《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》14


Kagami's pov:

As I lat scrawled across my bed I come to regret decisions I have made, but those actions come not without consequences. For I may have lost a boyfriend but even worse I lost the one friend that ever cared for me beyond my wildest dreams.

I will miss her smile, forever being replaced with tears streaks down her cheeks, face contorted in a tight image trying to contain herself. Looking down in shame for fault that was not to be placed on her, but on myself. Due to the fact that I am an absolute idiot. Letting myself jump to conclusions. Letting my emotions take over. If I could have used my brain I would not have caused my own downfall. For I am the victim as well as the blackened.

I am such an idiot.


Marinette! I excitedly try to talk to my friend but she instead she mumbles something like she has to get to class offers an apology and scurriea off only to be stopped by none other than my boyfriend. I instead of going to class like I probably should have I decide to stay behind and watch the story unfold. I think it looks innocent until Adrien makes a move and tucks a lose strand behind her ear. I am shocked. I am hurt. I thought this wouldn't happen. But then again it could be a misunderstanding, right. I see Marinette smile sweetly back at him. Adrien is scratching his neck nervously. I really hope this isn't what I think it is.

Marinette catches my gaze. Her beautiful face goes pale, I can see the fear in her eyes. She then flees to the classroom. Maybe it is what I thought. I will just have to wait till after classes to see what the meaning of this is. I still must have hope. I can't let this get me down.....yet.


*flashback end*

I should not have been such an idiot. Gosh I am a mess.

"Kagami! Break time is over you need to practice your meditation, now!" My mother says sternly. I scurry out of my room to find her.

"Yes mother."

"Get started I will see you back in 30 minutes, do not disappoint me."

"Of course mother."

I then sit down on the matt and clear my mind of everything. From my worries to the song that was stuck in my head. I focus on my breathing.


I notice how I take a good two second release before taking in or letting out air.

I can feel my chest rising and lowering with each breath.

Each breath takes up to 7 seconds.

I can barely hear my breath intake but it is louder than the outake.


Word count: 464


A/N: This was also kind of a short chapter but at least I got it out like I said I would heh. I personally really like where I am going with this, what about you guys? Honestly it almost seems like one of those stories where one of the characters ends up dead.



Anyway I hope you guys like it so far. I do kinda want to wrap this up soon because I have a new story idea, but I won't start posting chapter's till I finish with this. But like I really like this one though so I will be sad to see it end. Anywhooo, as always have a good day/nigh and stay safe. You are all loved, you are important, you are valid, you are beautiful, you can take a break, and you are perfect just the way you are. I love you all and uh well... bai.


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