《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》5


Marinette pov:

I strolled back over to see if I could catch Kagami but sadly she was nowhere to be seen. So then I went home to finish up my sketch. Once I got home I checked to make sure everything was secure. The miracle box was safe, along with everything else being in place. I took a glance around my room. It hadn't chsnged too much since I became Ladybug. I took down most of the photos of Adrian. I needed to move on. I couldn't keep torturing myself. All around my room are pictures of my friends and I. So many memories are plasted to my walls. I smiled to myself feeling nostalgic. It honestly wasn't too bad, not too bad at all.

Kagami pov:

I sat down on my bed replaying the events from earlier in my head. I asked her out for juice, we talked, she took me to a disclosed location. We watched the sunset behind the Eiffel tower. I couldn't help but feel my face heat up at the thought. Me and Marinette sitting together, the peaceful silence washing over us like the sound of a bell ringing throughout a town square. So powerful yet almost relaxing knowing that its always the same. I was so lucky to have found a friend like her. She just showers everyone with kindness making other people want to do the same, she was very clumsy but that is what made her, her, and of course her personality, bubbly as ever though it comes spilling with self doubt she still has a heart of gold. I could never forget how beautiful she is, inside and out.

*next day*

Kagami pov:

I arrived at school the next day, Marinette wasn't there yet, it was just Alya, Alix, and Mylene. "Is Marinette here yet?" I asked purely out of curiosity.


" Nah she's always late, we almost never swe her on time anymore." Alex replied.

" Huh, what do you mean anymore."

"Before this year she would usually show up on time, but this year she is never on time for anything."

" Why is that?"

"I don't know you'd have to ask her that yourself."

"Wow it's a suprise that girl was ever on time repeatedly." Alya chimed in with a chuckle.

The bell rung so we all headed to first period. Marinette walked, scratch that, ran into the room just as the last person walked in. " Your late." I stated blankly.

"Oh, yea hah I slept in late cause I was up late doing homework, heh." Marinette said stumbling over her words. Honestly overall not a very convincing excuse. I will let it go for now, but something seems suspicious.

Marinette pov:

I glanced towards Tikki and she gave me one of those 'that was the best you could come up with' looks. I glared back at her. What was I supposed to say. 'Oh yea I was late for school because I am ladybug and there was a kid falling off of a building!' Pfft yea right. I can't tell anyone what really happened.

"Have to say not one of your most convincing ones." Alya said with her face resting on her fist as I sat down.

I just softly glared at her. Jeez why was everyone hating on my excuse today. Ok out loud it sounds weurd but you know what I mean. Ugh.

Word count: 566


Author's note:

Hello guys, thank you all for reading the fic. I am so thankful I didn't expect people to actually reading it. This was kinda a filler, sorry bout that. I will add some spice later just be a little patient please. Also feel free to comment if you jabe ideas or whst you think of the fic. I would always appreciate feedback. As always have a good day/night. You are beautiful, you are valid, you are loved, take care of yourself, you are important, stay safe, I love you all, and uhm uh bai


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