《The Son of Artemis Book One》Chapter 18: New Directives


"What happened" Annabeth and I asked the guided at the same time, in a voice that you could tell was only full of worry and fear.

He looked at us "But...fireball...chihuahua that was no longer a chihuahua" The guide started muttering

I quickly snapped my fingers, knowing we would need a better story than a mumbling mortal tour guide speaking about the mythological world. "The old lady exploded a bomb over there and the blast blew us all back. You hit your head when you fell from blast shielding me and my friend while our other friend was already heading down the elevator as the monument is closing" I said manipulating the mist.

The guide quickly nodded before making sure Annabeth and I were ok and that's when the fire department came up and into the top of the monument, 'damn they are fast' I thought.

"we need to get you three out of here" one of the firefighter guys said. And one of them picked up Annabeth and another picked me up. I was about to protest and say I was fine, and I don't need a male carrying me down the monument. But I thought better, considering the current situation, and our age. I wish I had a way to communicate with Annabeth to make sure she knew not to protest, but it looked like she was drawing the same conclusion as me.

15 or so minutes later the firefighters carried us down and we were left with only about thirty minutes until our train left. I saw the police and began to worry as they came over and asked us questions, as the paramedics checked see if we were alright. I answered a few questions, before telling the police we had to go if we want to catch our train to Denver which our parents were currently on.

They acknowledge that we had to go and asked if there was anyway for them to contact us if they had more questions for us or wanted us to come in to testify. Annabeth thought quickly and gave them her cell, which I forgot she had. They asked for mine and I just told them that Annabeth is my cousin and my mother didn't believe in modern technology, so it would be easier to contact her mom and she could let me know. The police unbelievably bought that and let us go which left us with ten minutes to get to the train.


We ran the entire way to the station despite one of the officers wanting to escort us, but we lost them when we were running. We made it onto the train just in time to find Peter sitting in the booth we were at before. "wow thanks for making sure we were alright" I said sarcastically. He just shrugged and told us that a Nereid told him that his father wanted to meet him at Santa Monica. I suppose it is not a bad thing as it's within the same city as the entrance to the underworld so, I didn't protest.

A few minutes later, Annabeth's phone rang and a lady with long black hair and gray eyes, much like Annabeth's, in a conductor's uniform came by and took the phone from her. Annabeth was about to protest, but I'm pretty sure this was Athena so I covered her mouth before she could piss off her mother. "Hello, who's this" she asked into the phone

"yes this is she"

"Yes she did make it to the train on time and thank you for making sure that she was ok"

"I understand and will tell her, thank you"

"OH, I'll give you her twin's number, he is much closer with her than I and they meet to talk almost every day, sometimes every other day." She said and proceeded to give them Apollo's phone number.

"thank you and bye" Athena finished the conversation with the officer, I presume, before she turned to us.

"smart to give them your own number, but you should have given them Apollo's Percy" Athena stated and Annabeth placed her hand on her dagger, suspicious because of the monsters we faced today.

I shook my head, before responding, "I didn't really want to bother my uncle Lady A" I said, "though I do use his number to subscribe him to things, with assistance of my sisters from time to time" I said

"So that's why he's been changing his number" Athena stated, and Annabeth just figured out who it was, and had trouble sitting in her seat.

Percy and I just got back on the train and he and Peter argued about why he practically ditched us, and possibly left us for dead. After their short argument, my phone began to rain and the caller id said it was from St. Louis, MO. I was about to answer it but some lady took the phone out of my hand and answered it for me. I was about to protest, because she stole my phone, and Percy covered my mouth with his hand before I could.


I thought of biting and/or licking it just to get him to stop, but I took sometime to study the woman. She had long black hair, that sprawled across her back in elegant curls, that looked perfect and reminded me of my own hair when I don't have it tied up. I looked at her eyes and they were a stormy gray, and I could see the intelligence they held. I began processing the information, trying to figure out who she is.

I was coming up blank and then I heard her mention Apollo and call Perseus by his name, the one he prefers at that. I got nervous and grabbed my knife, but saw Percy shake his head, more so at me instead of the woman and he then called her Lady A.

I quickly began running the new information, and came to the conclusion that it was my mother Athena. I started getting excited and I could feel my ADHD taking over. "I see I'll have to settle her ADHD" my mom said looking at Percy, who looked over at me and nodded.

She motioned for me to go with her and she began leading me to a closed off room to one side of the passenger car we were on. "I suppose you have questions" she asked me and I nodded. I know I saw her during the winter solstice, but now she's here and we can talk to each other.

"Why are you here, I thought it was against the ancient laws to help" I asked, "not that I mind though" I quickly added, in hopes that I wouldn't anger her.

"I've been following you along this quest along with Artemis, and her hunters. None of the others have been paying attention to your quest though, as far as I know. I saw you lie, or manipulate the truth while telling the officers and deemed it necessary to break cover. I also had to prevent Artemis from killing a few of them for and I quote here 'trying to corrupt my son'" Mom said. "I'm also proud of you, even though you didn't kill them solo, you still defeated two of the hardest known monsters to defeat" she said

"Thank you mom it means a lot coming from you" I said hugging her.

She seemed as if she didn't know what to do but she hugged me back. "I'm going to have to leave shortly, and I am keeping your phone for now" she said opening the door, "and tell Percy that my father request an audience with him before deciding upon his request."she finished, and I wanted to ask what request, but she disappeared before I could ask.

I walked back happily knowing that I made my mom proud today. "What were you doing with her we don't even know her" Peter said angrily

"I would advise you not to anger my mother" I said, and he grew pale, before regaining his confidence.

"I bet she was just making sure you were okay after I defeated the Chimera and the old lady" He said cockily, I was about to tear his head off but Percy, put his hand on my shoulder, and stopped me.

I looked at him in a why are you stopping me way, and he said he'll explain later. I decided to sit their fuming, only partially paying attention. Peter went on and said we have to go to the beach at Santa Monica because his father requested an audience with him there. I disagreed, but Percy said that it shouldn't be too much trouble as the entrance to the underworld isn't too far away from the location and that it would be unwise to deny the request of a god.

He said that last part bitterly, which I found weird as he normally doesn't speak in that tone while referring to gods, well except Poseidon who he told to go to the crows. We sat there silently until Peter dozed off, and I told him what my mother told me and asked about his request.

"You'll find out once it gets approved or not" he stated after with a sigh hearing that Zeus requested an audience with him.

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