《Craving Him | Completed》A Day In Rick And Sam's Life


Rick was exhausted when he came home. All he wanted was a soft bed and Sam's tight...

Rick stopped in his tracks when he saw lean legs, thick thighs, and a way too tiny skirt hardly hiding the thick ass underneath.

"What the heck are you wearing, Sam?" Rick yelled. His jaw fell to the ground when Sam turned around. He had a tiny top on which exposed all of his midriff. On his head was what looked like furry bunny ears. His gloved hand held his phone which he was taking pictures on.

"It's Halloween, Rick," Sam said as a matter of fact and proceeded to take pictures of himself.

"Don't tell me you are going out in that!" Rick exclaimed as he walked in and stood by the bed.

"So what am I going to do, stay home and take pictures?"

"Who are you sending those pictures to?" Rick tried to take his phone but Sam moved away.

"I am not sending it to anyone. I am posting it on my Snapchat."

"You are not posting it anywhere," Rick growled and snatched his phone away.

"Give that back," Sam yelled trying to get his phone back but Rick was too tall to reach. "Why are you acting like an asshole?"

"Because you are acting like a bitch." Rick snapped. "You are not going out in that outfit."

"Why? Because I am a guy?"

Rick huffed, shaking his head. There were times when Sam seemed too mature for his age but then there were times like this when he was worse than a hormonal teenager. He was a teenager, alright. He was nineteen for fuck sake but Rick didn't want to remember that. His rebellion stirred a part of Rick that wanted nothing more than to bend the brat over his knees and show him who was in charge.

"Are you even wearing underwear?" Rick asked, staring at the micro skirt.

"I am wearing a thong," Sam said, nonchalantly.

Rick raised an eyebrow. "And who were you planning to go out with?"


"Isaac?" Rick asked. Isaac was his packmate, and one of his cousins. Isaac was straight but the way Sam was looking he could turn even a stone gay. "Don't you think you and Isaac are too old for trick o treating?"

"We are going to a party "for adults"." Sam said with air quotes. "Adults can play dress up too, you know."

Rick gave him the look he knew made Sam squirm. The look that said 'don't act over smart with me or you know the consequences.'

"Well, either you give me my phone back or I am leaving without it." Sam held out his hand in front of Rick expecting him to hand over his phone. Instead, Rick took that hand and pulled him close.

"Where is this party? Let's go together."

Sam looked down at his clothes. "You don't have a costume."

"I am sure I can manage one." Rick let go. "Why don't you go wait in the living room. I will be out in a minute."

Sam shrugged before walking out and going to the living room. Jordan almost spilled his coffee when he saw Sam in the outfit.

Zia whistled her approval. "And what are you supposed to be?"

"Japanese maid," Sam winked.

"Whatever the hell that is," Jordan whispered under his breath as he turned back to enjoy his coffee and check his phone.


"Doesn't he look cute, babe?" Zia asked.

"Sure," Jordan mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me we were supposed to look sexy," Isaac shrieked as he walked through the door. He was wearing an inflatable alien that looked like it had picked him up.

"It's not my fault that you can't use your brain. I thought you wanted to find a girl. You think that costume will help?"

"It's witty." Isaac defended.

Sam was about to say something else when Rick walked out of his room, wearing a loose white t-shirt that was tucked in the front but out all around. The sleeves were folded at the elbow showing off his muscular arm. He wore a cowboy hat, thick boots, and soiled jeans torn in multiple places. His outfit left no doubt of what he was supposed to be. Rick was the sexiest cowboy in existence.

"Where did you get the costume?" Sam asked.

"Just assembled a few items." Rick winked. Sam gulped down the drool forming in his mouth.

"Let's go," Rick walked towards the door and Sam followed suit, still awestruck at Rick's sheer masculinity.

"I am coming too," Isaac said, before following them.

Sam never hated Isaac more than he hated him right now. If it wasn't for Isaac sitting behind them Sam would be straddling Rick and riding that cowboy dick by now.

They arrived at the party and Rick was relieved that everyone was dressed just as provocatively as Sam if not more. He would have hated to have all those hungry eyes on his mate's ass. Talking about the ass, Rick sucked in a pained breath when he saw Sam bend down to get out of the car. The boy was going to be the death of him.

The party was in full swing when they entered. Isaac found some of his friends and went off. Rick kept a possessive hand around Sam's waist, making sure everyone in the party knew who he belonged to.

Rick grabbed Sam's hand to stop him when he picked a beer can from the table.

