《Jack Dylan Grazer Imagines》Freddy Freeman


"Let's go to play laser tag!" I say as I stand up out of bed. "No I don't want tooooo," he groans and I smile. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee," I say with the biggest puppy eyes I could produce, knowing he couldn't resist.

When we arrive I clap excitedly and skip my way to the laser tag center. He goes to the center soon after and I already have his vest. I help it on him and he takes his crutches and sticks some glow in the dark adhesive to them (i don't fucking know all I need is for him to not get his crutches fucking kicked from under him because the room is dark)

We're in the middle of the game and I see him cowering in a corner. I smugly smirk and strut over to him and push him lightly so his back presses against both walls. "Hey," he says as we make heavy eye contact.

I connect my lips with his and my hands go straight to his hair, simply playing and not tugging or anything. After a short while I back away and shoot him.

"You're out," I say and wink and at that moment I win. "BLUE WINS!" the announcer yells into the speaker and I do the running man, my victory dance, as the lights turn on slowly.

"NO FAIR!" he says as we walk out of the room. "Yes fair, I could always beat you when it comes ot games, what can I say I'm a seduction master," I say as I help him out of the vest and take the glow in the dark adhesive strips off of his crutches.

"You're not the seduction master, you're the cheating master," he says and I smile and give him another kiss. "Love you, now let's get some ice cream so I could make it up to you,"

I finally made another imagine with my ideas ya'll

The inspo for this wasn't mine and I got it off of Pinterest so yeah

Anyways I'm in virtual class so I'm gonna be writing a lot

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