《Jack Dylan Grazer Imagines》Fraser Wilson Pt.2


This is the part two ya'll wanted so ya'll are gonna get it


"We're being what?" Fraser asks like he couldn't understand what was just said. "We're being bombed sweetie, I don't know if YN told you but the code red-" "Yeah she told me," He states, cutting his mom off. "Are we gonna make it?" my sister asks and my mom smiles. "There's a high chance that we will because we're down here but they also are most likely going to send people that will make sure that everybody on this island is dead, that's why I send you to the bunker as training alright, they'll never catch us down here," she explains in the way only a mother could. "So are we gonna die or not," I say, already growing numb to the fact that we might die. "There's a chance we will," she says and I chuckle loosely. "There is nothing funny about this situation young lady," my dad says and I nod. "I know but don't you think that if you where to die, you would die with honor, not getting caught hiding," I say to him. "Yeah well right now we don't have a choice if you want to live. You hear those? Those are nuclear bombs. Threats to our life that they are sending flying. We signed up for this for a reason, to fight, and to eventually die with honor no matter what. It doesn't matter if we die in battle or die because they find us we are dying with honor!" he rants on. "Alright alright, but can we do something to take our mind off of all this real quick," I ask and they nod. "Alright can we just go around the room and say something that we wish we could've done if we die in here," I say and they all look around the room and nod. "I wish that I could've become a foster mom and got out the army," one of Fraser's moms say and his other one then says "I wish that we could've at least gotten two half biological babies," and I smile. "I wish that we got the medal of honor and moved back to L.A. to see you graduate," my mom says and I smile. "I wish that we would've put this all behind us and move on so I could see you grow up into the most powerful woman I've laid my eyes on," my dad says and I smile. "I wish you would've went to college so I could have my own room!" my little sister says and we all chuckle. "But really I want to be your bridesmaid and watch you grow up with the one you love," she says in actuality and I smile as a few more tears trickle down my face. "And I wish to get married, have or adopt babies, and grow old with you somewhere quiet and peaceful," Fraser says and I latch onto him since he was closest to me. "I wish I could just be with you all for the rest of time," I say. "I lo-" I'm interrupted by three loud knocks on the metal door. "No one knows we're here, no one even knows that this exists," my mom says and I smile. "Holy shit," I say and at that moment the shots are fired.



Sad ending love to see it

Anyways I'll do the rest of the boys after math :(

Stay swag

(Do you guys like me saying stay swag or is that jus annoying cause I wanna put that at the end of all my chapters)

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