《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》6


*author: this will basically be like despair bear except with a few changes. So note, I own nothing*

Marinette pov:

Me and my friends were at my house for a photoshoot, when suddenly everyone got a text from Chloe inviting them to a party. At first we suspected it wasn't Chloe but I didn't get one so maybe it was Chloe.


I took a glance at my phone. I had gotten one too! Eww, why would Chloe of all people invite ME to her party it made no sense. Whatever it's not like I will go anyways.

*a few minutes later*

"Ok fine, I will go." Alya suckered me into going. Due to having to see what this was all about. I will probably leave right away. But I might as well check it out, to see if this is for real or not. Maybe Chloe is doing this to make up for the fire alarm. Argh, Curse my curiosity.

*time skip*

I walked into the building where the party was being held. The Grande Parìs hotel. (That is probably wrong sorry, but you know what I mean ) I whispered ti Alya how I thought this was way weird. Adrien then reasured me thst Chloe could be nice, yea suuure. Chloe waa greeting her guests.Everyone was welcomed, by kissing eachother's cheeks. Oh no. Please no. Not her, anyone but Chloe. Oh gosh. Our faces inch towards eachother witb obvious hesitancy...... Bleh, eww gross, get it off. Thank god thats over. Ew.

"I wish I would have gotten that on video!" Alya laughed."

" Don't rub it in." I replied saltily.

Everyone was enjoying themselves. I then saw a certain dark-haired stranger near the window. I walked up to her. "Hey stranger." I said casually hoping to spark a conversation. She stayed silent for a few moments. It looked ljke she was staring off into the distance, so I decided to look with her.


"I never knew the city could be so beautiful." Kagami suddenly spoke out of nowhere. It was calm and collected, soothing. I decided that I loved the sound of her voice. It was the kind of sound that gave you comfort.almost like a safe place, if you will.

"Yea, from high up it seems..." I trailed off not being able to find the right words.

"Innocent ." Kagami managed to finish for me.

I gave a soft grunt in acknowledgement, not wanting to disturb the peace that she has drawn me into. We both looker out the window, taking in the scene held before us. We had tuned out the music so it was barely above a whisper. Stealing a few glances every now and then, we continued for what felt hours but was only a few minutes.

Kagami pov:

I have never really been to a party before so I didn't really know what to expect. I ended uo getting drawn to the window. From up above the city looked so peaceful. I had heard footsteps aproaching but didn't really care enough to look away from the window. "Hey stranger." I did recognize that voice. Marinette. I started to picture her in my head. I was too lost in my own head. Before I could stoo my self the words came tumbling out.

"I never knew the city could be so beautiful." I needed to respond anyway so I guess it didn't really matter.

"Yea, from high uo it seems..." She trailed off probably trying to find the right words.

"Innocent." I finished. She grunted in acknowledgement, I found that really cute. It was like a high pitched soft little grunt, almost silent.

I knew what she meant by the innocent. Nust from looking you proabably would not be able to tell that the city jas a villain-creating madman, who is trying to steal reality-altering jewelry which also grants magic powers to whomever wears said jewelry. Jeez when ylu put it all together like that, I sound pretty crazy. Me and Marinette stood together for wjo knows how long to just stare at the city below us.


I sometimes felt her eyes on me amd I also snuck a few glances to take in her beauty. It was very peaceful.

Word count: 705


Author's note:

Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank yoy again to everyone who reads this. I was really just writing this for fun I didn't expect 100+ people to read this cr*p. But thank you. I will try to post the second part to this tomorrow. We will see how that turns out. But anyway habe a good night/day. You sre important, you are valid, you are beautiful, you are loved, stay safe, I love you all and uh uhm bai


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