《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》4


Kagami pov:

Ok so, far so good. I saw Marinette sit down on the bench. It was difficult to stay focused. I thought I felt her eyes on me but I was probably just imagining things. I tried my best to look good incase she was actually watching. I don't know why I just did. After practice I asked mother if I could go out with my friend. After a few minutes she finally let me stay out for another hour. I am so happy. Why am I happy though I mean I guess it is because she is such a good friend. Yea, that must be it.

I walked over to where Marinette was sitting. She was drawing in her book. I always see ot with her. I wonder what she has in there. I stepped in front of her attempting to cause her to look up. That failed miserably. She was just so focused. I took a glance down and she was sketching a sword, the very sword I was using just a minute ago. I felt heat brush my cheeks. So she was watching me. All of a sudden she looked up at me. "Gah!"

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I saw you over here and decided to ssy hi." Next thing I knew we were out getting juice. She had gotten watermelon and I got orange.

"Hey, what time do you have to be back." Marinette asked.


"Hmm well it's only 6:46, so wanna come somewhere with me?"

"I mean sure."

"Ok, let's go."

We finished our drinks and we were then running through the streets going to our mystery location.

We arrived on the field across from the Eiffel Tower. Marinette sat herself down on the grass. "Umm Marinette what are you doing?"


"Come on don't be shy sit down!"

"Doesn't answer my question."

"Sit down, best place to watch the sunset."

"Hmm." Kagami then plopped down next to Marinette.

The two sat in a comfortable silence watching the sky. The sky twisted with pinks, oranges, and yellows. The silence was torn apart by a shriveling scream.


Followed by a loud thump and a car alarm.

Hawkmoth akumatized another innocent person.

"Well this has been fun but I should really go check on my family, you should too, uhh gotta go. Stay safe!" Marinette them hurried off

I will never understand that girl. I thought to myself.

Marinette pov:

"There is no time to waste, tikki spots on!"

I swung over to where all the commotion was. It was a small child. She has two dutch braids in her hair, a blue dress with raindrops on it, and blue streaks from her eyes down. Almost like she was crying unlimited tears. Her eyes looked dull. She showed no emotions. Everyone she saw she pointed at and a small stream of water came out. Then the person would collapse into a pile of water. That must be her power. On the finger she pointed at the people was a small little ring. It was almost unnoticeable.

"Hey, you don't have to listen to hawkmoth he can't helo you, you know this isn't right." I tried to reason with the little girl.

" Why does it matter, nothing matters anymore, life has no meaning, the world jas gone to meaningless trash all everyone wants anymore is just money nobody cares."

" Jeez so young." Cat noir chimed in.

" Don't let the water touch you, the akuma should be in her ring." I spun my yo-yo to deflect her attacks. The poor girl.


" Just give me your miraculous and this nightmare can be over." The girl said in a monotonous voice.

" Little girl you don't need to do this." The cat tried to reason with her.

" My name is tearstained."

Me and cat noir attacked but she dodged. I watched her movements carefully. She was quivk on her feet. Although, I could tell when moving she preferred to use her left leg. Making her weapon on the right and moving on the left. Maybe that's how she can keep balanced. If we can get her to turn on her right foot we can use that to our advantage. I think we will need a little help. "Lucky charm!" (author: ok it may not make complete sense but just let me have this)

"M'lady I don't think it's the time to have people watch out for spills." Cat noir retorted to me getting a caution wet floor sign.

But I knew just how to put it to good use. I told Cat noir my plan and he agreed.

"Over heeeeaaarrrrrrr." Cat noir sung out trying to lure the villan over to him. It worked. Tearstained followed cat noor aimimg shots at him attempting to turn him into a pile of water. He the avaided her by moving tk the other side then closed in on her. He leaped circles around her. She kept turning on her left foot. I then placed the sign on her left side so she couldn't turn. Instead she turned on her right foot. She slipped in a puddle and just as she was falling to the ground I took this chance to go in and snatch the ring off her finger. I snapped it in two and purified the akuma. The little girl transformed back.

I went up to her. Her face tear stricken. She continued to cry just letting the tears fall. " Hey, whats your name?" I asked in a calming voice.

"Emmy." The girl replied with sadness in her voice.

"Well Emmy what happened?"

"My mom was in the hospital, but then the doctors couldn't save her. My dad is having a hard time coping and he... He made me realize that it was my fault. I should have done better."

" No, Emmy your dad is wrong I am sure he doesn't mean that, but it's not your fault there is nothing more you could have done." I carressdd her cheek softly hoping it would help to comfort her.

*beep beep*

"M'lady you have to get going, I can take her home." Cat noir offered

"You got this?"

" Yea, I do." He said with a sad smile

"Pound it"

"Pound it"

Word count: 1,045


Author's note: This is officially the longest chapter I have ever done. Hope you guys enjoy even though I know its a tad on the sad side. Also thank you so muchh for about 40 views wowza. I never expected people to read this U was honestly just doing this for fun but thank you to those of you reading this. Also feel free to comment stuff if you want I would love to see what you peoples think. So anyway you are loved, you are beautiful, you are valid, you are important, I love you, and uhm uh bai


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