
"Hey guys, has anyone seen Rose?" Juleka asked as soon as she stepped in to the library seeing Marinette and Alya studying for their science test, " yeah, saw her in the bathroom she looked kinda upset, did something happen?" Marinette said not taking her eyes of the book she was reading. "Oh, yeah we kinda got into a fight, I'll go look for her. See you guys later at the tower," "ok see ya."


"Rosey? Are you here?" Juleka asked going into the bathroom to see Rose crying. "Wha...what....do you wan.. want? Rose asked through sobs, " look Rose, am really sorry about what happened I shouldn't have gotten so..so angry," "why did you do that anyways?" "I guess I was just jealous, seeing you being all huggy and touchy with that other girl was really annoying, am sorry." Juleka said with tears threatening to fall. "Juleka, you don't have to be jealous of anyone, I love you and you alone."

"Do you forgive me now?"

"Of course I do," "thank you, we should probably go prepare for the test as well," "yeah come on let's go," "ok."

"I love you Rose,"

"I love you too Juleka."

    people are reading<TEASER //LUKADRIEN // KAGAMINETTE>
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