"Sam," Rick warned.

"Just one," Sam mewled.

Rick wanted to say no but he knew how stubborn Sam could be. So he let him have it.

Sam waved his body with the music, unlike Rick who felt as stiff as a log.

"Loosen up," Sam yelled as he wiggled his ass to encourage Rick.

Rick grunted. He hated dancing. "I am going to go sit by the bar. You behave," he growled before taking his face and kissing him deeply, so everyone looking knew what they were.

Rick ordered a juice. He was driving and he didn't want to be drunk.. Rick smiled seeing Sam having a blast. It was times like this Rick realized how young Sam was. Sometimes he felt like he was holding Sam back. He was happy that he came with Sam instead of stopping him from leaving.

Sam was joined by a group of girls who were dressed in similar clothes as him. They quickly became friends and started to dance together. Rick relaxed when he was sure no man was going to take advantage of Sam.

He was sipping on his pineapple juice when a high squeaky voice greeted him. "Rick?"

Rick turned his head to find an old friend. "Meera," Rick frowned looking at the familiar face. He remembered the woman. She went to the same high school as David and Rick. The three of them almost had a threesome at one point which he wasn't proud of.


"What a coincidence? Who are you here with?" she asked as she sat beside him. Her more than generous boobs almost spilled out of the tight top she wore.

"I am here with my..."

"Rick," Sam interrupted his next words as he came and stood beside him. "Hi," Sam said to Meera.

"Hey," she greeted. "Wait a minute," she frowned. "Aren't you that Sam kid from Rick's pack?"

Sam's smile fell. "And who the heck are you?" he asked with a little too much hatred behind his voice.

"What's with the attitude, kid?" she chuckled. "I am Rick's friend."

"He never told me about you," Sam scoffed.

"He didn't? It's not like you have a threesome every day." she winked.

"Threesome?" Sam asked more to himself than her.

"Meera," Rick interrupted. "We should leave." he took Sam's arm and pulled him towards an empty section.

"You had a threesome with that girl and David, didn't you?" Sam asked looking pissed. He was drunk if his flushed face was any indication.

"It was almost a threesome. And it was a long time ago."

"I thought you didn't like girls?" Sam sneered.

"I don't. I wanted to see David..." Rick stopped.

Sam gave him a death stare. "I am going back to dance," Sam said, pushing away from Rick.

"Stop, you are drunk."

"I am fine," Sam yelled before walking into the dance floor. Rick stood by his side, not sure if he could leave him alone. But Sam had other things in mind. He started flirting with one of the boys who had been eyeing him for a long time. He was closer to his age. Looking at them made Rick realize how out of place Rick was. But he wasn't going to give up. When the boy leaned towards Sam, Rick pulled Sam away.

"Enough," he growled. "We are going home."

"No!" Sam protested. "I want to dance some more."

"You can dance all you want when we are back at our home," Rick said.

"Stop treating me like a child. I am not a pathetic kid anymore!"

Rick knew Sam was hurt by Meera's words.

"Text Isaac we are leaving," he said, taking Sam and pulling him away from the dance floor. They walked out of the party and towards the parking lot. A group of guys whistled at them. Rick had enough, he dashed towards them and took the one who whistled by his neck.

"Try that again," he warned. One of them tried to aim at him with his fist but he pushed him to the ground with a swift motion. Sam came running. "Leave him, Rick. Let's go home, okay?"

When Rick did not relent Sam touched his arm. "Please, Rick."

Rick growled a warning before letting go. The boy sprinted away as soon as Rick let off. Rick was quiet the whole ride. The tension inside the car was palpable. Sam had called Isaac and informed him that they left. Isaac texted back that he had found a girl, and he wouldn't be returning home tonight. Sam smiled, the costume had apparently worked for Isaac.

"Did you like my outfit?" Sam asked turning to Rick just as they were entering the pack property. Rick stopped the car by the road along the trail. It was dark outside, at a distance the Packhouse was brightly lit.

"Do you have any idea how many men you have given hard on with that outfit?" Rick asked.

"Did it give you a hard-on?" Sam licked his lips as he asked.

Rick looked at him, without giving him an answer. "Raise your skirt, let me see your dick in that fucking thong."

Sam bit his lips. The prospect of getting caught added to the excitement. He raised his skirt and the outline of his semi-hard dick could be seen through the lace material of the thong. Sam had freshly shaved his nether region just for this occasion and it was paying well.

