smile was radiant as he acknowledged namjoon.

namjoon paced around the cell, he walked from the front to the back. he walked from one side to another.

he analyzed the different ideas he had come up with, playing them out into multitudes of different scenarios. he watched each idea as a timeline discovering faults and pluses for each choice.

he sat back down with a sigh. there wasn't much he could do. each plan had a dozen faults on its own. they had to make the best of the plans. he didn't analyze them as much as we wanted too, they weren't foolproof without a doubt.

"jin, jungkook, taehyung and suho if he's willing." namjoon turned towards the four, "they're going to look for the cure-"


suho met eyes with namjoon. they had planned to take him back. it was the least he could do for them.

"i'm in."

jungkook broke out of his daze, he stopped staring at the gray ceiling.

"wait, why am i going with them."

namjoon rolled his eyes at the younger, "are you even paying attention, kookie."

jungkook bobbed his head, "i am."

he stuck his tongue out childishly, crossing his hands and pouting at the elder.

namjoon glanced at him, subtly ignoring his childish behavior. he turned away from the red-head looking straight at the others.

"and the others." namjoon chuckled, "we're the distractions."

the rest of them nodded. none of them disagreed with namjoon.

"and what about haru." jimin raised an eyebrow.

namjoon snapped his head back to jimin, "she'll come with us."

hoseok ran his hand down the wall, "that's so dangerous, we can't do that."

"well. we can't send her with jin, jungkook, and taehyung. it's just not going to work out. they'll spend more time making sure she is well and running than looking for the cure."

"i have a feeling." namjoon pushed himself off the ground, "she might just help us buy a little more time."

"we won't have contact with the other group. just don't do anything i wouldn't do."

the boys rolled their eyes. they waited for one of them to come up with a snarky remark to namjoon's statement.

"got it." jungkook sent a cheeky smile towards namjoon, "that leaves, no cooking, no touching things-

"-jungkook." namjoon glared at him.

the boys break into loud ripples of laughter. it felt as if the atmosphere is lightened for a moment like they aren't in danger. it felt like they were at home, on a normal day.

haru scanned across the room, a faint smile found its way.

those seven boys meant more to her than she had ever thought.

they became her family. she watched as they all sorted out a plan to save her by risking their lives. they were willing to go to any lengths in order to save her.

a family. they were her family.

she had never received this kind of tender love before.

she met eyes with namjoon. he gave her a warm smile. her heart softened at his two crinkled dimples.

namjoon stood up. he helped haru stand up, letting her use him as support. the rest of the group followed namjoon.

"are we ready?"

they all nodded. they formed a circle together. all of them put their hands down, into the center of their circle.

"1!2!3!" they raised their hands into the sky, "bangtan!"

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