《Battle Scars|✔️》The Problem


"Thea just try." Dad urged pointing to the poison on my plate

"It looks gross." I mumbled poking the food. "It's lasagna you love lasagna." Alex pointed out.

I scrunch my nose up in distaste."But it's green"

We had been sitting at the dinner table for the last 30 minutes and everyone was trying to get me to eat some of the vegetarian lasagna. "Vegetables won't kill you pumpkin." Hayden said with a laugh.

I glanced down at the food once more deciding to suck it up and try a bite but as the fork got closer to my mouth I just couldn't do it. "It's icky." I whined to Dad.

I was not usually one to complain about food but I will not eat something that is such a disgrace to a wonderful dish

"Okay. Take one bite and then I'll make you some Mac'n'cheese if you don't like it alright?" Dad negotiated. I nodded and picked my fork back up.

time to be brave and make a sacrifice for the greater good of cheesey pasta

I plunged the icky green food into my mouth and forced myself to swallow the food

"Good girl. Beau go put some water on to boil." Dad said with a smile. "Was it good?" Hayden asked me. I shook my head. "It tasted like vegetables." I replied with an emphasis on vegetables

"Oh god forbid." Alex muttered under his breath with amusement lacing his voice. I ignored him and joined Dad in the kitchen where he was doing the dinner dishes.

"So Thee, are you excited for the picnic tomorrow?" My smile grew larger "I can't wait." I exclaimed throwing my hands up dramatically.

"I'm glad baby. I'm excited too." All anyone has talked about at school all week was the super fun picnic we were having. I ate my amazingly wonderful Mac'n'Cheese before getting in my pajamas and then into bed.


The next morning I woke up feeling really icky. I was hot and cold at the same time and my stomach was churning like crazy.

I looked at my clock and realized I had gotten up late and only had a few minutes to get ready for school.

My appearance was pale and sickly but there was no way I was missing this day at school. I put my uniform on in record time (I had figured out how to work the buttons on my clothes)

"Thea we gotta go!" Drew called from behind my door

"Coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed my backpack and joined my 3 brothers who were waiting for me by the front door. "You okay baby? You look kinda pale." Grey noted reaching to touch my head.

I pushed his hand away "I'm fine." I lied. He didn't seem like he fully believed me but moved on without anymore questions, thank god.

"Thea are you okay?" Abbey asked me as we did our first lesson for the day."Yes Abbey, I'm alright." I mumbled not meeting her eye.

I was trying to focus but my head was pounding and I could barely hear myself think. "Thea you don't look so good. Maybe you should go to the nurse." Collin said looking at me with worried eyes. I shook my head. "I'll be fine." I assured them.

They left me alone after that but I only started to feel worse

"Thea. Thea!" I snapped out of my sudden trance by Ms.Winters calling my name

"Yes?" I asked trying to remember what we had been doing "Are you alright?" She asked me. Geez I must really look bad

"I'm alright." I lied once more "I don't think you are. Thea go to the nurse." My eyes welled up with tears but I didn't argue and left the classroom


"Oh hun you have a fever." The nurse said after taking my temperature "I can't go home." I said with a cracking voice.

"Why not dear?" The nurse asked flipping through the phone book "We have a picnic later that I really wanna go to." A tear escaped my eyes

"Oh I'm sorry but you're sick and have to go home." She told me with sympathy. I sat in her office for the next little while, crying quietly.

I had been looking forward for this picnic for a week and now cause of some stupid sickness I was gonna miss it "Aww baby what's the matter?" Hayden asked when he walked in and saw me crying. "I'm missing the picnic." I blubbered

"Oh Thee, I'm sorry honey." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight "Me and you are gonna go home and have a super special Hayden-and-Thea day. Does that sound good?" He mumbled into my hair.

I nodded solemnly and Hayden grabbed my backpack that Collin had brought to me earlier. I didn't look at Hayden all the way home, still being upset.

At home, Hayden set me up on the couch with an episode of Phineas and Ferb and some medicine to calm my fever. He then came and pulled me into his lap

"I'm sorry about the picnic baby girl." He mumbled kissing my temple "I feel bad cause Dad was looking forward to it as well." I replied.

Hayden chuckled "You are always worried about other people even when you're the one who should be upset." I shrugged "Everyone deserves to be happy." Hayden squeezed me tight

"I love you Thea. Never change." I smiled "I'll try."

After that my eyelids drooped and I slowly allowed myself to drift into a peaceful sleep.

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