《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》4th of July


"Hey, uh there is like fireworks and people in the front, can I go check it out?"

"Oh... uh.. yea.."

"I will have my phone and everything...."

" yea, go."

"Thanks dad!"

Giddily, I close the door then head off to the front of the neighborhood.

I can feel the grass, wet from the sprinklers, between my toes soaking my bare feet. I get to the concrete and enjoy the walk up to the front.

I see a few other people. Dark faceless people. Unrecognizable in the darkness. Meaning they probably can't see me either.


Headphones in my ear. Soft melodies ringing throughout my head. Forward I go. Up to the front. The lights coming from the 7/11 across the street is in my sights. I come out and it's like a whole new perspective. It is a whole new perspective.

In front, behind, to the left, to the right, and diagonally from me. Everywhere I turn explosion after explosion lighting up the night sky. I have never seen so many fireworks at once. I can never get enough. The constant flare of color. I want to see every single one. I can't miss anything.

There is no one here except a few people passing by and or leaving. I love it. I am in love with this feeling, this night, the colors, the sounds, the night air, and fireflies that seem to be dancing around me. Freedom. I have never felt it like this before. I have usually been on my own but never like this. Never with this joy spreading throughout my chest. The music constantly playing through my earbuds. The feeling of being alone, but not lonely.

The feeling of lonesome has left me. I can't quite explain it but, along with my worries, doubts, pain, and sorrow. Right now, even for this one hour, I am free from everything. I can do what I want and I don't care, I don't have to care anymore.


I skip, I spin, and I flail my arms about. I do what I want because I can. I keep a constant eye on the sky. Watching the colors blow up in the sky before me. Every time that I think it might be over then another stream of burts and sparkles gets set off and I watch mesmerized never wanting the moment to end.

Just a little longer I think. Just let me be in this paradise just a little bit longer. I am at peace and I never want to leave. The beauty before me will forever be cherished. For I shall keep these memories safe within myself to be looked back on for decades to come.

As always, everything must come to an end. Eventually I am left with smoke clouding the sky. I hope, no, beg for one last set of sparks to go bursting through the sky one more time. Just let it happen one more time. Fill this sky with color making me never want to go. Keep me trapped forever in a state of shock repeating the colors and repeating this night, for I will never go back, I don't want to go back. Back to hoping for the next thing to come, back to waiting till I can get my life together, back to wanting an endless slumber in hopes of getting away from this nightmare you call life.

As I say a final goodbye taking a mental picture praying to keep these memories the same. I walk back across the concrete. The sidewalk becoming rougher once I step through the trees. I wind up back at my lawn. I should cut the grass tomorrow. I sprint across the grass. I turned my phone light on. Wouldn't want to step in poop now would I. Heh.


"I am back, just to let you know."

Their eyes stat glued to the screen although they might've heard me anyway. I never seem to know.


Btw, I am back just

in the backyard

dont knowif you

heard me.





I hop on the swing hoping to make the night last a little longer. I still had a good 40% battery left so I should be good. I ended up just closing my eyes listening to my music and the sound of the few remaining fireworks that went off individually every so often.

Word count: 735



Hope you like! I did this for a couple reasons. 1 being that I really wanted to write this. And I felt the need to update so I thought I would give you people this, heh. Also this is kinda based on a true story. Like how my fourth of July went. Also don't get the wrong idea my parents are absolutely amazing parents ok. They just sometimes get a tad lazy lol. But anyway this short story actually means a whole lot to me. Like a whole lot. I hope you guys like it. I honestly kinda dont want to post this. Well anyway. You guys all deserve the world, are valid and beautiful, stay safe have a good day/night love you all and uhm bai

- M

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