《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》18


Kagami's pov:

I have successfully avoided Marinette for the day. Although I don't know how much longer I will be able to keep this up. I guess I have to confront my fears and face her... to....talk this out...I guess. Maybe later though. Just not yet. I need a little more time.

*after school the following day*

I can tell that Marinette has gotten lazy with her attacks. So that means one of two things . Either she has given up and is just hopelessly trying to find me or she is planning something. I seriously doubt she has given up already. I will worry about it later.

I descend the steps to the school. Instead of going straight ahead to the car I turn left and make my way towards the lamppost. I almost get there but then realize a pencil dropped out of my bag. Something feels a little off and so I decided to turn around and then I see Alex making her way towards me.

I walk towards the small girl, meeting her halfway."So, what is it that you wanted from me?"

"I thought it would be fun to hang out, jeez you make it seem like I wanna kidnap you or something." The girl replied, sarcasm lacing her voice.

"Sorry Alex, I never meant for it to come off that way." I apologized my voice still in its usual monotone speech.

"Don't sweat it, anyway I thought we should go to Tom&Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie."

"...Isn't that Marinette's parent's bakery?"

"Oh, don't worry she won't be there, Alya should have taken her out, the bakery will be the last place she will be." Alex replied waving it off.

"Ok, if you're sure." I said with a hint of worry that wouldn't be noticeable to the untrained ear.


"Oh stop your worrying and let's go!"

Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the bakery. Before long she let go and wanted to put on her rollerblades so I we stopped so she could. She sat down on the ground against a wall. I decided to go on her other side, just because. After she was all laced up and put on her protective gear she had in her backpack, we then walked/slid the rest of the 3/4th way to the bakery. I was feeling a tad paranoid and made sure to be very aware of my surroundings. Eventually we mad it to the bakery to get some snacks. They really do make the best croissants.

"Wait here I will go in and get us some snacks." Alex said "Anything you want specifically?"

"I will take a chocolate croissant if they have them." I answered

Alex skated inside to get the treats and I waited outside of the bakery. The door opened with a jingle and then she disappeared into the bakery.

As to raise less questions I moved over to the lampost near the street. I contemplated going by the walk instead, which in hindsight probably would be the better option. Although, this way I could peak into the bakery if needed without moving. I then decided to watch some fencing videos online. As per mother's request. I had one hand on my phones the other to my side. Everything seemed to be going normal and I was getting finding some good strategies when suddenly behind me I hear a click click click click.

Alarmed I turn behind me to see myself handcuffed to the lightpost. Gah, I knew I should have stayed by the wall. I flip back around to face a smiling Marinette.

"Marinette... why am I handcuffed to a lamppost?"


"Well you see, I thought that this would be the only way to get you to stay put ya know?"

Then I see Alex come out through the bakery door with a few bags in hand whilst munching on a cookie. She holds out a bag towards me and I take out the chocolate croissant that is within.

"Before we talk, care to share your master plan?" I asked since I was interested in how she would have been able to trick me like this.

"Sure! Why not?" She happily responded now that I was in her clutches.

"Ok, I will be honest I meant to do this back at the school, but you kept moving around and I couldn't get a clear opening. But first I ended up watching your behavior to see how I could keep you still. I am very aware that you, kinda like Adrien are very fond of snacks. I wonder why tho? Anyway, I knew that although you might say nonto something like going to the park, since it proved no reason you definitely wouldn't say no to food. I also often see you chatting with Alex over here and so therefore also thought you would be a tad more willing to fall for my plan if she were to ask."

"Sorry Kagami, but I really did want you guys to make up. It's no fun with you teo seperated." Alex apologized before popping a macaroon in her mouth.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" I asked a little confused.

"Hmm, I don't really know how to explain it but you both are different when you are without eachother. Also I don't like seeing my friends fight." Alex said the bluntness clear in her voice.

"Really....I was not aware of that." I say a little ashamed because I didn't mean to hurt others by my childish decisions

"Anyway! I told Alex to have you meet by the lampost, but you never ended up going there and it was too late for Alex since she already started to make her way towards you. Then I tried to chain us together when Alex stopped to put on her rollerblades but you ended up going on her other side so there was no chance to grab you. The same thing happened the rest of the way. There were no openings because you kept your guard up."

"So, I didn't do that for nothing." I say secretly pleased with my decisions, glad thaf I made it harder for them.

"Woah woah wait you knew?'!" Alex said surprised

I shake my head"Really just instincts"

"Wow, those are some good instincts!" Alex said still quite surprised

"I mean she is a fencer." Marinette pointed out

"True." Alex agreed

"Anyway, last part. Then you two went to the bakery, and you went by the lampost! That was just super lucky! I was then able to sneak up behind you and clip you to the lampost! Also you like almost completely had your guard down. I am guessing that is because of the possibility of food. But then again I could be wrong." Marinette finished and then smiled to herself.

"Jeez you are good! And I already knew the plan!" Alex exclaimed.

"ok, you got me. Let's talk"

"Yes let's!" Marinette responded

"mkay, I'm out." Alex then skated off into the distance, food in hand.

"Wait! I wanted a macaroon! gah nevermind she's too far away." I pouted. I wanted more food.

word count: 1198



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