When Sam looked up he didn't understand Rick's reaction, for some reason he looked angry. He leaned forward and adjusted Sam's seat to tilt it back. Sam gasped when Rick took both his arms and pushed them up above his head.

"Did you really think you will get away with your behavior today?" Rick's big hands held onto both his arms while his other hand brushed down his body coming to the hem of the crop top. He pulled his top up exposing his nipples.

"You wanted to get these pierced, didn't you?" Rick asked, pinching on Sam's left nipple.

"But you wouldn't let me." Sam pouted.

"Because I didn't want another man touch what is mine." Rick smirked when Sam's nipples turned painfully hard under his ministrations.

"It's not fair. I was a virgin before I met you but you had a threesome."

"I lost my hard-on the moment Meera removed her top. It was a disaster, Sam. You don't have to feel jealous of her or David. They don't make me crazy with lust like you do."

"Did I make you jealous today, Mr possessive?" Sam childed.

"I would have killed anyone who would have dared to touch you today."

Sam tried to kiss Rick but Rick shoved him back to his position.

"Don't move," Rick growled. "You don't get to kiss me, Sam." Rick brought out his tongue and kissed the hard bud of his nipple. "You look like a slut," Rick said. "My slut."

He pulled on the thong string making it tout against Sam's cock. The thing was painfully hard, ready to rip the lace in shreds.

"Who did you wear this dress for?" Rick asked, gripping Sam's face and making him look into his eyes. Sam's own eyes were hooded with lust.

"For myself," Sam said like the rebellion he was. Sam knew what the denial would do to Rick. As expected Rick's grip on his face tightened.

"I am going to ask again, who did you wear this dress for?"

Sam didn't answer. All he did was arch his back trying to get friction on his cock.

"You wore it for me, didn't you Sam?" Rick asked in a whisper in his ear. "You dressed up like a slut so I would fuck you like a dirty slut. Right?"

"You talk too much," Sam said.

Rick moved away, a sinister smile playing on his lips. Sam's dismay was obvious. When Rick turned to leave the car, Sam sat up. "Where are you leaving?" he asked, disappointed.

"Don't worry, I am not leaving my boy hungry."

Sam sucked in a breath. It wasn't often that Rick played on his favorite kink. Rick said Sam had major daddy issues and he didn't want to fuel into it, no matter how much Sam wanted it.

"Get out," Rick barked, opening Sam's side of the car door. Sam walked out and Rick closed the door with a loud thud.

"Face the car," Rick commanded.

Sam did as he said. Rick pushed him flush against the car and raised his skirt from the back.

"You want to be treated like a dirty slut, don't you, Sam?"

"Yes," Sam groaned, pushing his hard cock against the car door.

"You like the thrill of being seen, don't you?" Rick growled in his ear.


"Such a dirty little boy." Rick hooked two of his fingers inside his mouth. "Suck," he commanded. Sam sucked onto the big digits squirming against the car door. It had been way too long since Rick had been so dominant with Sam. He loved it.

Sam felt Rick slide the thong to the side before bringing his wet fingers to Sam's ass and sliding it in.

Sam closed his eyes, nearly euphoric.

"Don't you dare come before I am inside you," Rick warned. It didn't take Rick long to prepare Sam for his cock. Rick knew exactly how to make him pliable to accept his eight-inch hard cock. It was difficult for Sam to take the whole of him, and in most days Rick let it be. But today he kept pushing.

"You gonna take the whole length, Sam," he demanded. Sam curled his toes squirming in both pain and pleasure.

Rick's arms circled Sam and he took his cock in his palm above the thong. He pushed inside Sam, building a rhythm that was faster than their usual lazy fucks. Rick licked a spot on Sam's neck before biting it. It wasn't Rick but his wolf who bit him. Sam's wolf gave an answering whimper. It had been way too long since their wolves had spent time together. Rick kept his wolf at bay since he had tried to mount Sam's wolf multiple times. And letting wolves mates in primal ways was extremely taboo, not to mention dangerous.

Rick kissed a path along Sam's neck. His cock hitting a sweet spot inside Sam. Sam moaned, too close to hold back. "I am gonna come, Rick."

"Go on. Soil the fucking thong."

Sam groaned coming violently inside his new thong, doing exactly what Rick asked him to do. Rick held his waist and pistoned in three times before groaning his own release.

"God, Sam." Rick chuckled. "I am gonna set this fucking dress on fire."

"Don't do that. It was expensive," Sam mewled.

"If you promise to wear it only for me."

Sam smiled. "Promise."


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