《Battle Scars|✔️》The Friend


I was so cold.

So scared.

I couldn't bring myself to look up from where I had fixed my eyes on the stone floor. I have no clue how long it's been. Maybe a few hours. Maybe a few days. No one has come into the small room I was stored in but I heard footsteps outside the locked door. It was dark in here and smelled like burned flesh.

The scent made my stomach churn for more than one reason. It had been about 4 months since I've been in a survival situation but all my instincts were still intact. Stay still. Don't move. Don't make noise. Don't give any indication that you're awake. If they know I'm awake whatever they have planned might begin. And I couldn't risk that. The longer I stayed "asleep" the better.

I wondered where I was. I wondered if anyone was looking for me. Is Ricky upset? Is Hayden worried? Did anyone even realize I was gone? I thought of my new family that I had become apart of only 4 months prior. Would they miss me? Surely I hadn't been there long enough for them to be missing me too much.

Dad and Alex were probably still on their work trip and the rest were at the football game. I wonder if Drew and Beaus team won? Beau. Oh god I never forgave him. What if I die and he thinks I hated him? I can't let that happen. I need to stay alive for everyone.

I could feel a pounding in my head but I knew how to block out pain. I knew how to act natural even when I feel like I'm dying. I try to remember exactly what happened. I was eating my ice cream waiting for Ricky and he went inside to use the bathroom. When he left a weird looking man approached me and put some sort of cloth over my mouth making me black out. I knew it was some sort of drug and I supposed that was what was hurting my head.


Or maybe I hit it when I fell? I can't remember all the details. The door slowly creaked open causing me to lie so still you may have thought I was dead "Is my princess still asleep?" A man cooed stroking my hair. But it wasn't in a loving way. It was in a way that made me want to curl up and cry. I tried not to move but I couldn't sit there and allow him to touch me any longer. "Ahh good morning sleeping beauty." I brought my knees to my chest protectively, staring the man in the eye.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I whimpered with as much confidence as possible. The man raised his hand and slapped me across the cheek leaving a stinging sensation on my skin. "When someone says good morning you say good morning back understand?" He growled grabbing my chin roughly. I nodded quickly. The path of least resistance was always the best option for survival. "You will learn some manners girl. I promise you that." He said dropping my face.

"But to answer your question, I am Clark. A friend of your family. Where you are in not important. Any other questions?" If he was a friend of my family's than I didn't want to make him mad or upset him in any way. Dad might not like it if I was rude to one of his friends.

"Why am I here?" I asked cautiously. I wa sure I was pushing the envelope with my questions but I need to get some answers and he did say I could ask questions. "Your family was sick of you. So they sent you to me." He said with a shrug. Tears bubbled up in my eyes. All those times they said they loved me were they lying? No, no that can't be right.


"No, t-they wouldn't." I stammered desperately trying to find a lie. His face morphed into sadness. "I'm afraid they did princess. They didn't love you. But I will. You have me now. And I'll never get rid of you." I looked up at Clark with unshed tears still flooding my eyes. "If you're a good girl and mind your manners I'll show you how much I can love you."

I was hurt.

My heart physically hurt.

Maybe that was why I agreed. "I'll be a good girl. I promise sir. I'll always be a good girl." He smiled down at me. "I know you will be Thea. I have high hopes for you little one." I sniffled wiping away the remaining tears. If my family didn't love me than fine. I didn't need them anyway. Now I had someone who would hopefully love me.

All I had to do was be a good girl and I can do that. "Let's start by taking this medicine." Clark held out 2 pills that were large and a weird color. "Do I have to?" I questioned quietly. He grabbed my hair and yanked me back.

"You never question me understand? When I say jump you say how high got it?" I didn't know what jumping had to do with this but not wanting to make him any angrier, I took the pills and swallowed them. "Good girl. Now we can begin." I wanted to ask him what we could begin, but I suddenly felt so very tired.

"Go to sleep Thea. You won't want to be awake for this." He purred in my ear.

And I slowly slipped into a peaceful sleep.

If only I knew what was happening.

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