《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》7


Marinette pov:

"Hey girl!"

"Agh! Oh Alya, don't scare me like that." I scolded.

"Nevermind that, what are you guys doing over here come on let's go do something!" Alya said whilst basically dragging me away.

"Hey I was already doing something, what about Kagami?" I didn't want to leave my friend.

"It's ok go on I will be fine." Kagami responded the gave me a small smile before returning to sitting on the window's seat. I smiled contently seeing her so peaceful.

"You heard the girl come on let's go to the snack bar!"

There was a wide variety of snscks from fruits to macaroons. I grabbed a few macaroons amd slipped them in my bag for Tikki because I knew I had forgotten food for her at home. I saw the look of joy she had when I slipped them in. I smiled at her delight. Alya then dragged me near the elevator to watch the dance floor. Then a slow song came on. Oh no.

"Hey, I am gonna go dance, will you be ok?" Alya asked me a little concerned.

"Yea, yea I will be fine go damce with Nino." I replied wanting her to go dance with her boyfriend. " I found a seat on the steps. I put my face in my hands and watched this scene unfold. I looked over to the window just in time to see Adrian tap Kagami on the shoulder. They then walked over to the dance floor hand in hand. Together they danced. Seemingly invisible in the midst of every other couple on the floor of chance. By chance would you be chosen to dance with. There is no pattern, you could easily be chosen and just as easily left to rot. I felt a pang in my heart watching them cuddle even closer. Her arms around his neck, hjs arms around her waist, head in the crook if his neck. They looked.... I don't know. Nevermind I lost my train of thought.


Heh, jeez I thought I would have been more put together. I guess I am not over him, or them. I never thought about it but, I have to say I am not fond of Kagami being with Adrian, or anyone else for that matter. Weird.

"Marinette, are you ok?" I heard the whisper from somewhere below.

I looked down at Tikki. I could see the worry in her eyes. I took a big breathe before I responded.

"Yea I will be fine." I then gave her a sad smile. She didn't return it but continued to look at me worriedly.

I took a glance at the party. I saw all tge couples stepping back ans forth. Besides Alya and Nino who were spinning around everyone. I chuckled at their performance. Even Chloe was dancing with Kim. Wow that's not expected. But my eyes drifted back to Kagami and Adrian. I would like to say they looked content but not quite. Although, they did look happy. Then I saw something really weird.

Word count: 582


Author's note:

Hey guys, so I will probably post the last part of the party later today. I just thought that this would be a good place to stop. Its written as a cliffhanger but if you have watched despair bear then not really. But anyway like wow. 163 reads my mind is blown. I just wow. I wonder how many people have read the whole thing. Or who like reads the author notes. Well whatever have a good day/night. You are loved, you are beautiful, you are valid, you are important. Stay safe, I love you all and uh. Bai


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