《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》16


*this chapter will all be in the past*

Marinette pov:

I feel someone shaking me awake. I don't want to listen to the voice. I just want to sleep.

"Marinette, hey Marinette wake up!"

The voice was recognizable but who was it?

"Marinette girl wake up!"


"What are you doing here?"

"I came to wake you up obviously. Did you forget we were going out today? My whole family is out and so we have the place to ourselves!"

"Ohh, yea sorry about that Alya I must've overslept."

"Girl you always oversleep. But like, why are you in your clothes? Shouldn't you be wearing like I don't know pajamas?"

"Oh heh, I guess I was so tired I ended up falling asleep without changing." I can feel my face falling as I recounted the events of last night.

"Marinette what's wrong?" Alya said worry painting her voice.

"Nothing is wrong I am perfectly fine!" I responded putting on a small smile.

"Go get ready and then by the time we get to my place you better spill." She threatened.

Oh no. Alya isn't joking. She will have it out of me by the time we step into her apartment. Shoot. I was hoping I could figure this out on my own, but looks like that plan is long gone. I smile to myself. I truly am lucky to have a friend like Alya. I just really hope she accepts me.

The walk is mainly silent besides Alya trying to coax the problem out of me. It doesn't work but A for effort right? Then we get to her door.

Alya is soon standing in front kf the door then turns to face me. "Marinette, you are my best friend, and I will be here for you no matter what. That is why we are not taking another step until you tell me what is bothering you!"


I let out a short sigh."Fine, but not here." I quickly push her through the door and we go sit on the couch. Then, I begin to tell her everything. From what happened with Adrien until the kiss. I hold my breathe awaiting her answer.



"Ok so, first question.... did you like the kiss?"


"Ok next, do you want to kiss her again?"


"Another question, do you still think about Adrien in that way?"


"Ok final question, do you have those thoughts you had for Adrien that you have for Kagami?" (A/n: that probably made no sense sorry)


"Ok, Marinette if you're worried about the fact that you want to kiss girls that's fine, we are already past that. Now I am gonna need more from you. Let's go!" Alya said snapping her fintom the last part.

"It's all very confusing.... It's likewith Kagami it's different. I then just realize that with Kagami it's much more real and not just a little kid crush where I just have some delusion of being with him. With Kagami it's from real experience and knowing her is what makes me really want to like her. If that makes any sense."

"Yea, I can see that. Kinda like with Nino where I thought I knew him but I didn't reaoly feelings until I actually knew him knew him. Is that what you mean?"

"Yea, like with Adrien my whole crush is like 90% based off of a fantasy. I barely even know the dude!" I exclaim with my arms raised. I then place them back around my legs hugging them. "With Kagami, it's not little fantasies it's real feelings and real knowledge of eachother. I might just be anle to have normal conversations with her even if I have a crush on her.....wait... OMG I HAVE A CRUSH ON KAGAMI!"


"I am sorry you really just realized this now?" Alya remarked with a laugh. "Girl, you are too funny."

"I am slow ok!"

"Yea sure. But like what now?"

"I—I really have no idea?"

"But like you don't feel anything at all towards Adrien anymore?"

"Yes, no, maybe, I don't know."

"Ok, well you are gonna have to figure that out. We have a week off so you need to go and sort out your feelings. I know that both she and Adrien will be out on trips with their parents. So, you can get to work on that. I will be gone as well but I am just a phone call away."

"Thanks Als, what would I do without you?"

"You probably would not even be proper friends with Adrien, ehh scratch that. Oh! I know! You would not be able to stand up to Chloe!"

"Ahh yes that is very much true haha."

We then start our girls day.

Word count: 794


Author's note:

Sorry not sorry for not updating for a little while. But like at least it's here now right? Heh. Anywho, I should be finishing up in a few chapters. I am pretty excited but also kinda sad since this is like my first fic ever. It may not be good but it still kinda means something though right. Also I do appreciate when people comment so thank you for doing so. Also, who reads the author's note? I don't know how many people actually read this part? Anyway, have a good day/night. Stay safe, you are all beautiful, you are all valid, you are all loved, you are deserving of love and care, you are important. I love you all and well uhm uh bai.


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