《The Son of Artemis Book One》Chapter 27:


I walked straight into the big house to see that Annabeth was already here, "Hey, how was the infirmary"

"It was good, though I've been told to take an easy with the stitches" I said

"let me guess your not going to" she asked

"correct, and Apollo already yelled at me for it" I said

"You should listen to him"

"Ahh if I mess up the stitches it will only be a couple days that I am out of service" I responded, "anyways just go with whatever Peter says, our gramps and a few of the other gods already know the truth of what happened" I said

"Wait so Chiron summoned us to talk about the quest" she asked, and I nodded

"Just go with it, I'm still trying to find out about the last two lines and well, I don't want them to involve us" I said

"Alright, but don't expect me to be happy about it" She said. Before we started waiting for Chiron and Peter to return from Lunch

"wanna play ping pong" I asked out of the blue after having waited what seemed like 10 hours

"sure why not" she said heading off to pick up the paddles and a pingpong ball.

I haven't played before, but I know the jest of the game. We started playing an well Annabeth was easily beating me, "come on Percy, surely you are more of a challenge than this" she taunted

"you do realize this is my first time playing this right" I asked

"no, but I figured you would be good having seen your archery skills"

"archery is completely different than this" I argued back.

"Ahh I see you two are here and entertaining yourselves already" Chiron said walking through the door. He also distracted me.

"and that's game" Annabeth announced, "11-3, maybe you'll do better next time"

"maybe I won't have stitches in me next time"


"before you two start fighting, I believe I told Percy the reason of us being here" Chiron said

"Yeah, quest debriefing, though Peter has yet to arrive" I said.

"I'm here" and shit I spoke to soon.

"Alright now we can go on with it, what happened during the quest" Chiron asked

Peter immediately started, talking about how heroic he was when he 'saved' us from the furies, Medusa, Chimera, Echidna, Procrustes, and Ares. He also came up with a lie on how he was the one who figured out that the Lotus hotel and casino was the lair of the lotus eaters. Before going on about other boring side things like how he saved us from a trap that Hephaestus set for Ares.


"Good job, Peter" Luke said from the doorway. I turned to glare at him, and I'm pretty certain he was close to wetting his pants.

"Thanks Luke" Peter responded

"Yes good job indeed, Peter. You three are dismissed, Percy you'll stay back"

"Great what did I do this time, pander to much to Poseidon's oversized ego" I asked rhetorically after the others left, though I knew Annabeth was nearby, probably over hearing the conversation.

"Like I said before Perseus, you are making numerous enemies" Chiron said, "I'll be careful about what I say if I were you"

"Oh and what demigod or Olympian doesn't have enemies Chiron" I asked rhetorically, because the answer is none.

Chiron began to open his mouth to answer, but I interrupted, "Demigods from birth have the natural enemy of the monster, plus whoever their parent hates on the council, which is only strengthened when the big three are concerned. As for the Olympians and ignoring their internal rivals of which there are numerous ones, you have the likes of your father and his followers, and then that of his half siblings" I said

"yes but you are making enemies amongst the gods" Chiron said

"I know where I am drawing my lines, and I'm pretty happy about not siding with Poseidon, on internal affairs" I said

"What of the others, Aphrodite, Hera, Ares" Chiron said

"Hera doesn't believe in adoption, and although I wouldn't mind a neutral relationship with my step-grandmother/great-aunt, she seems to have a problem with that. Ares is questionable as I haven't spoken to him since the quest. And Aphrodite is neutral, as I don't have any quarrels with her, and do plan on return something of hers that I currently hold.

"What of Dionysus" Chiron questioned, knowing me and him don't get along well.

"What about me" Dionysus asked walking out of his room

"Enjoyed the nap, uncle" I asked

"Quite so"

"Cool I have this and it's all filled out only requires your signature, before it's filed" I said handing him my injury report.

