《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》19


Marinette's pov:


This is really awkward. Gah, what do I say. Last time we had a proper interaction we kissed! Gah, I kissed Kagami! The girl standing in front of me. I could feel my cheeks tinge slightly with pink. Oml we haven't even said anything to eachother and you are already blushing! Bad Marinette Bad!!!

"Since it is clear you are not going to speak, I will say my share first." Kagami stated.

"Ok." was all I managed to get out. Seriously this is embarrassing. And I was so smooth earlier!

"Well, first I again wanna apologize for um..."

"Running from me?" I cocked an eyebrow

"...yea that, sorry"

"Why did you anyway? You knew it had to come to this anyway, it seems out of character for you to waste time on such a thing." Words then came flowing with ease before I could stop them. "Ack! sorry I should really let you explain yourself."

"Nono, you're fine. I am quite ashamed to have..run from you, as you had put it. I guess I just didn't know how to process these new emotions and therefore it surprised me and my instinct was to run before I messed up further."

"Wow, I guess this is new for both of us huh?" I sighed a little happier that Kagami seemed to be as flustered as me.


Before moving on, I undid her handcuffs and we sat on a bench to continue our discussion.

"Sooo...." I trailed off having not thought this far ahead.

"I should first and foremost apologize." Kagami stated.

I cocked my eyebrow at her. "For what?"

"The uh uhm.... the kiss." Kagami looked down and I swore she looked the equivalent of a tomato.


"Oh! Yea. You don't really have to, although actually you probably shouldn't but maybe not.. ah uh thank you it is appreciated." I really have no room to talk although I can't see it I am sure that my face looks asnif it's about to burst.

We were both quiet not knowing what to say next. The silence seemed to last an eternity although I am sure it only lasted a few seconds. My mind was racing. I was immediately brought back to that night. All of the feelings. Happiness of having my first kiss and liking it. Confusion as to why Kagami would kiss me of all people, doesn't she like Adrien? Sadness, ehat is gonna happen next what about Adrien, whst am I gonna do. I felt so lost.

I didn't notice I was shaking until Kagami put her hand over mine.

"Marinette, I truly am sorry. I never meant to make you feel like this. But I think you should know..... I like you, Marinette. As more than a friend."

I was speechless. So she really did like me after all. What about Adrien? What was gonna happen to him? What would happen to us? Would we stay friends? Would we become more?

Before my racing thoughts could come to a stop I noticed Kagami walking away looking down.

"W- Wait!" I shouted out to her.

She stood in place but didn't turn around. I tapped her shoulder before she slowly turned around to face me.

I smashed our lips together. I could feel the hot tears still streaming down her face. She did kiss back. We parted.

"I-I like you too."



Ok so first off I am so so so sooo very sorry. I just left for like months without saying anything soo oops? But anyway heree is the final well not chapter but the end of the awkward pinning. I couldn't think of a better word at the moment. Bur anyway yayay it's almost done. I am glad for this to end but kinda sad to it was a lot of fun writing this. Don't worry I won't be that evil. I will be writing an epilogue thar should (hopefully) wrap everything up nicely 😌 Thank you all so ao much for reading whatever this piece of crap is lol. Stay safe, You are all loved, you are valid,'you are worthy, you are important, I love you all and uh bai



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