《Phelps twins imagine!》A good a/n


Words count: 219

A/n: This is probably one of my longest A/n's I've going to write! Anyways I wanted to say that I have began to write a imagine! It's going to be really long. I think it will be 6000 words or least I will try to write that much! So I don't know if that is coming up tomorrow or later. Maybe it will come up on Friday because of school but I try to post as fast as I can. But you are waiting for a long reading. So I think it is going to be great! Anyways I'm so thankful for all of you. I love you all so much. Have you any ideas for imagines? I need some help please I'm stocked on ideas just for now so if you have any please tell me. It would really help me! And I would really love to hear what you all want for imagines! I'm sorry for not posting if I'm not doing that tomorrow but remember it will be a long imagine so just keep waiting! I don't know if it's a good imagine or not but it will still be long! Anyways thank you all love you all take care and hope you all had a great day!

Love G Xx.

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