《The Son of Artemis Book One》Chapter 28: A Prophecy Completed


Annabeth's and my plan ended up winning that game of capture the flag. Which left us with the next big event at camp which was the 4th of July fireworks, which I don't completely get.

"So, can you explain why we are doing a fireworks display instead of playing capture the flag" I asked Annabeth

"are you sure my half-sisters taught you anything" she asked

"Yes, I'm certain though we don't really pay attention to mortal affairs, as it doesn't affect us" I said, having a feeling this was a mortal thing

"Well, you know the united states, right" she asked

"yes, I know of the country in which I hunt" I said tiredly

"Well on July 4th, 1776, the country signed the declaration of independence from another country called England, also known as the United Kingdom" She said

"I think my sister killed a guy from there once, but why are we celebrating with fireworks" I asked, "because celebrating with a game of CTF seems much more fun"

"I don't completely know why, but the first time was influenced, by the second president of the United States, but at the time of the celebration one of the signers of the declaration, saying that he hoped it would be celebrated with guns, bonfires and illuminations for many years to come" she explained "thus it could just be a continuation of tradition as it has always been that way"

"Makes sense I suppose" I said

"Anyways, who are you going with" she asked, and her demeanor changed while she asked this

"Wait not only are we not doing anything involving fighting, but we are also expected to have a date" I asked shocked

She slapped me upside the head, "You don't have to have a date" she laughed, "I was just asking if you were going with anyone"

"oh no I don't think I am, I might just stay in the arena training" I said

"How oblivious are you, I'm trying to ask you to come with me" she said

"Oh, yeah sure I'll go with you, and to answer your question you do know who I was raised by right"

"I hate that you have a legitimate point" she said and thunder rumbled

"Oh come on mom, you know it's true" I said

"so we're going together" Annabeth questioned

"Yes" I said, and she smiled at me.

"Good, I'll meet you at your cabin after dinner" She said, before running off.

I didn't know why, but she seemed extremely happy, when she left.

I came back to my cabin after a rare moment of me getting lunch to see Zoë sitting on my bed. "UGH why must you annoy me sister" I asked

"Oh how funny, though I must say good job with the quest, and getting a girlfriend" she said teasingly

"But I'm not dating anyone" I said

"Oh really, mom said otherwise" Zoë said in a stop lying to me


"We're only friends ok" I said

"Hmm. I'm not too sure about that, but I'll accept it. Just don't break her heart little brother, I'll never forgive thee" Zoë stated in her usually annoying way

"You know that's more of a statement about you, mom, and my other sisters than me" I said, "You all are the ones who raised me after all"

"We'll be blaming Apollo then" she countered

"Fine by me, but why are you really here" I asked

"Oh just to tell you that, and that you are on laundry duty the week you get back" She said sniggering

"Well did you get caught by the nymphs this time" I asked

She glared at me and left muttering a few curse words under her breath, which caused me to laugh. I walked out of my cabin to head off to the arena and see if anyone is willing to spar.

The fireworks display showed many scenes throughout history, of which Annabeth was most excited about George Washington crossing the Delaware, as it was her half brother. I would have liked it more if they didn't show Heracles fighting the Nemean Lion. But Annabeth stopped me from cursing and getting angry about it at the moment. Though how I am still questioning.

"So Percy" Annabeth said as we got back to our cabins

"Yes" I asked quizzically.

"Well did you enjoy the fireworks" she asked

"All but the one..."

"Ok, no need to go on I know that you hate him" she said hugging me and I don't know why but I just felt comfortable in her arms.

"Thanks" I said

"no need, we don't need you killing anyone because he is mentioned, your mother was right on that you know" she said

"She usually is" I sighed

"well we better go to bed before the harpies come" she said, "meet you in the arena tomorrow for training"she asked

"Yeah sure, we can become known as the two who ignore their schedules then" I joked

"I'm not ignoring my schedule, remember tomorrow is a free day" she said

"It is. I guess I should have at least kept mine instead of continuously burning them"

"Goodnight Percy"

"Goodnight Annabeth"

After that Camp was pretty boring. I trained Annabeth with her knife during most of our free time...well her free time, as I'm always on free time. We also went on an incredible winning streak in capture the flag. And just yesterday she challenged her brother for head of cabin and won.

But this was all ruined as I watched Peter walk into the woods followed by Luke. You see during this same time Luke was becoming good friends with Peter and taught him how to wield a sword, and Annabeth and I started thinking that this was the end of the prophecy, and that Luke will betray Peter.

