《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》13


Adrien pov:

I could see the trees and buildings as they whipped passed. I felt like I knew them all until I didn't. I soon found new buildings to examine. I was in Versailles. My father wanted a change of scenery. New faces, new inspiration. Whatever that means. At least it is just in the next town over and only for three days. That way I can still hop over to Paris when Cat Noir is needed. I do feel bad about how things ended back home. I had no idea Marinette felt that way about me. Then Kagami got all jelous. It really isn't something I enjoyed watching. Ugh, why does life have to be so complicated.


I watch as Marinette runs up the stairs and to her locker. I then spot Kagami reach a hand out but Marinette gives a quick smile before fleeing away. Huh, weird I thought they were good friends. Maybe I will ask about it later, anyway I still need to talk to her. "Marinette! Hey, wait up!" I say almost running after her. I see her freeze, almost tripping before blowing out a breathe and turning to face me.

"Oh hey Adrien what's up?!" She askes in a perky tone.

"I have been meaning to ask you. You know the homework for english. I had a few questions and I know you have always been good at the arts so I was wondering if you could help me out.

"Oh yea! Of course ask away!" She responds

I shoot her a thankful smile and begin to explain to her my confusion. As I go on I notice a look of concentration on her face. When I finish my question She then starts to ramble explaining the correct answers. She is good at gramar. (Unlike me *wink wink*) She gets so developed in her words she doesn't seem to notice the strand of hair fall in front of her eye. I get distracted by it. It is out of place and kind of just bothers me a little. I hooe she moves it but when she doesn't I decide to take the plunge and move the strands of hair behind her ear.


"What are you doing?!?" She asks me suprise written all over her face. Cheeks dusted with pink.

" Ack! Sorry, it's just the strand fell in front of your eyes and you never moved it and it was bothering me so my hand just kinda moved it I am really really sorry Marinette." I scratch my neck embarrassed that I did such a weird thing.

"It's ok, I was just... surprised is all."

Marinette then gazes to the side and a look of utter shock mixed with guilt crosses her now pale face. I get confused but have no time to turn around before I hear Marinette pipe up again. Her voice changes though. It comes out hugh pitched almost like a mouse.(😏)

"Uh I am just gonna go now that I have answered your questions, have a good day." She then runs off towards the classrooms. Huh. Weird.

*flashback ends*

Ahh maybe if I just resisted the urge to move the strand of hair then I could have prevented all of this.

Word count: 543


I know it is short sorry, but I will be posting another chapter within the next few hours for sure. I just wanted to change up the povs. Anyway as always have a good day/night and stay safe. You are all important, valid, beautiful, cherished well you should be if you aren't already, and I love you all so very much, and well um bai.


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