《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》17


*This is in the present*

Marinette pov:

"Ok, I can do this. It is just a normal school day. I have gone through difficult situations before, and I can handle this one. I am Marinette, I am confident, I can take on the day!"

"You said it!" Tikki applauds. Helping to give that extra boost so I can talk to Kagami and sort things out.

Satisfied with my morale, I head out the door.

I walk up the school steps, waving at my friends and other people where we happen to catch eyes. I then spot Kagami. I give a small smile and a tiny wave. Instead of returning it, she jumps and scoots away, almost like a scared dog running with her tail between her legs. Jeez, this is going to be harder than I thought.

Kagami pov:

Did I mean to run away from Marinette? no. Do I like that I have given up and decided to run? I absolutely hate it I feel like a disgrace. Am I going to continue? Yes, yes I am. I guesd kinda like hide and seek. Exept if I get caught I will have to face my problems, and that is something I don't feel like doing.

Marinette pov:

Once I put my stuff away I see a glimpse of a plaid skirt. I practically run towards it but when I turn the corner it is no where to be found. ugh.

I head to class along with the other students. When I get to class I see Kagami in the back. I am about to go up to her but Miss Bustier calls attention and starts class. Then by the time I finish packing up my stuff, she is no where to be found.

This continues throughout the morning. I chase after her but she manages to slip away from my fingertips at the last minute. From little glimpses of her walking by to the sound of her voice in conversation. I can tell she is there but when I search for the source I am left empty handed. She is always one step ahead of me. Curses.


We then get to lunch. I am able to see her leave and I chase after her. I see as she opens the door to her car. "Kagami wait!" She casts me a sad glance, but then it quickly turns mischievous.

"Catch me if you can!" and with that she slips into the car and drives off into the busy roads.

Fine, you wanna play that way, let's play.

*in Marinette's room*

It is obvious that Kagami is deciding to run from her problems, which I seriously don't get. I thought for sure she would face her problems head on. I guess this is new to her and she just doesn't know how to deal with it. Or maybe she just actually wants me out of her life. Though using reason I doubt it. But still it could easily be a possibility. Either way, I need to catch her and sort this out however we decide to move forward.

I need to get smart about this. Obviously charging head first will not work, at all. But Kagami is very aware of her surroundings and therefore will be on high alert. Although she might still underestimate me, seeing as how I have decided to find her so far. I will have to use this to my advantage. I take a bite of my sandwich as I plan my next attack.

I will have to use a sneak attack. But it can't be right off the bat there is too many conflicting figures, also we have class and I do not want to be late for class again if I can help it. So, I will have to do this at the end of the day. Hmm, I might also need some outside assistance.....

*time skip*

after a bit of time we were able to come up with a full plan. Although Kagami had to go home right away today, but I know for sure she is free tomorrow. Also thanks to that now we had a bit more time to plan and make it solid. We accounted for almost everything. Let's hope it's enough.

You can't hid forever Kagami. Operation: find the hider, is a go.

word count: 725


author's note:


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