"Thanks, you're the only one here that makes my job easier"He said and Chiron looked at him shocked

"What my sister adopted him. I may be mad, but I am not mad enough to inquire her rage against me. Plus he actually does the required paperwork for his cabin before submitting it" Dionysus answered

"Like I said Chiron, I know where I draw my lines" I said turning to leave


"Perseus" Dionysus called out

"Yes, Mr.D" I asked

"You left out cause of injury" He responded

"Oh sorry about that, it was occurred during a spar of the Ares cabin and Annabeth versus myself, by a lucky spear shot" I answered

"Ok, and thanks for filling it out" He said, before shooing me off.

I caught up with Annabeth outside, where she demanded to know why Dionysus liked me. "well you see, he hates paperwork, mainly because there's a lot of it and nobody ever fills it out so it is time consuming. I've just always done all the necessary paperwork for myself, since I'm alone in the cabin, and have generally left it in a he only needs to sign it stage" I answered

"it's that easy to get him to like you" she questioned

"Partially, he also doesn't like being pestered about things, insulted, and it helps when you can be competitive against him in his favorite card games" I said, "but don't tell anyone I told you, he may start hating the place for being too perfect"

"Thanks, I'll be sure to do that when I take over as head counselor of my cabin next summer or later this summer" She said

"You can do that" I questioned

"Yeah. I suppose it's never been explained to you though. So, head counselor is either whoever has been here the longest, which is the case of my brother, or if you've been on more quest, which is more of a right to challenge. So I can challenge him to either a combat or intellectual challenge for leadership over the cabin. If I win, he and others can't challenge me until they either tie or exceed the number of quest I do. And if I lose, I have to wait until I complete another quest, or until everyone who's been here longer than myself in my cabin leaves, which is only my one brother" She explained

"but why did you give yourself two options" I asked

"Because I may want to complete training this year before challenging him next" she said

"Seems smart, but it gives him time to train as well" I said

"yes, but I'll be choosing combat to challenge him in, and you can further my skills more than anyone from mine or the Ares cabin" she said, "but enough of that, we have a Capture the Flag game to Plan" she said dragging me off to her cabin.

After Peter's explanations of the quest, I asked Perseus to stay back. However, I soon started regretting this. You see I wanted to warn him because Poseidon is a powerful god and Perseus shouldn't take to angering him, so lightly. I also wanted to ask about his conversation with Zeus, but I have a feeling after our conversation I'll get nothing from him. So, I went on to speaking to my Nephew Dionysus.

"You seem to like Perseus" I said

"only in private, we've agreed to a mutual hatred in public, so not to lose my reputation with these pesky campers" he responded

"you know you should stop referring to them as pesky or an annoyance and maybe they'll start liking you" I responded

"While that is truthful, you haven't taught them anything regarding respect. I'm a god, and Perseus recognizes that, though I'm sure he can beat me in combat, he doesn't challenge, because he knows his purpose" Dionysius said

"and what may that be" I asked

"he recognizes he is a weapon, a hunter, an assassin" He started, "most demigods want too much without giving. Perseus is giving, and rarely ask, and what he does ask for is easily doable and not too much to do. Which is similar to that Anniebell girl and her siblings, though their reasonings are different"

"Different how"

"Athena's kids, know that if they are to receive something, it will come as a request or offering from their mother, who is extremely hard to please, as she expects perfection. Perseus however, has been respectful to all he meets since childhood, I heard. For instance, he requested the council to form Medusa's head into a shield for him, instead of going ahead and doing it without permission, or guidance, as he knew what the capabilities of such a shield could be"

"Wait why would Perseus be getting the shield, it's Peter's spoil" I asked genuinely interested

"You honestly believe Peter's story" Dionysius asked

"Well Percy and Annabeth didn't counter" I stated

"That's because the prophecy has yet to be completed. I'm surprised you forgot about the last two lines, which both of them are still trying to figure out" He answered before leaving for his office, "Oh and this conversation never happened" He added before closing the door, and coming out a minute later.

"Ahh Chiron, shall we play some Pinochle while these campers get on with their miserable lives" Dionysus said, acting like he usually does

"I suppose I have time before I have an Archery class to teach" I said sighing at the end.

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