《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》12


Marinette pov:

I hum to myself as I finish up the final touches on the macaroons I finished for the bakery.

"Ok, that's number 10 done next should be..." I trailed off as I looked at the list I was given for things I needed to get done.

11: If finished with baking then restock the bakery window.

I then get to work restocking the pastries in the front and moving them around to fet the perfect angle and lighting. "Hey, Marinette can I have one of those delicious looking cookies?" Tikki asks with a noticable hunger in her eyes.

"These are for the window, but I do have a few extra that I baked so help yourself, haha."


I shoot up surprised

"Tikki hide!!"

Tikki flies into my jacket just in time.

"Hey, Marinette!"

"Oh, hey Nino. Didn't expect you to come by."

"Yea, sorry bout that. Chris was bored so I brought him along over to your place for a frw cupcakes."

"Of course! I will ring you right up. Chris just go ahead and pick out the ones you want from the display case."

"I want.... that one and that one."

"Sure thing!"

I pulled out the two cupcakes. One was a chocolate cupcake with a few brownie pieces acattered in it, with dark chocolate icing. The other was another chocolate cupcake with a raspberry buttercream frosting, decorated with chocolate chips.

I rung up the two cupcakes, and Nino handed me the money. They both picked their cupcakes. Nino with the raspberry, and Chris with the triple chocolate. Me and Nino started to chat.

"It's pretty strange with everone on vacay this week huh." Nino started.

"Yea everyone is either gone or like us two and have parents gone."

Nino's mother had to take a business trip to help organise the build of her other building. They are branching out and there she will help oversee the start of construction.


"Yea, Alya, is going to see the egyptian pyramids, Kim has a tournament, Alix had to go with her dad on a buisness trip. Juleka and her family are taking a boating trip, bringing Rose with them of course, and my bud Adrian has to do modeling stuff in the next town over. Kinda weird."

"Yea, I also know that Max has to go to a con, for some of his favorite creaters. Along with Kagami traveling to Michigan. Weird. But! Chloe is in New York this week to visit her mom! Her mother is putting out a new fashion line. I cannot wait for it to come out!" I rambled on happy to talk to a friend again.

"Yea, that's pretty cool. Hopefully we will see everyone next week though. I should get going. Bye my dude, er dudette." Nino said and we both waved goodbye.

It sure is a change, although I still haven't figured out if that is a good thing or not. I guess for now I will just keep up with the tiresome distractions. If not who knows what might occur.


Everything is dark, I can't see. Not that I would be able to see anyway through the tears. My heart is pounding. The guilt is washing over me like waves crashing over rocks. I am drowning. Suspended in the water. I can't swim up. Gradually sinking. My whole existence is being dissected. Who am I, what have I done, what might I do, am I worth it, am I worthy, do I matter, do people care. I am being rated and looked over. My every move being caught and pondered over. There is no escape I am trapped by my own mind. There is no way out. All I can hear is the whispers. The judges deciding my fate. Wether I survive or end up destroyed by my own hand.

The outcome is still yet to be decided. So I am forced to wait. To see if I am deemed worthy of survival. Since this is my own mind I should be able to see tomorrow but since this is my own mind I don't see that happening any time soon.


Where am I anyway. All I knew is that I could not take the words, the hurt, the screams. Those words will forever be framed in my mind.

"You idiot, he's mine."

"You don't deserve anything."

"How could you, you backstabbing traitor."

"I hate you."

Maybe the voice is right. But maybe not. I know I didn't do anything. I know for a fact that I didn't act on my instinct. But still doesn't make it any less true.

*end flashback*

No, No, No, No, NO! I cannot think about that now. It was a misunderstanding. I am not to blame. Ok well only partially to blame. Now I cannot dwell on the past, we need to move forward.

I am a good person. I am worthy, and I am faithful no matter who they believe. Sigh. Maybe we can get over this rough patch. I finished recounting the money to make sure it was all there. I am good. Since I have a bit of free time I decide to take a trip to my room to get my sketchpad. I don't want to have another repeat of timebreaker. So when the bakery is open, I wait there.

I sit behind the register and start to scribble to my heart's content. I don't know what I am drawing but it seems as if my pencil has a mind of it's own. I get concentrated, making each stroke perfect. I think I am almost finished.


The opening of the bakery door scares me enough to where I fall out of my seat and end up dropping my sketchpad and pencil along with it.

I end up helping the customer once I have regained my balance. I quickly send them off on their way and turn my attention to my sketchpad. The pages got all out of place andso I end up having to turn back a page to see the drawing for myself. I turn the page and I see......... STAN LEE!!

(Jkjk, lol)

.......Kagami!! What in the world is she doing on my sketchpad. Guitly conscience I guess. I have to say I have outdone myself. I got everything right. From each freckle that splashes her cheeks to the way her red eyes seem to dance around with a tad of brown. She looks so perfect.






Images flash through my mind of our last encounter. Yea, better not go there then. I rip out the page and go up to my room and shove it in my desk.

"What! It's a good sketch." I exclaim as Tikki eyes me suspiciously.

"Whatever you say Marinette." Tikki's voice dripping with sarcasm as she rolls her eyes. "Whatever you say Marinette."

Word count: 1150



OMG I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR READING THIS I AM OFFICIALLY AT 1k READS WHY ARE YOY READING THIS. I love you all so so much and appreciate you so much. This is absolutely insane to me like what the absolute heck. This one is like the longest I have ever done though so hope yoy like it. Also comment if you like the long chapters or do you like the short chapters more. As always have a good day/night, and stay safe. You are all so beautiful, you are all so very worth it, you do deserve it, you are important, you are all valid, and I love you all so so much and so uh umm bai.


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