《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》Epilogue


3rd person point of view:

It had been 2 week since the confrontation between Marinette and Kagami. The two had talked it over and decided to go slow as both of them were knew to this. Kagami had talked to Adrien and explained everything


Kagami pov:

"I am sorry Adrien. I never meant to hurt you. I shouldn't have lost control like that. I deeply apologize for my actions." Kagami said putting her head down.

"It's ok Kagami, I understand. I just want you and Marinette to be happy, and if you two make eachother happy then that is all I want!" Adrien said with a sad smile.

"Thank you for understanding."

"Of course."

3rd pov:

Adrien distanced himself for a few days after that but then they all started to be normal with eachother again.

Marinette and Kagami had gone on two dates so far. Once to the ice rink where they went on their "double date" with Luka and Adrien before. Then the other one was where they went to Andre's for icecream just the two of them. They were happy.

They would hold hands when they sat together in class and Kagami have Marinette a kiss on the cheek once after classes. Alya was very supportive and always found a way to stick them together and watch their faces turn a bright shade of red from just being in close proximity.

Even after the tears and pain. The heartbreaks and loss. They had found their way and they were happy. Right here for now they two were happy.


"Marinette, meet me in front of the school at sunset."


"uhmm ok?" Marinette was confused but goung to comply anyway.

"Much obliged, I will see you then."

*At sunset in front of the school*


I came up from behind Marinette and grabbed her hand and pulled her into the building.

"Ah! Kagami, what the?"

We raced up the steps and quickly opend the door and entered the building discretely. We then stood inside the front entrance. Gathering all of my courage I then began to speak.

"Marinette this is where we first met."

"Technically we didn't know we where meeting but yea pretty much" Marinette responded with a small smile.

"Since this is where we met this is the place I have chosen to ask you."

"Ask me what Kagami?"

My heart was going a mile a minute. I feel very strange but then again I have been feeling strange for weeks now. I could feel the heat creep up onto my cheeks. I stared at Marinette. She had her signature Ponytails in with a cute red and black skirt on. She wore a white and red ombre button up shirt that hung loosely on her. She tucked in the shirt into the skirt. It suited her well. Well guess I just have to go for it.

"Marinette dupan-cheng...will you... will you be my girlfriend?"

I know it was only seconds but it felt like hours. My hear was beating so very loud. I am sure that Marinette is able to hear it. I bit my tounge awaiting her response.

"Of course Kagami! I would love to!"

Next thing I knew I felt Marinette's soft lips against mine. I felt bliss. Marinette was now my girlfriend. This was all I ever dreamed of.

I even saw Longg in the corner of my eye giving me a thumbs up.

Me and Marinette then spent the time together watching the sunset like we did before.

All I could say was, that I was happy.


Aaaaaannd that's a wrap! Thank you so much for being here with me and reading this. I am so thankful for all of you! Now I have to figure out how to be able to make this available so it can be archived . Don't know how I will do that but I could probably figure it out. Anyway, I love you all, stay safe you are appreciated, you are loved, you matter, you are beautiful. Have a good night/day and uhm bai for the last time.


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