《Jack Dylan Grazer Imagines》Fraser Wilson


So this is gonna be an addition to the series I'm calling as the world caves in because of the song. Uhm so nobody's requesting leaving me with writers block and a shit load of homework and now that i have no ideas I HAVE to do my homework so thanks guys

YSN: your sisters name (if you have one)

"C'mon babes let's-" I'm interrupted by loud blaring going through the loud speakers all around the base. "Code red, code red," the I hear come out of the speakers. "Fuck come on!" I yell and grab his hand. "What's code red?!" He yells as we run through groups of soldiers dressed in the uniforms. "Code red means where either being infiltrated or bombed," I say and his eyes go wide as he runs at a faster pace. We arrive at our separate houses and my mom and dad aren't there. "Shit," I say and go into my little sisters room. "What?" She asks while turning away from her TV. "CODE RED WE GOTTA GO!" I yell and she picks up some random stuff and runs to our moms office. I run to Fraser's home and he's packing a small bag. "Your moms here?!" I ask, pretty frantic at the moment. "No," he sighs and shoved more of whatever he's pacing into his bag. "C'mon we literally don't have all day," I say and he grabs my hand and we start running. I lead him to my dads office and we run down the stairs since the elevators are already not working. " Where are we going?" He asks as we run down the flights. We arrive at the bunker and I bang hard on the door. "Who is it?!" She yells through the thick metal door. "Open the fucking door," I say and I can hear her opening it. She does and we run inside and I lock it. "What is this?" Fraser asks. I snap my head at him. "Probably our only chance of survival and the beginning of us being orphans," I say and he starts shaking. "Hey what's wrong?" I say hugging him and kissing his already moist cheek. " I didn't last speak with my moms on a good note," he explains and I urge my sister to bring me a bottled water. She does and I unscrew it for him and he takes a shaky hand and drinks. " We had a big fight and I told them I hated them and now they're probably gonna die knowing that," he cries and I start to hear him hyperventilating. "Baby don't cry. Focus on your breathing. Calm down and relax for me," I say and he does or at least tries. "My mom and I had a big argument once and I came to her after and I apologized and told her I didn't want her to think bad of me and she told me that no matter how hard she tries and how hard she wants to be mad that she couldn't because she loved me and that she cared for me and could never ever say that she's mad at me and means it," I say to him and he smiles. "And look at me, I love you so so so so so so so so much. I love you so much that words couldn't even explain how much I love you. Your my world and I'm so grateful for meeting you so please don't feel bad about it I'm sure they still love you and will always love you," I say and at this point we're all in tears. All of a sudden I hear banging on the door and "Hey YN and YSN let us in please," my dad says and I smile and another round of tears leave my eyes. Someone else speaks up and I immediately recognize her voice "Hey Fraser, it's your moms," she simply says and with that he's racing for the door. They get in and we all embrace with tears and one big hug. "How come you guys aren't dead!" my little sister says and my mom smiles. "Because they knew that we had to care for you s they let us go to the bunker. I'm so glad you did what I asked the both of you," she finishes and kisses our foreheads. "What's going on out there?" I ask an Fraser's mom answers. "We're being bombed,"


Should I do a part 2 of this one or make another one with Freddie or Eddie

Simply comment which one you like or if you have any requests!

Love ya'll shawties

Stay swag

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