《Craving Him | Completed》Chapter-29


"I am so excited. This would be the first gay wedding our pack," Zia said jumping up and down. Jordan shook at his head at his wife's childishness as he cradled their new born in his arm.

"You are going to have a new uncle now," Zia spoke animatedly to her baby.

"Aunt dia," Cindy's three year old greeted as she rushed in the wedding ceremony.

"Oh my god!! Look who is here?" Zia exclaimed as Lily jumped into her arms, hugging her tight. "How is my favorite girl in the world?"

"I am gool. Tank you." Lily slurred.

Cindy walked in a few minutes later, her stomach already showing in the fifth month of pregnancy.

"Where are the grooms?" Mac asked, a hand on his wife's back, holding her protectively.

"Sam getting ready. Rick is ready since yesterday," Jordan teased, winking at his brother. Rick walked to Rick who was wearing a dark grey suit and standing at the podium. His mom, dad, and other family members took pictures, posing for the camera. Mac stood by Rick's side, patting him on the shoulder.

"Nervous?" he whispered in his ear.

"So fucking much," Rick muttered back.

"It's going to be alright."

Jordan, Zia and Cindy came to stand beside Rick as the time neared.

"Who is with Sam?" Zia asked, turning to Rick.

"David offered."

Zia raised an eyebrow, questioning Rick in silence but she understood why David would offer to part of the ceremony. He was Rick's best friend no matter what happened between them, they still cared for each other.

Everyone turned to look at Sam who wore a white suit and walked down the aisle with David by his side.


Rick's was one of the strongest men in the pack but seeing his life partner walking down the aisle made his emotions overflow. Tears prickled his eyes and finally fell when Sam stood in front of him with a similar expression Rick was holding. Rick was lucky bastard to have Sam in his life.

One of the few Callums who voted for Sam stood at the podium with them ministering their wedding.

Rick held on to Sam's palm as he spoke, his eyes not straying for Sam's face for a second. "I Rick take Sam to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance. I pledge my faith and my love to you."

Sam smiled and pulled out a paper from his pocket. He hands shook as he read out what he must have taken a long time to prepare. "Today, surrounded by all of your loved ones, I choose you to be my husband. I have always dreampt of this day, even when I didn't know what commitment was. I wanted you when I didn't know what want was. With you I have understood passion, I have understood love and care. I am proud to be your mate and to join my life with yours. I vow to support you, be with you, and love you always. For as long as we both shall live, I will be by your side–for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer. You are my one and only today and every day."

Rick leaned forward and kissed him, taking his face in a strong grip. Rick heart soared at his Sam's words. he wanted to give this boy the whole world and he probably will.

"I love you," Rick whispered as he hugged him.

"I love you too."

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