《The Hunters Of Artemis (JOIN!)》Rules


1. Do we even need to explain this rule the oath literally says "I turn my back on the company of men" However that does not mean that you may not have friends that are boys as long as you are not romantically involved (look at Reyna and Nico tor Thalia and Percy).

2. No hate please, we are an inclusive hunt (although we do shun boys)


4. Each Hunter is special and is given a job by the goddess and lieutenants but please do not lie about your talents and/ or not fulfill your role.

5. Pings are to get someones attention but it is not pleasant to get 256 pings from one server and not know why (I speak from personal experience)

6. We know that this can be annoying but it's so we have more members and more ability to use our events to the full advantage.


That's about it!

See you in Roles!

-Ari & Chloe

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