《Jack Dylan Grazer Imagines》Jack Dylan Grazer


I'll do Eddie just be patient my dearies

Your POV

"A FUCKING 7 A.M. CLASS!" I yell into the phone and I could physically hear Logan flinch. "Jesus YN it's literally once in a lifetime and this whole class is going to be about extra credit so you should take it. Lord knows that you need as much extra credit as you could get," he responds and I groan and begin to get dressed. "Can we at least go in sweats?" I ask and he says "Nah, not with Mr. Castanello. He's a fucking prick and will kick I'm you out if you look like a hobo," he says and I smile. "Well then I shouldn't go at all," I say and he chuckles. "Just hurry your ass up it's almost 7," he says and I hang up after saying bye. I decide to actually follow Logan's rules on how I should appear and quickly brush out my hair and put on my light washed straight jeans and a really small shirt then decide to put on my MGK sweatshirt.

Jacks POV

"Alright Jesus I don't wanna do this," I say while rubbing my eyes. "Yeah yeah stop bitching and moaning. At least you're failing your classes and this shit is for extra credit," Finn says and I shrug and adjusts my book bag straps. "Yeah but still it's 6:45 in the morning and the class is already half way across the fucking campus," I say and he shakes his head. "And were going to be early just how he likes it," he says and I smile. "If it wasn't for you I would've been just fine," I say and he giggles. "Yeah sure Grazer. You would've been fine with graduating like everyone else and bored out of your mind," Finn objects and I laugh and push him playfully. This is going to be quite a day.


Your POV

"Ah 10 minutes early Ms. YLN. There is your seat. It has your name on it." Mr. Castanello says and I smile and go to around where he pointed to find my name. When I do I sit down and take out my laptop to do some of the work I was missing. "Ms. Pena please sit in your correct seat," he says and she sarcastically smiles and moves next to some random dude. "Mr. Grazer and Mr. Wolfhard what a nice surprise. Considering I thought you two would be late or sleep past your alarms, take a seat where you names are," our teacher says and I continue working. "Excuse me," I hear someone say. "Oh sorry," I say and quickly stand up. "Thanks," he says and I smile. "So, you're Jack," I quietly whisper as more students begin to flow through the room. "That's what it says on my chair, yeah," he says and I smile.

Jack's POV

She was stunning. I didn't want to come off as rude or that I didn't want to talk to her but wow it was hard not to talk to her and not notice her beauty. I'm glancing at her as we make small talk and she pulls her purse out from behind her chair and whips out a Monster and a glass bottle of Starbucks coffee. "What are you doing?" I ask her and she smiles. "I'm gonna die," she says while chugging some of the coffee and some of the Monster. She then pours the Monster into the Starbucks glass and takes a leisurely sip after a few shakes. "You wanna try some?" she asks and whips out a flask. "Uhm isn't that gonna get me in trouble," I ask and she looks around. "Are you the professor?" and I chuckle. "Yes," and she snickers and pours some of the odd looking liquid into the flask and hands it to me.


Your POV

"How could you I'm the professor," he says jokingly in the tone of Mr. Castanello. "Well then you better hurry before your supervisor notices," I say and he shakes his head and downs the liquid. He scrunches his nose, then relaxes it, then scrunches it again. "That is awful, the the fuck could you drink that!" he says lowly but in a way that made me quietly laugh. "I know it tastes bad but it gives me enough energy and sugar that if I drank one other thing besides water I would go into cardiac arrest and my heart would stop," I say and he laughs. "You're so stupid," he says playfully and I punch his shoulder, not to hard so it hurts but so he grabs it in reflex. "Mr. Grazer and Ms. YLN would you care to explain what is so funny about the Holocaust that you are non-stop laughing?" our teacher says and we both sit there wide eyed as the class of probably 100 kids stares directly at us from all angles.

Jacks POV

"Well you see we where laughing because of Hitler's mustache, it is a symbol of pure and absolute evil. It is quite funny the fact that he looks quite foolish even though people of a certain race or religion where even scared of his name being spoken with a mustache like that," I explain and Mr. Castanello simply stares at me with a blank expression. I look over to YN and she has the same expression. "Well then why do you need the extra credit," he says in rebuttal. "Well you see I need the extra credit so i could graduate this year," I say and his eyes go wide. "So you expect me to give you the work you already know you could finish the year in half the time," he says and crosses his arms. "Well yes, this isn't extra credit for me, it's college credits and I need 5 more, the amount this one time class has, to graduate this year with the seniors," I say and he nods like he's thinking something over. "Alright Grazer, just act like your paying attention. And you Ms. YLN, what's your excuse,"

Your POV

"My excuse is simply the fact that I'm over the college credits I need to get out of this beautiful hellhole and I'm taking this course to bump up my wood shop class which is a C+ and I'm simply aiming for a A- by taking the class," I say slyly and Jack is laughing quietly making me proudly smile. "Alright, then act as well, I'm sure you learned something from the drama club," he says and I flip him off when his back is turned. The class soon ends and Jack and I make conversation the whole time. "Interesting class was it not," he says as we exit the classroom. "It was, it was," I say. "It's lunch you wanna grab something to eat?" he asks and I nod. "Hey!" Valerie yells at me as she walks quickly towards me along with someone. "Well well well, who is this?" I say and smirk at her. "Finn?" Jack says and Finn smiles. "Double date?" Finn asks and we all nod.



Also inspired by a true story and YN is me and Jack is a person I met named Cody, kinda like Cody Fern but not at all like Cody Fern


They go by he/they/it pronouns btw


Stay swaggy

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