《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》8


Kagami pov:

I honestly didn't really want to interact with people. I didn't really know anyone so I deemed it fit to just stare out the window until further notice. I don't kniw why but the view was so amazing. I just couldn't look away. It gave me comfort. I sat sideways on the seat's cushions. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I calmy turned my head, so in peace nothing could disturb it.

"I didn't know the window could be so interesting." Adrian chuckled amusingly.

"It just is." I replied, haze seeping into my voice.

" Anyway, care for a dance." I gazed around around me and realized a slower song had come on. I took Adrian's hand and he guided me to the dance floor.

Hand in hand, hand on shoulder and waist. This was supposed to be a dream come true. It almost was. My gut was confused. This was all I ever dreamed of. It was nice but something felt off. I ignored it because it was probably nothing. We moved even closer. My hands around his neck, and his around my waist. This was right I told myself. This was destiny. I smiled up at him, and he smiled back at me. I then put my head in the crook of his neck. It felt nice. To be held like this. I glanced tk the side to see marinette she was looking around, then ultimately layed her eyes back at us. She had a sad look un her eyes. She might have been able to fool someone else but her eyes were in pain. I haf almost gone over to ask the matter but then me and Adrian got thrown apart. After the initial shock I looked up to see Chloe she separated us. She had no right tk do that. Then her butler took out a teddy bear and started to talk in a high-pitched voice. Was that her teddy bear. Pfft. Pathetic.


Chloe got super embarrassed, she then went into a seperate room and from what we heard fired the butler. Sheesh harsh. The party went on.

Marinette pov:

While the whole thing was pretty hilarious, I am kinda relieved that Kagami and Adrian aren't dancing anymore. Then Chloe starts running around the room being chased by... Sabrina?! Hold on something fishy is going on. Ladybug would definitely be more helpful about now.

Kagami pov:

Strange, Looks like there is another akuma attack. Ladybug amd Cat noir should be here soon so it should be fine. Adrien was kind of weird though why would he want to go to the bathroom when this us going on, although I guess tou can't really help it. When you need to go, you need to go.

I took a seat in a nearby chair hopefully the commotion will stay over that way. It would be a pain to change seats.

Now Kim was spinning Chloe all over the place. I have to admit it was wuite amusing all though the situation was not. I did notice something though. There was a stuffed bear attached to Kim's leg. Huh. Interesting. Soon enough as expected Ladybug saved Chloe from Kim and the both of them ended up in the ball pit. The bear got flung against the wall. I watched it crawl over to Max. He then attempted to throw a chair but the hero's unarmed him. I kept my eye on the bear. It then latched onto Ivan. He then started to walk towards me. He then... wait... oh shoot he is coming towards me. Argh, he is almost ontop of me. I then feel a string wrap around me and get pulled out of my chair wildly. Ladybug holds me protectively in her arms. I notice out of the corner of my eye cat noir facing offf with Ivan. "Are you ok!?!" Ladybug asks me with most urgency.


"Peachy." I replied shortly egging her to get back to her task at hand.

"Oh, yea ok sorry that's good." Looks like she got the message.

I scanned around for the bear and landed on black shoes. I look up and see Cat Noir. Eef. "Are you ok, Kagami-san?" I look down to see my kwami with a worried expression.

"Of course, I am perfectly fine." I answered with a tone that hopefully helped to put his mind at ease. The fight had moved to the balcony so I didn't see what happened, but a few minutes later I saw the magic ladybugs and assumed everything was fine. I decided to head home, mother would probably be worried since I didn't intend to stay this long and hadn't texted her I was coming home. Argh that's not good. I groaned frustration and Longg gave me a sympathetic look before we headed home.

Word count: 806


Author's note:

I am sorry, I know I should have updated sooner. But I lost motivation for a second there, but I still want to keep writing this don't worry. But like yay summer break am I right. For a few people at least. Also if anyone has an ifea I am open to almost anything so please leave a comment, I would love some input. Well as always, I will try to update when I can. You are beautiful, you are important, you matter, you are loved, you are valid, you are special, you are unique, I love you all and uhm bai.


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