《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》9


*a few months later*

Kagami's pov:

Ugh, I hate this.

My mother is forcing me to go on this trip. We are going to our cabin on Lake Superior. Apparently I need to "regain my focus". Since I have done more normal teenager stuff.... I think. I mean that's what I have seen from like a couple of movies that I watched behind my mother's back, but like I don't really know. Anyway she thinks that I need this trip to help regain control of my mind so I can sharpen my focus without distractions. I don't know. That's what I was told anyway. But I do like our cabin that we own on Lake Superior. It has a very modern washed out design. I find it very calming. Honestly I secretly am glad that I get to be in a different country for spring break. Although the weather is only in the 60s it is very sunny so it ends up being warms anyway. The reason I am glad to be in a different country is well complicated.

Ah geez why does love have to be so complicated can't I just like not be in love with people. I am in a relationship for heaven's sake.

* flashback*

It has been a week since I danced with Adrien. It was spectacular. Yup, for sure. Everything I have ever wanted. I whispered to myself, for reasons unknown. "I have to disagree."

"Huh, and why is that Longg?"

"You know in your heart that this feels wrong to you, I can feel it in your heart."

" I have no idea what you are talking about Longg I love Adrien my heart forever belongs to him." I state with confidence trying to convince myself just as much as longg." Now just finish your dumplings, I made them especially for you."


"Oh yes I do appreciate your kind gesture greatly!" Longg said before divingback into his dumpling.

I head up the stairs, it was quite a while before class but better to be early than late. I continued up until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I calmly turned around to face Adrien. I could stare into those green eyes all day. "Hey, could I talk to you for a second."

"Of course, there us still a good 15 minutes before class."

"Follow me then."

"I would follow you to the ends of the Earth."

Adrien just smiled whilst a light pink dusted his cheeks. We then went off to the side of the building away from prying eyes.

"So, I am ready." Adrien said after a moment of silence.

"Ready for what exactly?" I was a little confused about what he meant.

"Kagami, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" I replied happily. This was all I ever dreamed of. I guess dreams do come true. He leaned down and kissed me, I kissed back. I don't know how long it lasted but I do remember seeing a faint whisp of dark blue hair. Huh, strange, wonder what it was.

We eventually went to class holding hands mist of the way before breaking apart to get through the door. We went to our separate seats. I waved over to Marinette and Alya, well Alya. Marinette had her head down, she must have been tired or something. Alya gave me a small wave after a moment. I then turned and started to chat with Alix.

*end flashback*

If only things could have just been a lot simpler. Argghh!!

I decided to go out onto the beach. The sun had started to set over the sea. The sunset had always been mesmerizing to me. The different colors on the same side of the wheel all swirled together. Creating Beautiful rays of pinks, oranges, reds, and yellows. Just what I needed to take my mind off of things.


Word count: 644



Hey, I apologize, I meant to update a lot more regularly but that didn't end up happening heh. But I have an idea. I won't spoil it but yoy get the basic idea from this chapter anyway. So there should be a lot of drama and a tad of angst. We will get to the fluffy stuff later. I will put different ships in so sorry not sorry. But as always have a good day/night. You are special. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are important. You are valid. You do matter contrary to some beliefs. I love you all, and uhh well ,, bai.


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