《BISEXUAL(Mongolian ff~)COMPLETED》31
Бэкхёнтой ярилцсанаас хойш нээрээ тэд нарт надад хэлэхгүй байх ямар нэгэн шалтгаан байж магадгүй гэж бодсон учраас Хусог ахтай ярилцахаар ажил руу нь алхаж явна.
Айж сандарч байгаа ч гэсэн өнөөдөр л биш бол өөр хэзээ ч биш гэдгийг мэдэж байгаа учраас ганцхан удаа зориглоод үзье гэж бодоод хаалгыг нь тогшив.
Дотроос нь миний хамгийн их харахыг мөн хараахыг хүссэн хүний хоолой.
Намайг ирнэ гэж бодоогүй бололтой харцанд нь айдас,сандрал тодрон харагдана. Надаас тэгтлээ их айсан юм байх даа. Мангар амьтан.
Ингээд л тэнэг юм шиг ширтэлцээд байвал хэн нь ч түрүүлж үг хэлэхгүй бололтой.
Би: (хоолойгоо засах) Тэгэхээр ярилцах гэж ирлээ.
Хусог: Тэгье,ярилцъя.
Би: Яагаад анх уулзсан өдрөө надад хэлээгүй юм. Бас өөрөө ч гэсэн над шиг сонирхолтой байж гаж амьтан гэсэн юм?
Хусог: Ах бид хоёрын чинь алдааг давтуулахгүйн тулд.
Би: Ах та хоёрын алдаа гэж юу гэсэн үг юм?
Хусог: Биднийг хоёр талын эцэг эх зөвшөөрөөгүй бид хоёр эсэргүүцэж байгаад гэрэлсэн. Хэрвээ гэрлээгүй байсан бол, би гадаадад сурахаар яваагүй байсан бол магадгүй ах чинь өдийд чиний хажууд байж байх байсан. Тийм болохоор л тэр.
Би: Тэгвэл аав ээж хоёр яагаад ахын нас барсан өдрийг худлаа хэлсэн юм бэ дээ! Бас яагаад ахыг эмэгтэй хүнтэй суусан гэж хэлсэн юм?
Хусог: Аав ээж хоёрыг чинь юу бодож тэгсэнийг мэдэхгүй ч зөв сонголт гэж бодсон учраас тэгсэн байх.
Хусог ахтай уулзсанаас хойш эмэгтэйчүүдтэй уулзахыг зорьдог болж. Мөн нэг хөөрхөн охинтой дотноссон. Нэрийг нь Юра гэдэг. Манай ангид суралцдаг юм байна лээ. Гэхдээ ганц гэм нь би өмнө нь хэзээ ч тоож харж байгаагүй тийм охин. Хэрвээ Хусог ахаас өмнө сайн тогтоогоод харсансан бол аль хэзээний дурлачихсан байсан байх.
Тэр охин хөөрхөн,ухаалаг,сэтгэл татам. Гэхдээ хөөрхөн, сэтгэл татам байлаа гээд яахав дээ. Хусог ах биш шүү дээ.
Өнөөдөр Юра бид хоёрын анхны болзооны өдөр.
Юраг гэрээс нь аваад парк орохоор явав. Байдаг л энгийн болзоо. Юрагын хувьд сайхан байгаа бололтой нүд нь гялалзаж харагдана. Харин миний хувьд сайхан ч биш муухай ч биш нэг тиймэрхүү л.
Энэ бүхнийг орхиод Хусог ах дээрээ очоод ярилцмаар байна.
Bon Week-end
He runs the underground. She’s made it her playground. Their time together--the stuff of pulp fiction. When a corrupt corporate conspiracy threatens to tear them apart, they blast back with their offbeat brand of crime and chaos. This story is just one from the pulps. Film critic Roger Ebert once described them as ‘cheap, disposable entertainment that you could take to work with you, and roll up and stick in your back pocket.’ So do just that--and read it on the weekend. Bon Week-end is a novel written in the tradition of Jean-Patrick Manchette’s neo-polar, existing now as what shall be known as the neo-serial. This is Nippoten’s second serial following the superhero epic Entirely Presenting You. This novel will have a rather unique release schedule compared to others. To stay up to date, check out the main site and more specifically the chapters page.
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Residents of the world today only know of the sky as a sheet of pure darkness. Alz is an elf who was separated from his parents at birth due to the village’s tradition. One day, Alz stumbles upon a relic from the past, learning about the world which once existed, where lights illuminated the skies. Inspired by this, the young Alz decided to go on an adventure, an adventure to explore the vast world he lived in. Discover the world with Alz as he sets off on an adventure, experiencing many new encounters, and overcoming obstacles along the way as he slowly delved deeper into the truths behind the world. --- IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is not fantasy-themed and not I didn't omit the fantasy tag by mistake. That said, there is meaning and significance to the title, except that it will be unveiled only much later into the story. Magical elements and the like will not be a factor in most of the story until the very end. tl;dr: This is not fantasy, magic doesn't play a role in the story. --- Updates: Will try to post a chapter once every 2 days PS. This is my first novel so there might be several issues in various aspects which I might not notice so comments are highly appreciated. --- This is more to add pressure to myself rather than anything else... but anyways the story is now part of the pledge!
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Long ago, vampires conquered human tribes, until their slaves discovered technology which allowed them to overthrow their masters. Vampires still exist among humans, however, biding their time for some unknown purpose. Charlotte, a girl raised in a lighthouse, comes from a long line of Memories, those who remember the ancient truth of humanity's struggle and continue the fight against darkness to this very day. She will soon learn, as she leaves the isolation of her island home for the first time, that vampires aren't the only monsters who wear the skin of ordinary folk. Cover by JAWJAWJAWJAW
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Live. Study. Repeat. Tal never saw himself as an adventurer, but the call to adventure never much cared for his opinion. Despite his best efforts, his search for answers on the murder of his parents ever draws him into danger. Accompanied by a group of seasoned warriors, thus far Tal has gotten by on his own meager magical talents, but when one day he wakes up to find himself back in his bed of the night before, he is faced with a challenge he must conquer alone. What to expect: This story was born of an attempt to create in world lore reasons for many of the mechanics and tropes of D&D, but you do not need to know of them to enjoy the story. It's a single POV time loop story with slow paced progression fantasy elements. The story is not one of fast-paced power ups and non-stop action, but as it progresses, the action picks up. There is a lot of magic system exploration on a system built to unify the diverse magic of D&D into one cohesive magic system. The setting is an original world with familiar races and monsters but with new unique origins and motivations. Book 1 is complete. Book 2 is complete and coming out M-W-F. The complete book 2 is available on Patreon
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