《Torturing The Billionaire Book 2》chapter 9


"Miss Luca, be with me"

It was as if all the giddy gasps of shock and the pandemonium of loud untamed whispers had become merely inaudible sounds. Unanticipatedly, I had become amnesic to all around me. Everything and everyone could have been nonexistent, disappearing as my increasing rage allowed me to be aware of my superior only.

What was this damn senselessness?

This, this absurdity?

With a swiftness comparable to that of the supernatural, not quite human, lightening I rose from the chair. My chagrin however permitted me to verbalize no more than these words. "I will hand in the letter in the next few minutes sir"

I had not dwelled on the letter, we were both knowledgeable as to what letter I mentioned. And I would rather be condemned to fork over a show to the spectators.

"Miss Luca" Sebastian's voice was intimate, one that could be described as that of a distressed lover.

Are you not reading too much into this? It is as if you wish for the man to pursue you.

"Why is it that you misunderstand me so? What is meant by my words?" With utmost grace he stood from the large dark leather chair, his steps strong, calculated like a soldier's, he walked the room stunningly green emeralds never leaving my sea coloured eyes.

"I want us to closely work together. Split an office if we must. The nature of your task will be to teach me about the business. Show me the ropes as so to speak. You were the one recommended to me by a credible source, hence you are chosen. For this duty you will be paid independently but also your regular monthly managerial wage will be increased by 75%. Is that sufficient or do I need to up it more? Say to 90%?

Momentarily, as everyone present, their hushed chatter buzzing around the room as would busy bees, I was flabbergasted. But simultaneously almost, my startle was replaced with multiplying animosity.


What was this charade?

What was this man playing at?

Did he dare to believe I needed his charity?

Or his damn contribution?

"Very well sir, however I have a few conditions which I will address after this meeting has reached it's conclusion.


"Your terms?" My superior questioned his voice deep, rough as the ocean on a stormy night but at the same time smooth and calming as the summer breeze at the beach side, the last of the employees had exited the room and Mr. Monteiro and myself were left to ourselves.

"I will work with you as I look out for the company's best interest. I will however accept no additional payment neither will I any raise."

"Miss Luca" responded Mr. Monteiro uttering a low chuckle and shook wistfully his head whilst he rose from the chair. "Why do you defy me so?"

Minus the laughter, I duplicated his actions. "Do you agree to my conditions sir?" Though collected, calm clear firmness emanated from the words.

He locked both hands behind him, the low rumble returning. "Yes Miss Luca. Anything for you."


I took my bottom lip between and sank the edges into the thick sensitive flesh. The act was unconsciously done.

With great longing I ran lovingly my thumb across the screen of the laptop where my beauty's face was displayed.

And you are the beast, I presume?

I watched in hunger as Miss Luca put the stick of gum between her full lips and closed her delicate mouth and began chewing. The act was simple, innocent but it caused my cock to throb slightly against the dark tight fitted suit pants. It had warninglessly become tempting, torturously arousing.

As I scrutinized the woman by way of the computer screen, myself I questioned, ridiculed even.

How was it that a man who had the world at his fingertips, the one thing he longed for the most was not his for the taking? His Family.


At least not yet.

Without humor, I chuckled and shook my head, remorse much like scavengers picking away torturously, gluttonously at my skin. With all I had, I loved miss Luca and our child,

But was I deserving of them?

After all that happened in the past?

After all the sins I had committed?

The sense organs of sight welled with tears but before a single drop could escape, harshly, I ran my calloused hands across my face drying my eyes.

The good thing about the past was, it was in the past.

I had paid for my sins. I still was, for the last 2 years.

I paid for it every morning when I woke up alone. The sounds of their joyous laughter from my dreams still ringing like bells into my ears, taunting me. It was torture, maddening.

When I did not witness Sebriina take her first step or when she spoke her first word. That was payment.

But you did, is that not so Mr. Billionaire Stalker?

I paid for it every time Miss Luca looked at me and pure hatred darkened her stunning blue orbs.

How about the late night cold showers. Those are torture as well as payment. Yes?


Disposing of the now empty water bottle, I left my office and journeyed to Miss Luca's, the perfumed scent of the roses filling my nostrils. A few steps from my destination, I halted. Should I have arranged for the flowers and sweets to be brought to her anonymously?

I shook my head disagreeing with the thought. Miss Luca had to see for her self I was really trying. That I regretted all the damned times I had wronged her. That God knows I was sorry.

Slowly, I pushed open the door to the office and entered, watching as Miss Luca raised her head from the computer her face comforting with anger.

I opened my my mouth to plead my case but she first me, her voice pissed, poisonous.

"Mr. Monteiro, I am sick and tired of you entering this office before requesting permission. Until I am no longer employed as the manager of this business, this room belongs to me and I think it is full time you respected that"

I stared at the raging spitfire before me, the only woman I had ever loved.

With all of her heart soul and mind, she despised me and after all I had put her through I deserved her hatred.

But I was a selfish man who would rather face damnation than letting Miss Luca be. I would not rest until she loved me. Until her and our child was apart of my life. Again.

"I'm sorry" I whispered my apology, the truth from the bottom of my heart, my voice raw, hoarse with emotion as I placed gently the roses and chocolate on the desk knowing very well if I handed the gifts to her she would most certainly throw them right back at me.

Probably in the face.

Her voice venomous she hissed, "sir ,I would appreciate it if you left my office, now." I watched as she grabbed the gifts from the desk and tossed them into the bin in the corner of the room, at the side of her chair.

God knows it hurt.

"I love you so much" I mouthed and when I turned to leave, this time the tears did fall.

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