"hey beth" I asked


"Would you consider it suspicious that Peter and Luke just went into the woods together" I asked


"A little, because isn't he going back home to his mom soon"

"Yeah, should we follow them" I asked

"Let's just go, I doubt he can survive long on his own for whatever is going to happen" She responded annoyed that we have to go save him again.

I started tracking them through the woods and Peter and Luke were having a conversation of sorts, which neither I nor Annabeth could overhear.

"What do you think they are talking about" Annabeth asked

"Probably Luke revealing himself as the thief" I responded

"Luke wouldn't do that would he" she asked

"Well he did kidnap me and my mom, sisters and I have all been thinking about who could have stole it and well he suites the bill"

"what do you mean" she asked

"Quiet, stealthy, swaying loyalties, related to Hermes" I responded

"Is that last one real"

"Yes, you were the only child of Athena there correct" I said and she nodded, "Well you mostly stayed with our mothers for that trip so you were in the clear as she could vouch for you, and if it wasn't a child of your mother it had to be a child of Hermes as nobody else could possibly possess the skills or intelligence needed to pull off such a heist." I answered

"I just...I thought he was better than this" she said with tears in her eyes, and I began to try and comfort her, though I don't really know how, "I thought he changed that he would change, after the whole he kidnapped you incident" she sobbed

"It's alright but we should listen in, it is only a suspicion for now" I responded and she nodded, before leaning into my chest. I kept an arm wrapped around her, just to let her know I was still there and it felt like the natural thing to do.

"why don't you join me Peter, the gods are just using you for their own games" Luke yelled out to Peter

"I'll never betray my father, you traitor" Peter yelled in response, "I'll never betray my family"

"Noble of you but misplaced is your judgment, a shame that you'll never come to realize it" Luke responded before 3 pit scorpions came out from hiding. Shit how did I not realize they were there.

Peter instantly froze up, "Ah I see you recognize the pit scorpion. Dangerous, and poisonous. I'm sure I'll see you next year, but then again, the scorpions would have taken care of you by then" Luke said, before disappearing in a flash of light, but this wasn't god type teleportation. So, it only confirmed my suspicions that the Titans were trying to rise.

I quickly drew an arrow after Luke left and shot one of the pit scorpions through the eye killing it and Peter stabbed the closest one to him, but still got stung by it. I notched another arrow and killed the third scorpion as Peter stabbed the second one again this time killing it. "Come on if we want him to live we need to get him to Chiron" I said, before running up to grab Peter who was collapsing. I should start charging him for the amount of times that I had to carry and/or drag him away from death.

"Annabeth I got him, just run ahead and get Chiron, Peter here probably has a minute maybe less" I said, and she turned and bolted off, heading to get Chiron. "You know if you survive this Peter you owe me" I said. He responded with muttered gibberish which I'm certain no one could possibly understand.

I was begging to walk out of the woods when Chiron was just arriving with Annabeth, "What happened" Chiron asked

"Luke summoned pit scorpions and got flashed away by someone. Peter tried to fend for himself and got two stabs on one of them killing it, and that pit scorpion stung him, after the first stab. I shot the other two through the eyes killing them." I answered quickly before handing Peter off, and grabbing hold of Annabeth who looked upset, by the events that happened. I know she looked at Luke as an older brother, but I'm not too sure about that now.

"We'll talk about this later for now Peter needs medical attention" Chiron said galloping off with Peter slung across his back.

I sat at the edge of the forest still comforting Annabeth. A few minutes later she stopped sniffling and just held onto me. "Better" I asked

She nodded her head slightly, "Alright, I'm sure Chiron would like to talk to us at the big house" I responded. "Would you like to walk or for me to carry you" I asked, and she hopped on my back. "I guess carry is your answer"

"You'll be correct Percy" she said.

I began walking off to the big house and notice that she was falling asleep while I was carrying her. I walked up the steps of the big house and stepped through the door before placing her on the couch. I took the seat next to her and just sat there stroking her hair waiting for Chiron.

After an hour passed, Chiron opened the door and turned to look at us and he looked mad, but I just shook Annabeth's shoulder waking her, "What is it Percy" she asked tiredly

"Chiron is here" I responded

"Ok, so Chiron what is it"

"Peter will live, barely" he said staring at me accusingly.

"Hey look, I'm the innocent one here, if it wasn't for Annabeth and I Peter would be dead" I responded, and Chiron sighed

"What happened" he asked

"Percy told the truth Chiron, Luke summoned the pit scorpions and was flashed out by somebody" Annabeth responded

Chiron gave a sigh of annoyance before leaving the big house.

Peter stayed in the infirmary for another few days before waking and confirming mine and Annabeth's story. Only one problem though, which I've been trying to tell Chiron, which he was ignoring me about till today, Thalia's tree was poisoned.

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